A Deadly Wish - Drowning Away
Posted by Unknown
On Monday, February 18, 2013
Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: IMMORAL, God Forbid, Atreyu
Third and most recent single from A Deadly Wish, the last
single was soft a little bit then they write another song that's all heavy. No
clean vocals in this song, boo right? The scream and instruments pure metal, the
vocals sound tone down a bit and the guitars toned up. This song is pretty nice
makes me stoked for their full length coming sometime in spring? (I think). I
enjoy the drumming in this along with the guitar riffs. The guitar riffs are
something worth listening too. The vocals hit home as well as the instruments
heavy bass, heavy guitar riffs, heavy drumming! I have to admit I kind
of do miss the clean vocals and the little bit of soft parts it kind of made it
sound more worth the while to listen too but surely enough without the cleans
and soft parts this song and band still rule, the music structuring sounds
somewhat the same as the older stuff mixed in with some different parts. There
are parts in the song that sound like older stuff just different in style and
form. This band has written some really good stuff to listen too. I hope to
listen to the new full length when it’s released.
Screams: Mostly screams missing, those clean vocals. The
screamers style is flawless though.
Instruments: Nothing soft about this song, all heavy and pure
Rating: 3/5
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