Attila - About That Life

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Track list:
1. Middle Fingers Up
2. Hellrasier
3. Rageaholics
4. Backtalk
5. Leave A Message...
6. About That Life
7. Thug Life
8. Break Shit
9. Gimmicks And Lie$
10. Callout
11. Unforgiveable
12. Shots For The Boys
13. Party With The Devil
14. The New Kings

Genre: Deathcore
For Fans Of: Upon A Burning Body, Emmure, Dr Acula.

"About That Life" is Attila’s newest album, and honestly, if you know Attila they’re basically party metal, and for the most part they're all about partying, drugs, revenge and all of the stuff that’s basically illegal to do. If you’re a fan of that kind of stuff, and have yet to listen to Attila for only god knows why, then you should probably stop reading this and look them up so you’re not completely clueless during this review. Okay, well first off for any old Attila fan, you’d know they’re offensive in some way or they try to be. This album is highly offensive, and I don’t recommend it if you don’t like that type of stuff. But if you didn't like it, I don’t see why you’d listen to Attila in the first place? This album was basically made for the average teenager in my honest opinion. Attila are musically and lyrically geniuses when it comes party metal, and that really can’t be fought against in any way possible. Attila is heavy on the music and party in the lyrics. They’re a really good band even though people may fight about what they choose to write about, and people may call them untalented, but that doesn't mean they are not talented. They’re very talented, they just show it in a different way. I honestly give Attila props for writing music they want, and not trying to be like everyone else in the scene. A few songs that stood out on this album would be: "Hellraiser", "Rageholics", "Leave A Message…"”Break Shit", ”Gimmicks And Lie$", "Callout", "Unforgivable", and "The New Kings". I know I probably named more songs than I usually do, but you’re going to see why I did. Two of the songs are interludes, so I didn't really count them as songs at first, but you’ll see why they’re listed as songs that stood out. "Hellrasier" is the second song on the album. It definitely gets you off your feet, and has a really heavy sound to it, which only makes it way better. In a way, I kind of wish this was the first song on the album. But, "Middle Fingers Up" was probably their best choice of a first song because of the intro to the song. It just ties in pretty well with the album. "Rageholics" sounds like the song "Rage”, which pretty much got Attila big. It’s like a part two, or that’s how I kind of see the song being. It’s a great song either way, and it shows Attila’s party influences pretty well. It’s definitely one of the more partying influenced songs. "Leave A Message…" is an interlude, and a very funny one if you ask me. It’s basically their manager telling them how they didn't go softer, that they got more offensive, and how Attila is going to make him lose his backing, and everything of that sort. I think he should have saw that coming? Why write a less offensive album, when you can write one highly offensive, and make more money? "Break Shit" is definitely a song that they should play at warped tour if they want to see kids get crazy in the pits. It’s one of those songs that will make kids mosh hard, and if they want to see violence it’s definitely this song they’d see it with. "Gimmicks And Lie$" is another interlude, but this interlude goes straight into "Callout". Oh boy, there’s a lot of things I can say about "Callout", but I’ll straight give Fronz, and the boys in Attila, their props for not writing a song about someone and not even say their names what so ever. "Callout" is definitely going to be the song that will get Attila hated by kids, and everyone else who likes the people named and called out in the song. But honestly, I can see where the band is coming from when naming the people. They've all done some things that are quite questionable, but I’d have to agree with what they say about how the scene is full of Gimmicks And Lies. There are a very few bands that are true to what they say, the others really aren't, they just want the money they’d get by saying it. At the end of "Callout", even though it will probably make this review seem immature, that part is needed, seriously. The ending just makes you want to replay the song over, and over again. Now for "Unforgivable", this song is one of the songs that the band said would be about fake friends, who talk bad about you behind your back, and you can honestly understand that throughout the song. Overall, the song is pretty good for the factor of revenge, and it’s about a fake friend, or someone who wouldn't confront you, but say it all to your back. One thing the vocalist does in this song, is what he’s noticed for when it comes to vocals, is his really fast vocals. He does them a little bit in the song. He does it in a few other songs too, which is something when I first listened to the album, I wanted to hear more of. It’s a phenomenal vocal technique. I've heard a lot of bands try to copy this technique, but none of them do it as well as Fronz does. None of them really come close to his vocal style either, which just makes Attila more talented. "The New Kings" is sadly the last song on the album, but the good news is that they didn't go soft when ending off their album. They went heavy, and it seems like they wanted it to end on a good note, and they definitely did just that. "The New Kings" and "Middle Fingers Up" were definitely the best two songs I've ever heard on a release for an intro, and an outro. They basically ended, and started the album on good notes, and with that being said, this album is probably one of the better albums coming out this year for a band.  I only hope that the next Attila album is a little bit more offensive, and that they improve their musical talents to go even heavier.
Screams: There really aren't any clean vocals on this album besides the little parts where Fronz is talking, which I won’t count as clean vocals. I’ll definitely give Attila’s vocalist a lot of props for this album, as well as every bit of music he makes with his vocals. He’s one of a kind when it comes to vocalist. He has a sound, a voice, and a technique many people can’t pull off, even though people seem to always copy the style. They never compare, or even come close to sounding like Fronz, which is something I give him props for. I can only hope in future releases that he improves the sound a little bit, and makes his vocals sound even better. I honestly hope he keeps doing his fast vocals. If he ever stops doing that I’ll probably cry, because that type of a vocal technique makes the music even more interesting to listen to.

Rating: 10/10
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