Years End - Beacon

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, August 8, 2013

Track list:
1. Little Elliot Drive
2. Stitch Your Own Coattail
3. Silver Lining

Genre: Melodic Hardcore
For Fans Of: Counterparts, Sworn In, Defeater

Years End released this EP as their first big release! Their debut single gave them somewhat of name. I can somewhat tell what genre they are, right off the bat. Their bandcamp says that they are melodic hardcore, but I hear metalcore. I think that the band is trying to make up their own genre, with these genres mixed together. If that’s the case, that’s not really a bad idea. It’s new, but I’m finding it more enjoyable than just the genres alone. As I stated in the single review (If you read it.), the screams are produced a bit weird, and honestly, I don’t like it. However, after listening to Beacon, I kind of got a feeling on how that’s the way they’re supposed to be, in order to fit their genre. After that, I thought it wasn't that bad. It’s actually pretty neat if you put it that way, because it sounds like the screams were produced live.

“Little Elliot Drive”
This song somewhat shows off how the band has matured since their first debut single, which wasn’t that bad. However, it was far from perfect. The EP is way better than the single, which is somewhat expected I guess because you have more songs to listen to. I’d have to say that this band could go far in their career. One thing that I did notice while I was looking through the bands bandcamp, is that they’re really close to me. Which is quite rare to have a good band be based near me. I mean I, The Breather is one good band that got a lot of exposure, and so did In Dying Arms, and many more metalcore/deathcore bands... but a good hardcore band, is hard to come by. Melodic hardcore bands are still new by where I live, or maybe the local scene here just isn't that big. I’m pretty glad that I found Years End, because that means that I’ll know one Melodic hardcore band that’s from around where I'm located. I feel like I ranted a bit, instead of telling you about the song. So lets get back to the song, shall we? The song really does show you what Years End is all about, and how good they are for their genre, and for being unsigned. This song isn't my favorite on the EP, but it’s one of them for sure.
Cleans: The clean vocals have improved a lot comparing this, and the debut single that the band released. That's pretty awesome considering that this song is just the first song on the EP. It’s a short EP, but the band has improved a lot, and they’re going in the right direction in order for them to blow up into a big band. The clean vocals in my opinion, are a bit unique. They make the band’s sound a little different than what I’m normally used to.
Screams: The screams, and instruments have this small part that just makes you want to get up, move around, and break things in your room! It's one of those parts that you would hear at a show, and the adrenaline would come out and you would just go crazy in the mosh pit.
Instruments: This song has the best instrument flow, if that really means anything to anyone. The flow of the song is just so hard hitting, it's crazy! This would be the song that during a show you’d tear stuff up, and throw some punches in the pit, for sure. Even if it’s a short time, that energy lasts.

“Stitch Your Own Coattail”
At the start of this song, it has some pretty well written guitar parts, and then the drums come in and pretty much over powers the guitar, in a way. I actually think that the band writes some pretty good intros to their songs, and makes it sound out a little bit more. For a melodic hardcore band, you can definitely hear the metalcore influence in their music. Which isn't a bad influence. It sounds like they have a very good sound going on right now, that if they were to change it, I don’t think I’d be into them the way I am now. I feel like this band will go high places in their careers! I hope so, and I’m sure they hope so as well!
Cleans: The clean vocals caught my eye a little bit. I mean, they come in a few times on this song, and the range stays the same. There’s a bit of a change, though. Instead of them being in the high range, they’re more into the mid-high range.
Screams: The screams sound the most powerful on this song. If you listen, the screams come in the flow of the instrument play, which was probably the main thing about this song that really stood out to me. In a good way though, because of that groove. Instruments: The intro had the best guitar work on the song, in my opinion. I honestly thought that the intro would be amazing, and then the rest of the song would be a huge bore… but I was wrong. The song was rather nice to listen to, and it definitely had a good groove going on with it.

“Silver Lining”
This is the longest song on the album, and probably my favorite song by the band. Once again, the band has this amazing intro to their song, and keeps your attention all the way until the end of the song. The lyrics on this song are what caught my eye pretty fast, because of how much I can relate to them. This song is probably the heaviest on the EP as well. I’d like to see more songs from this band that are as heavy, if not heavier than this song, in the future of the band. Their heavier songs are better than their softer songs, but that’s just a matter of an opinion, I guess.
Cleans: The clean vocals are in the mid-high range a good bit of the time, which isn't that bad thing. The clean vocalist does change it up a bit, which is good. The clean vocalist has a shorter amount of time on this song, and the screamer has the most.
Screams: The screamer over-takes the clean vocalist. This song has more of a powerful meaning because of the screams. I can tell that the screamer is putting all his power into this song, and emotion behind his vocals. This is a good reason as to why I love this song as much as I do. The mixing somewhat ruins it for me, but I can get over that in no time, and enjoy the song for what it is now. Instrument: The instrument play is the best out of the other songs. The instruments just have this really nice flow to them that just makes this song great. I kind of wish that the guitar had a solo, or something, to help make the song stand out a little bit more than it did already.

Rating: 8/10
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