My Ransomed Soul - Perceptions

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, March 23, 2013

Track list:
1. Fragile Lives
2. Perceptions
3. Light The Sky
4. Project Alive

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: As I Lay Dying, Norma Jean, Oh, Sleeper

Third release from My Ransomed Soul, I’d have to say from the first release to this they’ve changed a lot. I can’t really consider them a death metal band anymore if anything they’ve grown into a metal band. I’d have to say the vocalist kind of changed his vocal style for the worst it’s still pretty good though, just not as deep as it used to be in the first release, same as the high scream, sadly. But the whole ep has some really good instrument play to it and they did make something great to listen too, the only downfall of the ep is that they've changed a lot from the first release, not in a completely bad way though, just a different sound and vocal style.

“Fragile Lives”
First song, great song too, for once the clean vocals has a big part in the song, but it’s near the end of the song, sadly. The clean vocals changed a lot too, they've gotten higher, and the first release had them sound really deep kind of like a preacher at a church, but on this song they've gotten a lot higher, which isn’t a really bad thing and it’s kind of different for the metal genre to have a clean vocalist that has a high range.
Cleans: The clean vocals aren't deep anymore, sadly, but they've improved and the vocalist range has gotten higher this isn't a really bad thing but for most people in genre they won’t be expecting it.
Screams: The deep growls are no longer instead the screamers range kind of improved and changed a lot in style, for older fans they might have to get used to it, it doesn't sound really that bad but it’s just different from the first release.
Instruments: They've really expanded their instrumentally play, which is really good to see them growing and trying some different things. Their guitar player has learned some different type of riffs, which is really good the intro had a really great sound to it as well, kind of keeps the vibe of the older release and gets your attention right away.

This song had a really nice guitar into and the screams came in at the right time, the drumming gets heavy on this song, which you can hear perfectly fine. If anything this song has a really good flow to it and definitely kind of give off the “mosh to this song” vibe. I wish this song would have been a bit longer to be honest, the lyrics are great and the sound is great and don’t forget the vocals fit so nicely to everything on this song. Only downfall is that the clean vocals don’t show up on this song.
Screams: The screamer kind of has the metal core type of vocals on this song, not really a bad thing it honestly sounds pretty good and fits with the overall sound of the album. Vocally this song is great and definitely one of those songs that stood out.
Instruments: The guitar playing on this song is amazing and something that makes this ep come alive and honestly makes this song worth the listening too, the only issues with the song is that it’s not as long as it could be and it should be longer.

“Light The Sky”
This song happens to be the longest on this whole ep, lasting a good 4 minutes, not a bad thing kind of shows you more of the band’s sound and the cleans vocals are back, I really wish they’d give their clean vocalist more parts in their songs, his vocals make the songs a bit more better to listen to, and the offset with vocals are just brilliant if anything.
Cleans: The clean vocals show up once in the song, which is better than not showing up at all, right? They should give their clean vocalist more parts in their songs he rightfully deserves it he sort of makes their sound a bit more enjoyable to listen to.
Screams: The screamer is throughout the song, as usual. His vocals kind of have that metal core sound to them once again. His style really fits the metal core genre, but it also fits their sound fairly well as well. Kind of miss his really deep growls, wish he wouldn't have changed his vocal style at all.
Instruments: The good part of this long being longer than the rest is the instrument play, the instruments really do their best on this song and really make it worth listening to, the drumming couldn't have been more perfect to hear.  The guitar riffs are slightly better than the rest that you’ll hear on the ep, the guitar should have had a solo to make this song even better.

“Project Alive”
Last song on this ep, sadly it has to come to an end again, even though this wasn't their best ep, it sounded nothing like the first release, but they've grown up and matured a little bit within the time period, that’s the good thing about this ep, I’m hoping the next release has a mixture of both this and the first release in it, it’ll be sick thing to hear the screamers deep growls again mixed with his metal core style vocals. This song’s intro had really good guitar sounds to it, kind of makes the song better and draws your attention in quickly.
Screams: The screams really end of the ep in one of the best ways, he really gave it his all to do this whole ep, which is highly impressive minus the changes to his vocals, which I don’t think old fans will be very fond of it took me awhile to get used too. But to say the least overall he did an amazing job, stoked to see what comes out of this.
Instruments: The instruments on the song are a bit heavy and a bit soft, the guitar intros once again impress me a lot, I’m hoping this band only grows in their talents to make something even better on the next release.

Rating: 7/10
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