Monsters Scare You - Shut Up, Our Song Is On

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, January 31, 2013

Genre: Eletronica
For Fans Of : The Captain Hates The Sea, Cinderella's Revenge, Atlanta Takes State

Probably the most recent Monsters Scare You! Song and  truth is I like this song a little bit more than their older material. It features greater heaviness from the band. I like their older stuff, but this has just a little bit more improvement. The techno element is still there (thank god), the clean vocals have changed slightly but there's a general improvement with everything within this band, honestly they got better in areas that needed it. I'm really stoked to see that these guys are releasing an album soon, that's something I’d be interested in hearing; I'm there is it's a mixture of techno and metalcore. Something that stood out in this band was the techno element as it made the listening far more worth it.
The guitar intro to the song and the softness of the song for a moment was good but then as soon as the screamer came in it turned a little heavy.
Cleans: Their clean vocals have improved tremendously and thus given them a more mature sound. Due to this I could listen to them all day.
Screams: The screamer is still doing his thing, his style kind of changed up a bit he sounds a bit louder.
Instruments: The song soft off with a soft-tone, then kind of gets heavier as the song goes on and a techno breakdown in a part of the song. (it was pretty good)

Rating: 4/5
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Monsters Scare You!-Cannibal (Ke$ha Cover)

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Genre: Eletronica
For Fans Of : The Captain Hates The Sea, Cinderella's Revenge, Atlanta Takes State

Monsters Scare You! Did a Ke$ha cover. I must say this is the best one I've heard in a while. I'm actually glad they picked Ke$ha because it's closer to their own genre of music. The cover was done perfectly and it sounds like a Ke$ha song with male clean vocals and screams if there was ever going to be some in her music. I personally like this song by Ke$ha and by Monsters Scare You! The clean vocals sound sort of like Ke$ha has a male to me with auto-tune, the auto-tune made sense to use on this song it was a good touch as-well. The screamer highs are flat-out amazing. I honestly hope the band ends up doing more Ke$ha covers or covers in general.
Cleans: The clean vocals sound like a male Ke$ha in all honesty, it was a good fit using auto-tune on a Ke$ha song though.
Screams:  The screams sound manly not like Ke$ha, but the highs are insanely good on this song and so are the mid-highs and lows. The screamer did a really great job on this song
Instruments: The instruments sound like they would if it was Ke$ha's band, they stay with the sound but in their own way.

Rating: 5/5
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Monsters Scare You - Teratophobia

Posted by Unknown On

Track list:
1. Enter The Dojo Of Cobra Kai
2. Shiver My Timbers
3. Shirts vs Skins
4. Equivalent Of The Printing Press
5. Mel Gibson Should've Been In Star Wars
6. When It Rains, It T-Pains

Genre: Eletronica
For Fans Of : The Captain Hates The Sea, Cinderella's Revenge, Atlanta Takes State

This is the bands second ep, they bring back 2 songs from the first one and re-did them, I must say I do like this more than the first release. More songs and more wonderful noises to my ears. I really hope this band blows up one day and gets bigger than they are now. They have the talent, the sound, and everything you need in a good band. The techno element is still there, it makes them sound more original, in my opinion.

"Enter The Dojo Of Cobra kai"
First song on the EP, shows the power of the band and has the techno element at the intro, clean vocals. The song name sounds like a cartoon name, if anything this is my second favorite song on this EP.
Cleans: This song has a small amount of cleans, they stick out a bit.
Screams: The screamer sounds like he's angry at something because of the tone in his screams.
Instruments: Starts off with the techno element then soft then gets heavy.

"Shiver My Timber"
Starts off with drumming and guitars, then cleans come in and behind the cleans are the screams, lyrically I like this song,
Cleans: The cleans really stick out in this song compared to the screams.
Screams: More screams than cleans, but they're pretty good.
Instruments: Somewhat soft/somewhat heavy. Synth in this song is good.

"Shirts Vs Skins"
This song makes it back on this EP, One of the songs on the first I liked a lot and I like it a lot on this one. The guitar at the intro is amazing then the guitar gets soft and then has a "techno" breakdown comes followed by the screamer.
Cleans: The clean vocals sound a littler higher than the rest of the songs on the EP (so far)
Screams: Screams still stand out a little bit they have their own style to them, probably which makes them sound so good.
Instruments: This song is pretty fast and not to heavy-not to soft, some parts get heavy though.

"Equivalent Of The Printing Press"
Starts off with both vocals and some drumming, the vocals stay with the drumming which is pretty good. This song was on the other EP. It made it's comeback though!
Cleans: Clean vocals are in this but mostly at the chorus and a few other places.
Screams: The screams take over the song, the screams with the breakdown are by far my favorite.
Instruments: I'll just say the breakdown in this song is insane, and the leading to the breakdown is good.

"Mel Gibson Should've Been in Star Wars"
The screams stick out in a few parts of the song because the effects, kind of make it sounds like they're more into the background. The song title is funny and probably is a inside joke. The lyrics kind of stick out in their own way.
Cleans: Near the end of the song you hear the clean vocals a lot more.
Screams: The screams have some effects added to them to make them stand out a little bit more.
Instruments: This song kind of sounds the softest with the instruments to me. It's not heavy, it's not loud at parts, and it’s calm and relaxed.

"When It Rains It t-pains"
This song is soft, the techno parts in this song sound pretty good. The cleans got my attention fully. The screams are good as-well, but the cleans just put the icing on the cake.
Cleans: The clean vocals in this song make it sound sort of sad and the tone kind of shows that.
Screams: The screams are good, there are some parts with the screams that stand out highly.
Instruments: This song starts off techno / soft, and then it picks up and gets heavier and a little bit faster.

Rating: 8/10
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Monsters Scare You - Monsters Scare You

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Track list:
1. Intro...To Destructo
2. Equivalent of the Printing Press
3. When It Rains, It T-Pains
4. Shirts Vs. Skins

Genre: Eletronica
For Fans Of : The Captain Hates The Sea, Cinderella's Revenge, Atlanta Takes State

Monsters Scare You, FIRST release.
This band is very electronic they have auto-tuned clean vocals and some synth, not going to say it's bad because this sound is good with their music genre and what they do is pretty good as-well. This is one band that made something that sounds good and is different. The screams are crazy good I think this band has a lot of talent and bright future ahead of them.

"Intro to Destructo"
The intro to the EP reminded me of an intro to a video game. It's a great intro none the less, shows they add techno to their songs and are an electronica band.

"Equivalent of the Printing Press"
This song starts off with the screamer, then the clean vocalist comes in, this song is somewhat heavy, the screamers highs are pretty good. The vocal styles on both clean and scream vocalist is different; the form sounds different as well.
Cleans: The clean vocals sound some-what auto-tuned but they're good; they fit with the sound also.
Screams: The screamer has a style/form of his owns, his highs are crazy good.
Instruments: Heavy, some techno bits added.

"When It Rains It T-Pains"
The name of the song is a bit funny; a lot of techno elements in this song along with the vocals (having auto-tune with them), are not bad. This is one of my favorite songs on the EP.
Cleans: The clean vocals are more into the song. The beginning shows the most cleans though.
Screams: The screamer is loud on this song with his vocals.
Instruments: A lot of techno elements. The instruments themselves have a nice sound to them.

"Shirts Vs. Skins"
This song starts off with the screamer doing his vocals then the guitar comes in with a riff and the drums follow the guitar's melody. The techno reminds me of a techno song's beat.
Cleans: There are a few bits of cleans in this song, the cleans sound right on tone with the melody of the song.
Screams: This is my favorite song with cleans, you can hear him more and his highs draw you into the vocal parts of the song.
Instruments: Pretty heavy/techno/soft, a mixture of sounds in this song.

Rating: 9/10
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For All I Am - Skinwalker

Posted by Unknown On Monday, January 28, 2013

Track list:
1. For Too Long I've Let It Haunt Me
2. Make History
3. Oppressor
4. Living Dead
5. Eye Of The Storm
6. Mind Trap
7. I, Artificial
8. Limbo
9. Forgotten
10. The Stange Daze

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: The Plot In You, My Ticket Home, I Am King

This band is easily one of my favorite metalcore bands and bands in general. Their ep "Lone Wolf" was worth the money. This album was something worth listening too and buying. After listening to this album, I want another one and to see/meet these guys. A few of my favorite songs on the album: Oppressor, Make History, Living dead, Mind trap. Another thing I do like on this song is the mixture of heavy/soft songs; it doesn't all sound the same it sounds different in every song, you don't know what’s going to happen in the next song. Another thing to point out is the vocals; the clean vocalist does an amazing job he stays with the instruments and stays with the melody of the song, same with the screamer, he stayed on tune. The effects added on his vocals make the song more interesting too. The breakdowns make you want to mosh/head bang too, another good thing is the breakdowns.

Cleans: The clean vocalist is talented so is everyone in this band, the clean vocalist stays with the instruments the melody and doesn't get off of it for a second.
Screamer: One thing I like about the screams, his lows/highs are insanely good, but sometimes in the middle of the song they'll add effects to his vocals to make him sound like a broken record, louder, or something cool.
Instruments: One thing that I do love about the instruments; you'll never know what they'll sound like, it could be soft, it could be heavy, it could be both, you'll never know what to expect. The breakdowns are heavy, and by heavy I mean heavy enough to get you off your feet and mosh to it.

Rating: 9/10
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For All I Am - Lone Wolf

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, January 27, 2013

Track list:
1. Overthrown
2. Eyedentical
3. Injustice (Featuring Colby Mull of Lakeland)
4. Holes
5. Afterlife

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: The Plot In You, My Ticket Home, I Am King

This is the band’s first EP. The EP is worth the money you'll be paying; I'll say that before I get into reviewing it track by track, my favorite song is "Overthrown". The power of the song is there, it sounds good. The whole EP is insanely good.

They did a music video for this song and started the ep with this song, it is also my favorite song on the ep and one song that got me into For All I Am. This song blew me away the first listen.
Cleans: Some clean vocals on this song, but it's mostly screams.
Screams: The screamers style is different, one thing that got my attention was his lows, and they just sound so different in a good way. I really enjoy the screams on this song as-well.
Instruments: Pretty heavy on the first song of the ep, it shows the power of the band and the sound as-well.

The instrument at the intro sound rather nice, leads the vocals in nicely too. The instruments are very heavy in this song. The screams sound like they're angry, the highs are pretty good in this song as well and they stand out. The vocals in general stand out on this song.
Cleans: The clean vocals get mixed with the screams on this, it's pretty cool though, the clean vocalist has that sad tone when he's singing.
Screams: The screams sound kind of angry to me on this song, the lows are different on this song, they sound insane though.
Instruments: Pretty heavy, a few breakdowns on this song.

The intro is pretty heavy. This song sounds kind of fast, heavy and fast, the guest vocalist kills it, and his screams are fast. 
Cleans: The clean vocalist pops up at random places in the song.
Screams: The screams are pretty loud and heavy in this.
Instruments: The intro is pretty heavy, the guitars sound really good in this song.

The intro is pretty heavy on the guitars and drumming, the vocals start with the cleans then comes in with the screams. This song is my favorite, lyric wise. The screams are insane on this song, there's just one part that just sounds so good.
Cleans: The clean vocals start off the song, then vanish when the screams in, then they switch off again.
Screams: The screams on this song sound regular for first half on the song, then they change and sound different and have effects on them on the second half.

Talk about a great way to end your first EP, this is one of the best songs I've heard to end an EP. They literally saved the best for last. The cleans, screams, guitar, bass, drums, and lyrics are perfect in this song.
Cleans: When everything slows down and the synth comes in is where the cleans sound the best.
Screams: The screams go away in the middle of the song and the cleans take over to add some emotions to it.
Instruments: Somewhat heavy, but then it gets soft with some synth in it. The synth part is a great addition.
This band's EP is a good buy, I recommend you getting it if you like metalcore or if you want to listen to new music in general.

Rating: 10/10
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Genre: Metal
For Fans Of : End Of Truth, They Will Fall, It Lies Within

This is probably one of the best cover I've heard for this song from a unsigned band. After the bit the actual singer from slipknot stops and their clean vocalist comes in. I thought it was still Corey because their vocalist is just that good. The song sounds just like slipknot; even the screams sound like something from slipknot. The clean vocals just sound so much like Corey Taylor, it's crazy. It's a short cover though, which sucks, I would have loved to hear a little bit more of the song. The cover is good none the less though. It is worth listening to.
Cleans: Clean vocals sound somewhat sound like Corey Taylor himself.
Screams: There is no screams in the actual song itself, but if there was I could see them sounding like this.
Instruments: Heavy like the actual band, it sounds just like them too
As A Heart Attack did an amazing job on this song I must say, hope they make more slipknot covers or covers them.

Rating: 5/5
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As A Heart Attack - The Fearless

Posted by Unknown On

Track list:
1. 43
2. Medicate
3. Creating Vices
4. Rise
5. Never Look Back
6. The Fearless

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of : End Of Truth, They Will Fall, It Lies Within

This is the second EP by this band and it's somewhat better than the last one they released. They matured in areas and made another great product, I'm glad I had the money to buy both EPs because it was worth the money. The vocals are still are powerful, the drumming is still insanely good. I'm just waiting for the day they release a full-length. I'd be buying that on day one.

Once again the first song shows the power of the band, this is my second favorite song on the ep because the guitars sound so good, the clean vocals are perfect in this song, and this is my favorite song with clean vocals in them for sure
Screams: The screamers style is so good with the mix of the clean vocals. Something worth the wild.
Cleans: The cleans in this song are spot on, so calm and.
Instruments: Mixture of heavy-soft-heavy in this they get sort of soft in some parts and get heavy in others.

I'll point this out; the clean vocals in this are once again, perfect and so are the screams. The screamer does a little broken record type thing with his vocals which I thought was pretty neat. I really like the lyrics in this song as-well.
Screams: Sometimes in the song the screams sound like a broken record which sounds pretty cool.
Cleans: The cleans in song are pretty much perfect with the vibe of the song.
Instruments: Basically, all heavy in this song very few soft spots.

"Creating Vices"
The song starts off all calm and relaxed and the clean vocalist singing then the screamer comes in the background then fades out and the clean vocalist takes over once again, this is a softer song on the EP.
Screams: The screams are in the background at first then come in as an actual vocal part.
Cleans: Start off the intro all calm and relaxed
Instruments: This song is pretty soft with the instruments:

Right after the soft song comes a heavy song. The drumming is spot on in this song, my favorite thing in this song are the drums. The little soft part is just it's probably the best thing I've heard in song from a metal band.
Screams: Loud and heavy and angry it sounds like.
Cleans: The clean vocals are calm and a placed in this song so well.
Instruments: Heavy - soft - heavy in this song. The soft part is possibly the best thing I’ve heard in a band.

"Never Loo Back"
The guitar at the beginning sounds perfect for a intro. I probably won't get over on how good this band is with their instruments. The little guitar solo thing that leads into a breakdown had me ready to break something.
Screams: The screams always remind me of some angry or a demon or something that sounds brutal.
Cleans: The cleans are pretty good on this song, i love when the cleans stop the guitar comes in then the screamer than a breakdown that was placed so well.
Instruments: The guitar at the intro sounds good, the drumming sounds good through-out the song. The talent everyone has in the band is extreme.

"The Fearless"
The intro sounds so depressing for a good-bit, and then the screamer comes and turn the vibe into an angry vibe.
This is the last song but my favorite on this ep for sure.
Screams: Once again the vocals add a angry vibe to the song, the style of the screams is so good and different.
Cleans: Clean start off depressing/sad/afraid but it adds mood to the song for sure.
Instruments: Starts off soft then gets heavier as the song goes on.

Rating: 8/10
You can listen to their music video by clicking here.
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As A Heart Attack - As A Heart Attack

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, January 26, 2013

Track list:
01. Endure
02. 42
03. Andale
04. Nightfall

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of : End Of Truth, They Will Fall, It Lies Within

This is the first EP released by As A Heart Attack, one of the best unsigned bands that are out. If you're big into metal/metalcore you'll love this band. They stay their genre and manage to do something different at the same time. The vocals and guitar drew me into the band. The clean vocals are something that are worth listening to, as well as the screams, most bands have a really good vocal style and they do it their own way, while some try too much to be a bigger band, this is one of those bands that have their own style and form with vocals, that's one reason this band is worth the listen plus the money you'd spend buying this EP.

The first song of the EP and it shows the power of this band, the intro is a good way to starts off heavy, this song is probably my favorite because it shows everything. This song was a good first song to pick, The lyrics are catchy as well.
Cleans: A little bit of cleans in this song, but the clean vocalist sounds perfect with the instruments and stays with the melody.
Screams: More screams than cleans in this song, at some parts of the song, the screams get louder and heavier.
Instruments: Pretty heavy, the drumming gets heavier as the song goes on.

The song name is a bit confusing. 42 used to be my lucky number at one point. But anyway. The intro is pretty good, the screamers in this sounds angry and the instruments have that feel to them. This is one song i hope the band plays live.
Cleans:  Some cleans in here, the clean has a calm sound to it.
Screams: The vibe with the screams sound like it's hateful/angry
Instruments: They have the mad/angry vibe with them on this song. The guitar has a part where it just sounds insane.

This song has a good instrument intro to it. The screams sound louder in this than they do in the other two.
There are a few parts with the instruments that just sound insanely good.  No cleans, just screams.
Screams: There's more screams in this song, they should good and they fit the vibe that the instruments give off.
Instruments: Theirs a few breakdowns in this song, the breakdowns just make you want to mosh when you hear them. The drums and guitars are insanely good.

The intro is a skit from a movie then right after that comes some heavy drumming. The clean vocals comeback for a bit on this song the screams take over the song again along with the insanely good drumming.
Cleans: A very few clean vocal parts in this song, sadly the clean vocals are something that is my favorite in songs the mixture of cleans/screams and when they're together.
Screams: The screamer does work on this song, literally. His highs are just amazing the lows are heavy as-well.
Instruments: The drummer does some work on this song as-well, everyone in this band is extremely talented.

Rating: 8/10
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The Words We Use - Morals

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, January 24, 2013

Track list:
1. 56 Chances
2. For The First Time In A Long Time
3. Building Coral Castle (Feat Kellin Quinn)
4. Morals

Genre: Post-hardcore
For Fans Of: Sleeping With Sirens, For All Those Sleeping, Outline In Color

I picked up this bands EP 2 days ago and listened to it about 5 times through to get a good feel on the vocals, It kind of reminds me of For All Those Sleeping in a way the clean vocalist got my attention very quickly, He has a voice that draws you into listening closer to. The song is pretty catchy lyric wise too. The cleans at one point sound like he's crying in anger to whoever the songs about. Kellin Quinn is doing guest vocals on one song. I love Kellin's vocals in his band it's his own style his own form of vocals and he brings that to this band so you have two vocalist doing their own thing plus a screamer who has his own thing going with a good sound behind the vocals. This band is worth the listen too.

"56 Chances"
First song on the ep this song draws you into the EP and gives you the feel of what you're going to be listening to on the EP and shows you the sound of the band. There's a lot to love about this song the vocal tones which makes the mood of the song come alive.
Cleans: The clean vocals drew my attention the first time listening to it. The part where he says "But death takes its toll on me it's all your fault" you could her the emotion the vocalist is trying to give off.
Screams: The screamer has his own style of screams kind of makes them band more unique. 
Instruments: This song is a mixture with heavy and soft, the soft parts are my favorite in the song. The heavy parts are too but i like the soft parts a bit more.

"For The First Time In A Long Time"
This song starts off with a cool guitar intro and the screamer. This song is a bit heavier than the first song this song gets softer as goes on and speeds up a little bit. The drumming near the end gets better this is where the song speeds up as well.
Cleans: The clean vocals are done so well, The style is just different and really good
Screams: The high screams are my favorite on this song the lows are good but the highs just draw me in more than the lows.
Instruments: The guitar riffs are pretty good, The drumming gets heavier. The instruments speed up at one point along with the song. This song is my favorite for drumming. The guitar at the intro sounds pretty cool, a great way to start off the song.

"Building Coral Castles"
The intro makes it sounds like something you'd hear in a movie, then you hear the screamer come and in and that sound goes away. This song is mostly screams. The song is pretty heavy then the clean vocalist starts and gets softer, then Kellin Quinn comes in with his style and makes the song sound better with his cleans in it then he goes away and the screamer comes in heavier than ever before and takes the song until it ends with his vocals.
Screams: Mostly all screams in this song near the end though the screamer gets heavier with his vocals.
Cleans: A little bit of cleans (besides Kellin) not to much though the clean vocalist and Kellin's style are somewhat the same in a way but different as-well.
Kellin: Kellin Quinn is one of my favorite clean vocals because of his style. The fact he adds his style along with the clean vocalist in the band itself is perfect. 
Instruments: Pretty heavy at the start the song gets some-what softer then picks back up getting heavier then gets softer then ends heavy.

I guess the quote "Save the best for last" goes pretty well with this band, this is my favorite song as well as the heaviest song on the EP and my favorite song on the ep. This song starts off perfectly heavy and gets heavier then softer. I love the mixture of heavy-soft-heavy-soft in this band it's so perfectly balanced. The cleans in this song are really good too the screams and cleans are the main two things that got my attention and how long the song is (18:13) there's a huge pause then starts off something completely new I'm going to say another song with Caleb Shomo and Sean from Attack Attack!
Cleans: Little cleans but good the style goes along with the song so well.
Screams: The screams get really heavy in this song it sounds like he's angry/mad a little bit.
Instruments: Heavy-soft-heavy-soft it's so perfectly balanced it's insane.

Rating: 8/10
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Kissing Candice - Murder

Posted by Unknown On

Track list:
01. Ortni
02. Rampage!
03. H.H.S.
04. Reasons
05. Hunt for the Engineer

Genre: Electronica
For Fans Of: Dr. Acula, In This Life, Alexis In Texas

Remember the keyboardist from dr acula? This is his new band "Kissing Candice" I listen to their new music video and became a fan from there it had that creepy/scary vibe going on which drew me in. It's like Horror in music. After that I bought the EP and fell in love with it from there. One thing I love is the fact that each song has that horror feel in beginning of the song. The intro in almost every song has a movie skit in it and then the band start playing. If you like the horror feeling in music. You'll probably love this band and this EP in a heartbeat!
Track-By-Track review for this. Like I do for every EP.

The intro track to the EP. The intro to the song itself is kinda creepy and it shows how heavy this EP is going to get. The vocalist's screams sound sorta like a demon in a way. It's different style. This bands style is different in general though i guess that's another reason I like it. It's not the same old same old.
Screams: Mostly screams (I guess that you can call them) in the song, The vocalist has a different style something new. Pretty good fit for the "horror" look
Instruments: This song is pretty heavy there's some synth in it. I like the drumming though.

This song after the intro got me excited. It started off fast and heavy then the vocalist started and it slowed down. The cleans come into play also which is cool it shows it won't be only screams they'll be a mixture of things. Near the end there's another skit then a breakdown possibly my favorite part of the song,
Screams: Longer screams more screams still sounds like a demon though. I really enjoy the screams this band has a different form and style.
Cleans: There's a few cleans in this which is cool. It's not only screams it's a mixture of things.
Instruments: At the start after the intro. It goes really fast  and heavy then slows down gets a bit softer something I really enjoyed

I kind of want to find out what movie they get the intros from I’m guessing some horror movies. I'd love to find out though. I think each intro may fit with the songs meaning? This song talks about "virgin apparel" over and over again. More cleans in this as well. I love the intros building up the breakdowns though it really makes the breakdown seem different.
Screams: More screams than cleans, Demon style sounds angrier in this song though
Cleans: A few parts are clean vocals in this song. Maybe if they added more on a full-length, it'd be even better than it already is.
Instruments: Somewhat heavy in this; kind of sounds the same in every song, but some songs are a bit heavier.

The intro isn't a skit from a movie it's snyths that sounds kind of trippy and then heavy drumming along with some type of edited vocals that make it sound like it's coming from a microphone. Then the screams come in and it gets heavier and angrier. 
Screams: A Small bit of screams in this song.
Cleans: If you can call the edited microphone vocals clean, then that's all the cleans in the song. But it sounds pretty cool. It kind of makes the song come alive
Instruments: A bunch of synth in this, I like that though because it adds more sound to song. But it's a pretty heavy song for the bit the drums and bass and guitar are in.

"Hunt For The Engineer"
The intro is a girl screaming, lovely isn't it? Then it started with some good guitar riffs and then the vocalist comes in and everything gets heavy the synth is in this; it adds to the horror of the song and makes it come alive. The bit of high screams was pretty good to listen to then the skit "haha" was a good touch.
Screams: The screams were the same besides the little high you hear in the middle of the song.
Cleans: The clean vocalist is near the end more in this song to end it off.
Instruments: Synths in this. I really like the synth in all honesty, it just fits well with the sound of the band. It's a heavy song though. The end intro track really matched the song title.

Rating: 7/10
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In The Name Of - Evoker

Posted by Unknown On

Track list:
1. Portrait of Grey
2. Unbound
3. Whatever Helps You Sleep
4. Day 4
5. No Cyril, When They’re Dead They’re Just Hookers
6. Evoker (Ft. Nick Arthur)
7. Discord (Ft. Sean Neumann)
8. Apotheosis
9. The Truth Behind Truths
10. Revengeance
11. This Will All Make Sense Soon
12. New Noise (Refused Cover)

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: Molotov Solution, Letlive, Auguest Burns Red

This band has some demos but some of the demos are on the album as a finished product. They've been streaming the album for a good bit, so I thought I'd pop a review on it and help build their fan base a little bit. This band has a true amount of talent. Vocals, Drums, Bass, Guitar; everything is there talent wise. Good lyrics and amazing song structuring. The first song was a good starter song, it shows the power of this band. The guest vocalists are pretty good as-well. Nick Arthur is on my top 20 vocalists as well as Tyler Smalls from In The Name Of. Some songs on this album you have to check out are Evoker, Unbound  New Noise, Day 4, No Cyril, When They're Dead They're Just Hookers. The reasons why these songs stand out:  Evoker has Nick Arthur and Tyler smalls; two amazing vocalists on one track. Unbound is my favorite song by this band and the song that got me listening to them. New Noise is probably the BEST cover of this and a great ending to the album; the vocalist says "thank you" at the end because he's thanking you for listening to this album/song. But once you listen to this cover you'll want to listen to it over and over again. It's just one of those songs that get you hooked. Day 4 has a heavy intro to it, which is one of the top songs on this album. The intro draws you into the song. The cleans in this song got my attention, as well as the intro. No Cyril, When They're Dead They're Just Hookers, The title got me wondering what it would sound like at first and it turned out really good. The name is kind of confusing. This song has shown more of the clean vocals in the album then changes to screams. The clean vocals in this album are my favorite, as well as the guitar. The guitar is one reason I like this song, everything on this album is perfect and I do think you should give this band a chance and listen to their album.
Cleans: The clean vocals stick out on the album a bit. There's not a lot of cleans but the few parts there are just fit into the song perfectly. Not just randomly put and not match the songs, It matches the song/mood/tone
Screams: I'd say there's a tons of screams in this but the screams are unique the style and form are a bit different then you'd usually in bands, Most bands use the same type of screams with a different sound, this band uses a completely different style in the vocals.
Instruments: The instruments are heavy-soft-heavy. It's a good mixture not just heavy-heavy-heavy there's some changes in it. Enough to get your attention and keep it until the song ends, then it starts over again.
The album has no set release date, sadly.

But you can stream it by clicking here
Rating: 10/10!
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You Can't Miss The Bear - Sound of the Apocalypse

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Track list:
1. Optimal Killzone
2. I Don't Believe In Miracles, I Believe In Pittsburgh
3. One Day We're Gonna Look Back On This And Hit A Parked Car

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: The Word Alive, Like Moths To Flames, Oh, Sleeper

A local band from Cleveland, A pretty good one at that I must say. The intro track was pretty funny. It was a punch line from a movie "you can't miss the bear, it'll tear you open like a present from your mamma on Christmas morning" a perfect way to use movies to a intro track which makes it somewhat funnier to listen too.

"Optimal Killzone"
Basically the intro track to this small 3 song demo. The first few seconds are the best with that little skit. It was pretty funny to me. The song is good itself as-well.
Cleans: For a little bit the clean vocals are  in the song.
Screams: Mostly screams in the song. Kind of sounds pissed off, Which is good to show some mood in songs and vocal tones.
Instruments: Pretty Heavy for a intro track.

"I Don't Believe In Miracles, I Believe In Pittsburgh"
I didn't get the title. I think it's an inside joke with the bands, The first few seconds you hear the screamer then the guitar/bass/drums come in quickly. Probably one of my favorite songs on this demo. The little snyth thingy was a bit trippy though.
Cleans: The clean vocals are mixed in with the screams near the end. On-balance with each other which is pretty good
Screams: Basically all screams mixed in with some cleans. the whole demo is like this which is good. The screams/cleans are insanely good.
Instruments: Theirs a little synth part in the middle, other than that little soft-spot this song is really heavy.

"One Day We're Gonna Look Back On This And Hit A Parked Car"
Same as the other, probably an inside joke with the band on the title. This one starts off a little differently than the others. Starts off with the cleans the goes from there. Save the best for last! This song is probably my second favorite song on this demo.
Cleans; The clean vocals start this song off and then they're gone for a bit then comeback.
Screams: They're here as-well they're balanced a bit with the clean vocalist.
Instruments: They go like this heavy-soft-heavy it changes up a bit which is good.
This is only the demos for a bigger release coming. Hopefully!

Rating: 3/5
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Chomp Chomp Attack! - How Do You Like Me Now

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, January 20, 2013

Track list: 
1. For A Loss Of Words
2. Falling With Broken Wings 
3. How Do You Like Me Now 
4. Not So Happily Ever After 
5. Her Bleeding Smile 
6. From Dreams To Reality

Genre: Post-Hardcore
For Fans Of: Black Veil Brides,  All As One, For Fear Itself

There are a lot of talented un-signed bands in this scene and this is one of them for sure. I picked up this EP around the date it came out. I was impressed first listen. Their lyrics match the song name it's basically something that's worth listening to. If you're like me I had to keep listening to it once wasn't enough. I hope this band gets picked up soon, They'd do good on a label and probably do good at drawing in a crowd to come to a show. Track-by-Track review for this EP!

"For A Loss Of Words"
Basically the intro track the orchestra is a good touch as an intro sounds something like an old movie getting to the good parts like someone’s about to die, you can also hear a girls voice saying something but you can't hear it. Near the end it leads to the next song.

"Falling With Broken Wings"
As I said the intro leads right into this song, you hear the guitars then quickly come the screamer, The lyrics in this song are pretty good with the vocalists tone in his vocals. Pretty heavy also, Second favorite song on this EP.
Cleans: The clean vocals amaze me so much, they fit so well with the song.
Screams: The first type of vocals you hear. The highs are INSANE.
Instruments: Heavy on the first song. I love the drumming so much and the guitar riffs.

"How You Like Me Now"
I remember watching the music video for this and saying "Damn, These guys are going to go far" This is my favorite song on the EP. It's heavy and the lyrics are brilliant to say the least.
Cleans: They're pretty good in this song on key and fit perfectly with the mood.
Screams: The lows are pretty good. The highs are well there's not a word to fit how good the highs are the screamer is defiantly really good.
Instruments: As I've said, Heavy. There are some good riffs in this song.

"Her Bleeding Smile"
This song seems like one of the best lyrical and drumming wise and the ending "speech" type thing was a great add-on, The screams at the end are just perfect the cleans are perfect as-well. The song name and the song tone goes well together.
Cleans: The clean vocals are well-done. Some of the best on the EP
Screams: The screamer just really amazes me, I really want to hear more in the future from this band. The screamer got my attention.
Instruments: It seems somewhat softer then the rest of the songs.

"From Dreams To Reality"
I always got sad inside when this song came on because it means it's the end of this great ep. I really hope an album comes soon I'll pick it up as soon as i can. This band needs to get signed. Honestly they'd be the best pick for contract and a few headliners. This song is my favorite with cleans. It just seems like one big speech when he does his cleans. My third favorite none-the les.
Cleans: My favorite thing about this song is the cleans it sounds like a speech in a way.
Screams: The screams in this song are insane. The highs are scary good.
Instruments: They sound a little bit softer in this song. Good nonetheless.

Rating: 7/10
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Caleb Shomo, Max Green, Craig Mabbit - All That I'm About

Posted by Unknown On Friday, January 18, 2013

Genre: Techno
For Fans Of: Escape The Fate, Attack Attack!, Beartooth

This was a pretty old song, it was released in '09 I picked this because I don't think many people knew this was ever released. It wasn't an actual song, I’m pretty sure it was just for fun. It's basically auto-tuned the whole way with some techno background. I personally like this song because it was DJ Clubs only song I’ve heard. (Dj Club is Caleb Shomo solo project before joining Attack Attack) The song is pretty good lyric wise, the program he used for the vocals is really good. It's not Attack Attack or Escape The Fates style of music what-so ever. But I think it's pretty good for a song of its type. The lyrics make it seem like it's a love song.
Vocals: I can only do a "breakdown" of the vocals. The vocals are pretty good (they're auto-tuned) but as I said the program used is what it is intended too. Not some lame auto-tune like in most songs.

Rating 2/5

Codee Carle - My Hands. My Heart.

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, January 17, 2013

Genre: Rock
For Fans Of: Hollywood Red, When We Were Dead, Sliverstein

For people that like mainly clean vocals, I recommend this song because it's mostly cleans with a tiny bit of screams added. The lyrics are pretty deep, but who doesn't like songs with actual meaning or a tie into the vocalists or someone’s life? I wouldn't recommend this song to someone that likes really heavy things to be honest. It's not that heavy, but it's still good. The "High" clean vocals are my favorite part of the songs. I don't know what it is but Codee's vocals catch every emotion that this song could display to the listener. The lyrics are pretty catchy as well. This song would be one that'd a couple that broke up would play over and over again. I honestly couldn't see anyone ever hating this song because there's nothing that makes it bad at all.
Vocals: Mostly cleans vocals. They catch the emotions of the singer which is pretty good. You can tell he's upset in the song his vocals display that.
Screams: Screams are mostly in the chorus. The first part of the scream vocals are at "My past is dead" which that kind of shows some hate/anger which fits the songs meaning.
Instruments: Pretty  repetitive  Not heavy. But soft to show the emotion in the song.

Rating: 3/5
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Voices - The Warden & The Whisper

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, January 13, 2013

Track list:
1. Anathema
2. Hostage
3. Three Can Keep a Secret If Two Are Dead
4. Anniversary
5. Discovering Diamonds

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: That's Outrageous, Make Me Famous, The Devil Wears Prada

To start this band has some sick vocals and the first song is brutal. 2 songs in and I have already fallen in love with the EP i bought it on iTunes expecting it to be something that sounds the same as almost every band and instead got something that's new and heavy. Your jaws will drop after listening to this EP. A full album hopefully in the future!

This is basically the intro track to the EP. The first thing you hear is a alarm and whispers and noises. Kind of makes you feel like you're in a prison that's haunted and then you hear the guitars along with the noises then the drums then the vocalist comes into play.
Screams: Basically near the end pretty good to start off the ep the screamer does a terrific job to give the prison vibe
Instruments: The guitar at the start gave me chills a little. Basically a heavy drumming and guitar to start off this ep!

This is where you hear the clean vocalist the intro is pretty sick and the screams to go along with the instruments. The screams remind me of a ghost/demon type thing. Kind of gave me some chills. This bands screams are an amazing fit for the title of the ep. The clean vocals on this song are pretty good.
Cleans: You get to hear some cleans in this song pretty good. The way they're placed is a good touch too.
Screams: Literally gives me chills. It's like a ghost/demo you'd hear in hell. The screamer is on my top scream vocalists for sure!
Instruments: Not really soft here, more heaviness.

"Three Can Keep a Secret If Two Are Dead "
I like the title of the song. This is probably one of my favorite songs off the EP as well. This song as some synth in it. The intro is pretty heavy and leads to a breakdown. This songs vocal are my favorite.
Cleans: The clean vocals are pretty good as always kinds of different then what’d you hear from a band but I'm not complaining.
Screams: I honestly can't get over how good the screams are on this. The screams remind me so much of a demon for some reason. It's like I've heard it on a movie before but I can't name it.
Instruments: Heavy! Brutal! You name it. They really make it heavy. they don't stop to go soft for a minute!

Near the end of this song is my favorite drumming. I thought it was a good ending to this song. This is my second favorite song off this EP. The intro is soft but they change that as soon as the screamer comes into play. The lyrics are catchy too
Cleans: The lyrics that the clean vocalist sings. Something I like. Cleans are mostly at the chorus on this
Screams: Still sounding like the demon. Sounds like the vocalist has some demons inside him he wants to get out.
Instruments: Some pretty amazing guitars at the start and the song starts off a little bit soft. Then kicks into gear and gear and gets heavy

"Discovering Diamonds"
Longest song on the EP and the heaviest! So much screaming in the song, they went hard in the paint on this song.
I like the drumming the most on this along with the some great guitar riffs! The lyrics are pretty good too this song has almost every element to make the perfect metal song in it. The clean vocals are actually pretty sick and fit so well with the song.
Cleans: The clean vocals are sick as they could be, but they’re mostly at the chorus though and the end of the song.
Screams: Mostly screams on this song. The lows are pretty good, still sounding demonic, but good.
Instruments: The heaviest the drums have been the guitar riffs are pretty good as well.
Basically you'll love this ep.

Rating: 8/10
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