Monsters Scare You - Teratophobia

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Track list:
1. Enter The Dojo Of Cobra Kai
2. Shiver My Timbers
3. Shirts vs Skins
4. Equivalent Of The Printing Press
5. Mel Gibson Should've Been In Star Wars
6. When It Rains, It T-Pains

Genre: Eletronica
For Fans Of : The Captain Hates The Sea, Cinderella's Revenge, Atlanta Takes State

This is the bands second ep, they bring back 2 songs from the first one and re-did them, I must say I do like this more than the first release. More songs and more wonderful noises to my ears. I really hope this band blows up one day and gets bigger than they are now. They have the talent, the sound, and everything you need in a good band. The techno element is still there, it makes them sound more original, in my opinion.

"Enter The Dojo Of Cobra kai"
First song on the EP, shows the power of the band and has the techno element at the intro, clean vocals. The song name sounds like a cartoon name, if anything this is my second favorite song on this EP.
Cleans: This song has a small amount of cleans, they stick out a bit.
Screams: The screamer sounds like he's angry at something because of the tone in his screams.
Instruments: Starts off with the techno element then soft then gets heavy.

"Shiver My Timber"
Starts off with drumming and guitars, then cleans come in and behind the cleans are the screams, lyrically I like this song,
Cleans: The cleans really stick out in this song compared to the screams.
Screams: More screams than cleans, but they're pretty good.
Instruments: Somewhat soft/somewhat heavy. Synth in this song is good.

"Shirts Vs Skins"
This song makes it back on this EP, One of the songs on the first I liked a lot and I like it a lot on this one. The guitar at the intro is amazing then the guitar gets soft and then has a "techno" breakdown comes followed by the screamer.
Cleans: The clean vocals sound a littler higher than the rest of the songs on the EP (so far)
Screams: Screams still stand out a little bit they have their own style to them, probably which makes them sound so good.
Instruments: This song is pretty fast and not to heavy-not to soft, some parts get heavy though.

"Equivalent Of The Printing Press"
Starts off with both vocals and some drumming, the vocals stay with the drumming which is pretty good. This song was on the other EP. It made it's comeback though!
Cleans: Clean vocals are in this but mostly at the chorus and a few other places.
Screams: The screams take over the song, the screams with the breakdown are by far my favorite.
Instruments: I'll just say the breakdown in this song is insane, and the leading to the breakdown is good.

"Mel Gibson Should've Been in Star Wars"
The screams stick out in a few parts of the song because the effects, kind of make it sounds like they're more into the background. The song title is funny and probably is a inside joke. The lyrics kind of stick out in their own way.
Cleans: Near the end of the song you hear the clean vocals a lot more.
Screams: The screams have some effects added to them to make them stand out a little bit more.
Instruments: This song kind of sounds the softest with the instruments to me. It's not heavy, it's not loud at parts, and it’s calm and relaxed.

"When It Rains It t-pains"
This song is soft, the techno parts in this song sound pretty good. The cleans got my attention fully. The screams are good as-well, but the cleans just put the icing on the cake.
Cleans: The clean vocals in this song make it sound sort of sad and the tone kind of shows that.
Screams: The screams are good, there are some parts with the screams that stand out highly.
Instruments: This song starts off techno / soft, and then it picks up and gets heavier and a little bit faster.

Rating: 8/10
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