Iwrestledabearonce - Late For Nothing

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Track list:
1. Thunder Chunky
2. Letters To Stallone
3. Snake Charmer
4. Boat Paddle
5. Firebees
6. Mind The Gap
7. Carnage Asada
8. The Map
9. That's A Horse Of A Different Color
10. I'd Buy That For A Dollar
11. Inside Job
12. It Don't Make Me No Nevermind

Genre: Experimental Metal
For Fans Of: Dr Acula, Emmure, Arsonists Get All The Girls

Iwrestledabearonce was one band that I could never really get into. Their music just didn’t sound right to me. I would play them once in a while, but they were never a band that I’d jam every day. Some of their music is good, some of it is bad, and some of it is in the middle, but either way it’s worthy of a listen. Late For Nothing tops the cake. This album is their best work to date, and it’s definitely an album that I could jam to everyday. I’d have to say that they have matured a lot within their musical sound. I should say this right now before someone asks me, or corrects me about it… iwrestledabearonce lost their original vocalist, and got a new one (She’s somewhat pretty as well, because I know some guys only care about the looks of the females in the group.) and their older one left because of personal reasons, not going to really get into that. The new vocalist didn't ruin the band or anything of that sort. The new vocalist actually gave them a new opening if anything, which helps to show people what an experimental band could become. The new vocalist has a better clean vocal voice than the older one, in all honesty. I find hers more listenable than the older one, and it’s more soothing at that, I might actually stick around to see what iwrestledabearonce could do on their next album after this one. Hopefully they improve a little bit. I saw them at warped last year, and I’m pretty sure that the new vocalist was there. She did a lot better live, than on the original, in my opinion. A few songs that stand out on this album would have to be, “Thunder Chunky”, “Boat Paddle”, “Mind The Gap”, “The Map”, “I’d Buy That For A Dollar”, and “It Don’t Make Me No Nevermind”. You know iwrestledabearonce has always had such weird song titles, it makes me wonder what they do in the studio to come up with these titles. It seems like they have a lot of fun with it at least. I wish I knew more about what these track meant to them, maybe they’re all inside jokes to them? “Thunder Chunky” is the first song on this album, and it show off their experimental side a bit more than the rest of the songs. It also sorts of shows the band’s new sound off to new and older fans of the band, which is a reason as to why I dig this song. The clean vocals are my favorite part of this song, it sort of adds another genre with the vocals, and that is pretty nice. “Boat Paddle”, seems like a pretty soft song at first, but surprisingly it’s one of the softer songs (Wasn't expecting that, huh?) “Boat Paddle” has some of the better guitar riffs in my opinion. The guitar does some pretty neat stuff on this album, which is something that people might find enjoyable. I could see this song being a bit longer than it is, as well. I sort of wish that this would have been the longest song on the album because of what it could have been. “Mind The Gap” is the longest song on the album, and in my opinion, it has the best intro. The clean vocals once again seem to try to add another genre to the album, sort of like an opera type of vocal style, with the clean vocals. Even the lyrics are a bit more enjoyable because you’ll get right to the point with them. Seriously, the song sounds like it’s about someone who keeps wasting the vocalist’s patience over, and over again. “The Map”, honestly, I thought they got this song title from the kids show, Dora, and if they did, they brutalized The Map (from the show) into something wonderful. The song isn't that bad either, but the title is kind of weird if you ask me. Iwrestledabearonce is pretty clever with their song titles though, and may win an award for that. If by now this review doesn't make you want to try out the album, I have no idea what will. The clean vocals are beautiful on every song, literally, beautiful.  The album isn't the most perfect, and it isn't the most terrible, but the album is definitely worth checking out. “I’d Buy That For A Dollar”, if you notice, none of the lyrics really have to do with the song title at all. That’s something that I don’t really enjoy, but some people might, and some others could probably care less. I’d like to hear lyrics that make sense, and sort of have a relationship with the song title. “I’d Buy That For A Dollar”, is close to an ender. It does put some heaviness in the ending, and it leads it up to its bang in order to end the album off. This album has been a pretty unique listening experience, if you ask me. “It Don’t Make Me No Nevermind”, I wonder what the title originally was without the “no never mind”. As I was saying, both ender songs lead the album to the bang it needed to end off on a pretty good note. “It Don’t Make Me No Nevermind” certainly gave the album more of a boost that helped end it on a good note. This album isn't the best album to ever come out, but I will admit that it was better than their older stuff, and it definitely showed them maturing as a band. I recommend listening to this album. It may change your opinion on the band, and it may not, but at least give it a chance to leave an impression.
Cleans: The clean vocals are beautiful, honestly. I would love to hear these songs live because if she can pull off the clean vocals live, that’d be amazing! Their new vocalist definitely puts originality in them a bit more than they already had, and she’s definitely one of the better female vocalists in the scene today. I can’t wait to see what she helps make the band into, hopefully something utterly amazing.
Screams: The screams are pretty nice. If you were fan of the older vocalist’s screams, you’ll love these as well. They’re like hers, but a bit more matured, and the vocalists range is a bit different. She goes a bit lower than the other one, but she’s definitely talented for bringing new skill, and style into their music. That actually really impressed me. I was expecting some terrible vocals at first, but instead, I got something that I wasn't expecting at all. Her vocals aren't “perfect”, but they’re around there. Maybe two steps down from “perfect”, honestly.
Instruments: The instrument play was a bit different than older releases. The guitar play, and drum play have both improved into something a bit different, and definitely made some good impression on me. Hopefully it does the same to other people who give this album a play. The instrument plays are really getting better with every album. I can’t wait for the album that iwrestledabearonce shows full maturity, and improves to the point where it could be album of the year. I’m sure they have it in them, and with the direction they’re going in, it’s definitely certain.

Rating: 7/10
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