Afflictions - Centers

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, March 24, 2013

Track list:
1. A Change Worth Fighting For
2. Endeavors
3. Centers
4. Aggressor
5. Anomaly
6. Lost Causes

GenreMelodic Hardcore
For Fans Of: Set Sail At Sunrise, My Iron Heart, The Might Have Fallen.

Debut ep from Afflictions, I’d have to honestly say it’s great they definitely leave an impression on the listener once this ep is done. There isn't really anything wrong with this ep, it sounds great, well maybe the downfall of it is the production isn't all that good, but you can hear everything pretty well and some of the songs came out better than expected for a debut from a small band. Some of the names on the ep are pretty nice. This band should go far in their careers, I’m hoping so, they rightfully deserve to. I can see it happening as well.

“A Change Worth Fighting For”
First song on the ep, I like the name of the song though. The intro to this song has like a mellow relaxed type of vibe until the screamer comes in, which is pretty neat because once he comes in the songs pick up and gets heavier. The screamer really put some emotion onto this song, which is pretty neat to hear because most bands totally ignore putting emotions to their songs, I’m glad Afflictions didn't forget about adding emotions in their songs, I’d have to say for a debut ep and band just starting out when they picked the first song, this was a great choice for them to pick.
Screams: The screamer kind of adds some emotion to this song, which is really neat to hear because a lot of vocalists forget to add the things that’s needed to have an a good song. I’d also have to say I really like his style with his vocals. He sort of spices it up in the middle of the song.
Instruments: The song starts off mellow, and relaxed, then once the screamer comes in it gets a bit heavier and near the end is where it sounds its heaviest, the songs flow is really great and makes this song kind of stick out on the ep, but being the first song it really does show off their sound pretty well.

This song is pretty straight forward, the intro just goes right into the song which is really nice, and because after you have a really good first song, why not have an even better second song? That’s just Afflictions was thinking when they were setting up the order of the songs I’d have to say.
Cleans: Yes there are some clean vocals on this song for very small part, but kind of added more emotion to the song, which is a pretty good thing because the lyrics have that emotional feel to them.
Screams: The screamer still has his emotion behind his screams, which is a good thing and adds more to the song and makes it feel alive.
Instrument: The instrument play is pretty nice, at the start of the song it’s where it has the speed factor and is pretty straight forward in the song, which is pretty nice being the second song on the ep and showing off more of their sound.

This song is straight forward as well the vocals lead the song, it has some nice guitar riffs to it, but to be honest it’s not the best track on the whole ep. But that’s just me. But I do like the little skit it has at the end of the song.
Screams: Once again the screamer has a little bit of emotion to his screams, his kind of does the puke style of screams near the end of the song.
Instruments: The guitar on this song is pretty nice, near the end of the song it kind of leads to a breakdown in the song which isn't a bad thing, it’s actually pretty nice.

I like the name of this song a lot, the sound of the song is pretty nice, the name kind of got my attention when I was first got this ep, the screamer tries to be a bit aggressive on this song, it kind of works. Also the clean vocalist has a little part on this song as well.
Cleans: The clean vocals have a very little part again, which is sad, the range of the clean vocals on this song is kind of high, which isn't bad.
Screams: The screamer tries to have an aggressive type of scream on this song, it kind of works but kind of doesn't  it’s there but not fully.
Instruments: The instruments kind of have that aggressive feeling to them as well as the screamer, which is pretty nice.

This song is the longest song on the whole ep, and has the nicest intro to it, a movie skit then right on to the song with a seriously heavy drumming and guitar riffs, With this song being the longest song you get a great heavy feeling, once the vocalist comes in the speed factor comes into play, which isn't really a bad thing, it’s actually something that keeps the song interesting in my opinion. I really like the instrument play on this song I’d have to say it’s one of my favorites when it comes with instrument play.
Screams: The screamers style isn't all that bad to be honest it’s one of my favorites I’d have to say in the unsigned music scene, it just has that power behind it that makes it all the better to listen to.
Instrument: The instrument play on this song is pretty heavy I’d have to say, it has a really nice flow to it as well, and the I guess you could say breakdowns really make the song much more intense to listen to. The guitar riffs really come out pretty clear on this song and do the song some well needed justice.

“Lost Causes”
Last song on this really good ep they if anything saved the best song for last, this song is heavy and has a great sound to it and the flow of everything is good.  For a last song they really went out with a huge ban g.
Screams: The screamer kind of put everything he has into this song it sounds like, he didn't do a bad job either, it sounds great and fits the overall sound of the song, I can’t wait for future releases from this band, their screamer has a great style I have to say.
Instruments: This song is kind of their best instrumentally too, it’s pretty heavy the intro has a really nice flow it also, the overall sound has that speeding up type of sound, it’s not too definitely a great way to end off an ep though, it sucks that this song is the shortest song on the ep though, I wish it was a bit longer.

Rating: 10/10
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