Rella - Damocles

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, August 1, 2013

Track list:
1. Til I Get There
2. I Meant My Words
3. Beneath The Surface

Genre: Acoustic
For Fans Of: Mayday Parade, Meg And Dia, 3 Doors Down.

I’m not much for acoustic bands or projects at all, but Rella is one girl who's songs aren't only meaningful, but also done pretty well... and with that being said, I definitely recommend people to go check her out. Her acoustic guitar playing isn't the only thing that’s nice about her EP, it’s also her vocal cords. Her range is quite different, and she’s definitely one of a kind with her range. This is something I noticed right off the bat while listening to this small EP. I honestly really enjoyed listening to this. I hope she writes, and records more music in the near future, heck, even a full length for her next release would be pretty neat to listen too! Who knows, maybe Rella will blow up in her career, and become the next big thing in the acoustic scene? One can hope. One thing people might find enjoyable about Rella would have to be her high vocals, they’re different, and she puts some emotion to her vocals. Which is something I found highly enjoyable, and highly noticeable as well.

“Til I Get There” is the song that that got me hooked on Rella. Yes, this is the first song on the album, but her vocals get you hooked instantly, because her vocals are very different and unique for a female vocalist. Most female vocalists don’t pack as much of a punch as Rella happens to. The bad thing with this song is that it’s not longer. It’s the second longest song on the EP, but hey. This song should be the longest song, in my full opinion. Another thing about this song is that the lyrics are pretty deep, and it might make some people tear up a bit because of what the song is about. From listening to the lyrics the song, it sounds like it's about a family member, or a friend that passed away (Something that’s relatable, and very emotional to write about.).
Cleans: Rella's vocals on this, are great. Her high vocals are the ones that make her stand out in my opinion. The way her range goes from low, to high is also pretty good. This girl either has a good vocal coach, or is just really talented, and has been trying to write this EP for a while but couldn’t really perfect it 'til finally, she could. I’m definitely a fan of Rella, and I think (I hope) she gets big, because she’s not only talented, but she’s really nice to talk to (I’ve talked to her a few times on Facebook and on Twitter, and she's probably one of the coolest people to talk to that has a band.)
Instrument: The main instrument is an acoustic guitar (Sorry if you thought this would be a brutal group, no heavy drumming or guitaring... maybe on the album?) I really don’t know how hard it is to play the acoustic guitar, but I picture it being as hard as a guitar, and Rella definitely knows how to play an acoustic guitar. She can play some pretty nice sounds from it. I definitely don’t soft songs, but for some reason I happen to really enjoy this (So far).

“I Meant My Words” is th shortest song on the EP, and I’d have to say that it’s a song that could definitely be longer, because of the meaning behind this song. I mean, some people do mean what they say, and for whatever situation Rella was in, she did mean everything she said. From what I noticed, from the first three plays of this EP is that all the songs mean something that are in everyone’s life, and all of these meanings tie into life, somehow. All three of these songs have a strong meaning, and it definitely is somewhat hard to write about the topics that Rella happened to pick. But hey, it’s definitely something good to write about, and it definitely might land her some points in to acoustic labels (If they even have those? I only know about metal labels, and pop punk labels… I mean hey, everyone in music should have a chance to get on a label.) One thing that I will say is that if Rella tours in Maryland, I’m definitely going to go watch her. I think it would be somewhat interesting, to go to. Breakdown:
Cleans: Her vocals start off something like Amy Lee’s vocals… Hey, actually... Most of her vocal work sort of remind me of Amy Lee’s style. They both have a different tone of voice, but their styles are somewhat the same. Which isn’t a really bad thing, because Amy Lee is pretty talented with her vocals. Man, if Amy Lee, and Rella toured together, that would totally be something worth going too. Instruments: Again, only the acoustic guitar, but a better flow than the last song in my opinion. The flow of the acoustic guitar seems to be the thing that changes a lot (From what I noticed.) Not really saying that it’s a terrible thing, because a flow of a song is needed to make something rather nice, and enjoyable. A song with no flow, or song structure... man that would just be a Disaster..

“Beneath The Surface” is the last song on this small EP… (Insert sad face here.) I really wish this was a bit longer, even though I don’t enjoy this genre of music. I feel like these songs will grow on me a bit. Rella definitely has a voice, and a style that’s enjoyable. Maybe one day she might have a band sort of like Evanescence, and get bigger than them. I can definitely see it happening, because of how the two sound alike. Even though I don’t like the acoustic genre much, I’m always down for supporting solo artists, and new artists thriving to make a name for themselves. I honestly hope Rella does end up making a name for herself, because she seriously deserves it. She writes about some amazing topics. The topics of these three songs aren't easy at all, to write about. Props to her for writing them. This song would have to be my favorite song, because of the meaning behind it. Cleans: Her vocals kind of sound depressed a little bit on this song, which is pretty good considering the topic of this song (From what I’m getting from it) is pretty depressive. The effects of her vocals on this song make this song stand out a little bit more, as well.
Instrument: The flow on this song of the acoustic guitar, makes this song stick out on the EP. The acoustic guitars flow stays right with her vocal range, and her vocal flow, which is something that gives this song a nice push to end off on.

Rating: 8/10
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