Alyeska - Stand

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: Within Ruins, For Today, The Devil Wears Prada

This band is really small, but they're pretty good one of those bands you'd hope to see get big one day and chances are they will. The guitars are clear on this song which i like most of the instruments are clear and you can hear them perfectly. They have a nice solo type thing in this song, haven't really heard a solo in metalcore, well not much. Theirs one vocalist in this band he does cleans/screams, his cleans are pretty good it's a different style for sure. His screams are clear you can understand them pretty well. This band has a lot of talent and hopefully a bright future ahead of them. This band needs to get out there also.  This band has a ton of talent and they show it for sure.
Cleans: There is only one vocalist in the band, his cleans are pretty clear you can easily hear him and understand everything he’s saying.
Screams: The screams style and form is pretty good, as the clean vocals they’re clear and understandable you can make out what he’s saying perfectly.
Instruments: The guitar/bass/drums are clear also, you can perfectly hear them. I really like the guitar on this song it’s just clear and you can hear it fine

Rating: 4/5
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