Dream On, Dreamer - Loveless

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, June 27, 2013

Track list:
1. Lovless
2. The World In Front Of Me
3. Foudations
4. Infinity
5. Hear Me Out
6. Neverlove
7. Moving On Moving Far
8. Evol
9. Black Maine
10. The Tracks We Leave Behind

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: Like Moths To Flames, Secrets, The Word Alive

When I first heard about Loveless, I was pretty excited because I've always liked Dream On, Dreamer. When I heard the single for Loveless’s “The World In Front Of Me”, it had me super hyped for the album, and I could have sworn that it was going to be a good release from these guys. Once I heard Loveless fully… I was kind of disappointed. However, this does not mean I won’t support Dream On, Dreamer. But  I really didn't think the album would sound like this. The album is great, and everything is there, but the production straight up made the album sound bad. I know the guys in Dream On, Dreamer put all their effort into this release. I can hear it when I listen to the songs. It’s just that the production of the album isn't the best, and it kind of messed up their sound a little in some of the songs. I’d have to say that the biggest downer with the production would have to be the vocals. The way they’re layered, sounds a bit out of place. Also, they have the same bit of production on every song, so it doesn't really change much. This kind of ruined it for me. I mean, I’d like to hear less production on vocals. The same production over, and over again made the producer seem a bit amateur. In all honesty, if you take away the production flaws, this album is really good, and it really lived up to the hype it got. A few of the songs that stood out on this album would have to be, “The World In Front Of Me”, “Hear Me Out”, ”Neverlove”, “Black Maine, and “The Tracks We Leave Behind”. “The World In Front Of Me” was the first single off Loveless, and it gave the album a good hype rating. The music video was even good for the song, and definitely made the album seem out to be the best release from Dream On, Dreamer. Sadly, once you hear the full album this just isn't the case. “Hear Me Out” is definitely one of my most favorite songs on the album. It’s also one of the better songs on the album. The clean vocals at the beginning really gave this song some spice. The clean vocalist tries to explain something in the beginning of the song, and it does some good in my opinion. It helps the song get more of its meaning out easier, and clearer. “Neverlove” is my number one favorite song on this album. It’s the best song on the album too! (Well in my opinion.) It has everything an old Dream On, Dreamer song would have; a great meaning, a meaning you can relate too, lyrics that match perfectly, and a sound to back up the emotion towards the meaning of the song. If you really enjoyed the old songs that Dream On, Dreamer did you’ll probably enjoy “Neverlove”. “Black Maine” would be another song that old fans of Dream On, Dreamer will highly enjoy. It has their older sound in the song. The feeling, and the vibe is definitely there for their older music. “The Tracks We Leave Behind” is the final song on this album, and it just happens to be the longest song on the album. This song is full of great instrument play! The song is six minutes long, and it’s enjoyable from the start, well to some people. Others may just skip it. The production on the song kind of ruined it in a few places, but other than that the song is great. It ends the album off on a good note. Plus, the outro to the song and the outro to the album is just perfect. I wonder how they’re ever going to top that in the next release? I’m hoping that the next release is produced a bit differently than this was. I’m not going to bash the whole album because of a few songs being oddly produced, or because the vocals were produced the same way each time with no changes to them. But I hope that the next album is produced by someone else, or at least whoever produced this album learns a bit more about what they should be doing.
Cleans: The clean vocals are a bit different from older releases, but they are highly enjoyable. The clean vocalist definitely has a distinct voice, and this makes his vocals a bit more unique in a way. The clean vocals were actually produced nicely, and I could honestly say that there was not a time on this album that I did not like the clean vocals. They were probably my favorite type of vocals on this album. I hope that the clean vocalist does more of those speech type lines that he did on some of the songs when he sings live as well, because that would seriously make the songs a lot more enjoyable to hear!
Screams: Well… The screams were decent, but the production on them didn't change… much. It changed a few times to make them sound a bit distorted, which was pretty nice to hear for a bit. But overall with the production of the screams, they were really repetitive and sounded way to much like the last release, in my opinion. I don’t know if the band was aiming for that or not, If so, I hope not. The screams sounded a bit like an older guy. They weren't bad, it just didn't fit the vocalist too well.
Instruments: The instruments production was good, and bad. There were some places that the instrument play, and the production of the instrument play really impressed me. But there were also places, where it didn't impress me. The guitar play was my overall favorite instrument that was played for this release. The drumming was great as well, but not as impressive as the guitar work on this release. The drum play was pretty good though, so I’m going to give the drummer his props as well as the guitar player. They’re both very talented. but maybe on the next release, they could try to do some cool stuff that’s new to metalcore? Something that would be new to hear, or stand out in the genre.

Rating: 7/10
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