Aspire - Desertion

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, December 29, 2012

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Fit For A King, Memphis May Fire, My Ticket Home

Aspires first song, it’s a demo but it still does them some good to release, I have to say for an un-signed band they have some decent recording and production on this release. It could easily launch them a spot on a label, they have the talent, and they show it pretty nicely in this song, the clean vocalist is probably the most impressive, as well as the screamer but the clean vocals kind of made it less aggressive and calm and relaxed, the screamer pretty much gave the song it’s aggression which is pretty cool you have one vocalist trying to make it calm, the other trying to get it heated and aggressive definitely something great to listen to.
Cleans: The clean vocalist has a pretty high range which kind of makes the song lose its aggressive touch, but his style definitely makes it into something nice to listen to, his vocals kind of make the song more relaxed and calm.
Screams: the screams sound really aggressive which is pretty nice to hear and it could definitely get a huge mosh pit during the song if it was played live and maybe if the screams were a bit louder it’d make them even more aggressive than they are now. But the overall style from the screamer is pretty good.
Instrument: The instruments sound a bit aggressive and they definitely help get vocals with the aggressive vibe a lot. This is something that should always be in a band.

Rating: 4/5
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