Years End - Smokestacks

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, August 8, 2013

Genre: Melodic Hardcore
For Fans Of: Counterparts, Sworn In, Defeater,
This is a debut song from Years End, and let me say that these guys may just change the hardcore genre as we know it. They sort of remind me of The Ghost Inside, a little bit. You can definitely hear the influence in their music. Now, the song isn’t over-produced, or very well produced, but that doesn’t stop it from being as good as it is now. I’d have to say that this song could have been produced worse. But the way that it is, isn’t really ruining it. It could probably make the production perfectionists pretty mad. I don’t mind the production, honestly. However, it does kind of bug me when it comes down to the screams. It just ruins them, in my opinion. This song isn’t a smashing debut, I’ll tell you that, but it’s definitely some sort of debut for the band. I’m actually starting to get more into the hardcore scene, and I’m not going to say that the genre is full of great produced bands, because that’s an understatement. A lot of the production on some of these bands are just out of this world bad. You’ll find some that have outstanding production, but that's rare sometimes. The way I see it with hardcore bands, and production, is that there are less hardcore bands out there, than any other genre. I haven’t come across many hardcore bands with the production that your average post hardcore band, or metalcore band has because the producers are rare. The ones that ARE great, always cost the most (go figure right?) But hey, some of the badly produced band’s sound the best live because their recordings show off their real talent. That’s somewhat Years End's case (I haven’t seen them live yet, so this is just a guess... but I will be covering their set once they get closer to me.) Years End isn’t a bad band in anyway, and if you’re into hardcore, I recommend this band for you.
Cleans: The clean vocals are my favorite part of this band, because the range of the vocalist is a bit higher than you might expect in hardcore. The bands that I listen to in hardcore that have clean vocals, don’t compare to the clean vocals in Years End. That’s no lie, either. Then again, I do listen to the hardcore bands like Sworn In, and Barrier, the more hateful type of bands.
Screams: The screams are the worst produced. That’s just my opinion, though. It sounds like the screams were a live recording, honestly. If that’s the case, that’s a little bit better. Now, other than the production, the screams are quite nice. The screams are low, and have a pretty good flow to them, which is a reason why I give the screamer in Years End his props.
Instrument: The instruments were produced pretty well, honestly. The guitar player has some rad riffs, and the bass player has some good parts as well. The drummer has the repeated type thing going on in this song, but that’s not a bad thing. I mean, it’s only a debut, but they did manage to show off what they’re going to be sounding like.

Rating: 4/5
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