Hollow Like Me - Awakening

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: Fixed In Color,  They Came Bear Arms, Hayden, Oh My.

Debut single from Hollow Like Me, a metalcore band that packs a punch! The intro to this song kind of leads you into the song a little bit, the screamers vocal style is pretty generic but he has his own touch to it which is always pretty cool to hear, some people add really nice touches to it and this happens to be one of those guys. I’d have to say this song has midway between heavy and soft, which is almost every metalcore that comes out today, but this band kind of makes it a bit different in their own way, the intro is the main thing that kind of stands out in all honesty, for the reason it sounds like he’s puking kind of like a puke-scream to make the song a bit more interesting. If I had to pick out something I enjoyed on this song it’d probably be the clean vocals, they sound unique with the clean vocalists voice. He kind of sums it up, this song was pretty nice to listen to though and a great way to come into the music scene and a great debut single, This band could end up making it big in their careers for sure, just need to change a few little things.
Cleans: The clean vocalist’s style kind of stood out to me on this song his vocal style fit pretty well with the overall sound though.
Screams: The intro had a puke type of scream, which is pretty cool and new, some bands have used it before but it’s still kind of a rarity for metalcore bands to use.
Instruments: This song is a tie between mid-heavy and mid-soft, there are a few different parts of the song, but in the end it has a really nice overall sound behind the vocals.

Rating: 3/5
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