Interview - Alexia Rodriguez

Posted by Unknown On Friday, August 9, 2013

I had the time to talk to the one and only Alexia Rodriguez from the band Eyes Set To Kill. You can read the interview down below!

1.What does being in Eyes Set To Kill mean to you? I know that the band has been out since 2003, and has been doing some great things in it's run, but what does it mean to you? What are the emotions, and feelings that you get when getting on stage with the rest of the band?

Alexia: I started the band with my sister and we have been through a lot of ups and downs but the band to me is my baby. Eyes Set To Kill has been the only therapy for me because writing songs and relating to people really clears my head when I feel a lil crazy. I always hoped we would be able to tour the world and its insane that our music has made that dream become reality.

2. So I saw that Alex, from Suicide Silence, did some of the drums for the new album "Masks". What was it like to have him in the studio with you guys?

Alexia: It was great to have Alex play on our record because he is a great drummer. I am a nightmare to write with because I always want everything to be my way at times so it was refreshing to have an outside opinion.

Cisko: Having Alex be apart of this process was really cool. He definitely pushed everyone outside of their boundaries & their comfort zone. We never really had much of an outside opinion when it came to writing so having him there was a huge help.

3. Speaking of your new album Masks, can you tell us a little bit about it? What makes it different compared to your other albums?

Alexia: Masks is our first album to me. In the past we have had other members in the band or other people who I felt were a bad influence on the direction of the band. We are finally putting out the album we always wanted to.

Cisko: It's definitely our heaviest/ catchiest album to date. Also having Steve Evetts work with us was cool cuz his style of recording is different then what we've done in the past & it was the direction we wanted.

4. Now, I listened to Eyes Set To Kill's older albums, and the vocal style has changed a few times. Did you try something new this time, that you didn't try before?

Alexia: For this album I am singing the right way now. I used to not project as well which sounded ok on record but you couldn't hear me on stage. So I had to change the way I sing live. I want to be heard and I want people to really feel my emotion so I adjusted my voice a little.

Cisko: Ya I feel like we both took our time on focusing on our voices this time around. Evetts brought out the scream in me that I wanted. I'm also singing back up harmonies on the album which is something we'll be doing more of in the future.

5. I saw that Eyes Set To Kill recently signed to Century Media Records. What's it like for you? What made them the label that you wanted to sign to, out of all of the other ones?

Alexia: I feel that Century Media is the perfect label for us right now because they are home of some really heavy female fronted bands like In this Moment, Butcher Babies, Lacuna Coil etc.. They always shared the same view of our band as I did and other labels wanted to change us. We are changing estk a bit but it changing for the better and I have always wanted our band to be the way we are now.

6.Out of all of the Eyes Set To Kill albums, which one was the best in your opinion? Do you think Masks will amount to that album?

Alexia: MASKS is for sure our heaviest and most mature album so I  think that makes it the best. We evolved alot especially in songwriting. I was really stoked we did it with Evetts because he has produced/ mixed a lot of albums that I love like sound the alarm, everything you ever wanted to know about silence, new junk aesthetic, one of us is the killer etc.

Cisko: I know a lot of fans love the older stuff, but I think Masks defines what ESTK is now. Just like everything in life you acquire experience with time & I feel like we've accomplished everything we've all worked on for so long with Masks.

7. What are the futures plans of Eyes Set To Kill? Future touring plans?
Alexia: We are doing a tour in September with some other bands on cm not sure if I can announce yet. But we plan on touring the rest of the year maybe going overseas since we miss it so much.

8. If Eyes Set To Kill could pick their tour, what other bands would you guys pick to be on the tour with you?
Alexia: I would want to be on a females of rock tour with Halestorm, In this Moment, Butcher Babies, Kittie, Lacuna Coil, Otep, the Iron Maidens. I think it would be a good fun positive tour that can hopefully shed some light on how talented and entertaining women of metal can be.

9. You, and your sister, got nominated for the "Hottest Chicks In Metal". How did that make you feel? Do you agree with those kind of awards?
Alexia: I think the hottest chicks in metal award is a fun kind of publicity/ entertainment sort of thing. There are people that are totally against it and take it too seriously. I don't think its sexist. I wish there was a hottest guys in metal that would be hilarious.

10. One last question! I know that bands usually learn things on every album. Did you learn anything, that you didn't learn before? Is there anything new that you learned that may be on future Eyes Set To Kill releases.
Alexia: I learned a couple tips from evetts bout pro tools and also that sea weed crisps are the jam same with whole foods. Oh I learned to never play a show after recording because you will lose your voice like me! I did do more keys on this album and I plan to do more on the next ;).

Cisko: I definitely learned a lot about my voice & different things to do to warm up & maintain it in good condition. I've never been much of a technical kind of vocalist so opening up to new ideas & putting them to use was refreshing. I didn't play guitar on the album, but I learned a bunch of songs while in the studio & after so that's cool too cuz ill be playing a lot more guitar in our live set.

You can pick up pre-order masks right here