The Natural Born Killers - Oblivion

Posted by Unknown On Friday, December 28, 2012

Track list:

1. Last Day
2. You Brought This On Yourself
3.Whispers Of The Muse
4. With Or Without You
5. Look In Your Eyes

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Escape The Fate, Falling In Reverse, Dead Rabbits

The Natural Born Killers released an ep finally and I’d have to say it’s pretty good, there’s  a lot of other genres influencing their sound, or it sounds like they are, but it all comes together to make something seriously good and unique to hear. Once you get done this ep, you’ll want more, trust me you will, this ep was well written and well produced for a debut. The emotions added on to each song on this ep is something else, there are minor production downfalls though, some songs are a bit louder with the vocals than the other ones, some stuff is a bit weird sounding but nothing big to effect this ep. Another thing that kind of stands out about this band, each song seems to have a meaning people can relate to very well. I really hope to see more from this band in the future.

“Last Day”
First song on this ep, and it shows off this bands talents in 3 minutes, which really nice to hear, the vocals impress me a lot on this song, they sound angry and screamer is pretty much yelling, which does support the angry emotion in this song pretty well. The band went pretty heavy on the first song which is another good thing, which really got my attention at first and made me wonder what the other songs are going to sound like.
Cleans: I’d have to say the clean vocals, sound like they’re pretty angry about something which really got me into this song, if you know me you’d know I love hateful music and bands that add emotion to their music, adding emotion to their music really makes it more of a joy listening to it.
Screams: The screamer kind of yells or angrily screams on this song, which helps the factor of the hate emotion on this song pretty well, and also helps the song come alive a bit more, for the most part though this song is highly enjoyable vocal wise and instrument wise and lyric wise.
Instruments: The instruments are pretty heavy on this song, I’d have to say for the most part they do have a really nice flow to them though which is something that great to hear on the first song, they do end up leaving an impression after this song.

“You Brought This On Yourself”
This being the second, and one of my favorite songs on this whole ep. I’ll have to honestly say you hear a lot of the vocalists emotions very clearly, this song sounds kind of depressive, kind of sounds like if you listen closely it’s about a break up or a bad friendship that happen, something people can relate to pretty nicely.  I’d have to honestly say, the thing that sucks about this son if anything is its length this is one of the songs that could have been a bit longer than it is, I’d rather it be longer it has such well written lyrics and a nice overall sound to it.
Cleans: The clean vocals seem to have this sad or depressive vibe to them, which isn’t all that bad in fully honesty, you can clearly here the emotions behind his vocals which is something I really did enjoy and I feel as if others could enjoy this as well. The clean vocalist has a very nice range as well, his range is somewhat high but it kind of matches his mood in the song.
Screams: The screams come in right after the clean vocals, which is typical in the genre, sometimes it varies. This factor plays pretty nicely on this song for the reason being, the clean vocals seem to have the sad vibe to them and the screams have this sad or angry vibe to them, something that expresses the songs meaning so much better.
Instruments: The instruments fit with the vocals vibe really nicely and tries to show off the depressive mood with a nice flow and a nice sound, it has that sad type of beat to it, which only did the song good in the end.

“Whispers Of The Muse”
This song has a nice piano intro, one thing this song has that I really enjoy is the lyrics, well, basically this would be the love song on the ep that has the really cute lyrics, oh so cute lyrics that girls would love to have their boyfriend sing to them at night, yep The Natural Born Killers know how to get the ladies listening to their music. Humor aside, I’d have to say if anything this song is the song people would most likely enjoy the most because of the lyrics.
Cleans: The clean vocals have that lovey dovey vibe to them a little bit, and a very nice flow to them, which makes the lyrics have more of a meaning to them and definitely fits pretty well with the emotion being given off in the song.
Screams: The screamer is in small parts of the song sadly, but if he was in more it’d ruin the songs meaning a bit, but in the end  if he had more it could have drawn more of an audience but in a way the small parts he have is pretty good.
Instruments: The instruments if anything have this soft and relaxed vibe to them, which isn’t all that bad and fits really well with the songs meaning. I’d have to say the piano effect makes the song sound so much better and brings the meaning out a bit more in the song.

“With Or Without You”
I guess you could call this song the hate song on the album, it has a hateful vibe and beat to it, it has what sounds like a rap beat to it, which makes the song stand out a little bit on the ep, the hatefulness on this song is pretty clear and pretty nice. If anything this could be the song I tell someone to listen to first, because the hate emotion is definitely in this song and it’s not hard to hear it either.
Cleans: The clean vocalist sounds pretty mad on this song, which really brings the hate emotion alive in this song, it’s not a bad thing though, if anything it kind of helps out the sound a little bit more. The vocalist is definitely someone who explored his talents and came to conclusion he can sing with any emotion behind his vocals and make a song sound a bit better with the emotions behind it.
Screams: The screams also support the hateful emotion pretty well, his vocal style on this kind of sounds he’s yelling in rage, something that really does fit with the emotion behind this song. His vocal talents are pretty clear.
Instruments: The instruments have this heavy feeling to them, mixed with sounds like a rap beat to it to add some more spice into the song, which does spice the song up a bit, in a very good way to.

“Look In Your Eyes”
Last song on the ep, and I’d have to say the vocalists have more emotions towards their vocals then the other songs. The statement “Save the best for last” is something that easily fits this band and this ep, the last song happens to be one of the best songs on the whole ep, it’s not my favorite song on this ep, but it comes close to being so. This song could have been also a bit longer in length, who knows what it could have done for this ep.
Cleans: The clean vocals have the vibe of sadness and depression a bit, it kind of has this crying feeling to them it seemed, which kind of matched the songs emotion it was trying to give out. One thin thing this band does really well is adding emotion behind everything to improve their sound and make things better and sound greater.
Instruments:  The instruments have that sad sound and beat to them on this song, they also have some electronic sounds on this song, which only makes the song come alive even more a bit, the electronic parts fit so well with the song though, it’s a bit crazy.

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