Totengeflüster - Vom Seelensterben

Posted by Unknown On Friday, February 15, 2013

Track list:
1. Die Prophezeiung
2. Ein Traumgespinst
3. Ein Monolog im Mondschein
4. gefrorene Tränen
5. Vom Seelensterben
6. Der Pakt
7. Blutsegen (Die strömende Erkenntnis)
8. Ein neuer Pfad
9. Im Tau der toten Morgensonne
10. Ein Monolog im Mondschein (orchestral Version)

Genre: Symphonic
For Fans Of: When Woods Makes Graves, Timor et Tremor, Arcanorum Astrum

Even though Totengeflüster is German, and I’m an American who knows a small amounts of German, even though I couldn’t really understand most of the lyrics in the songs on this album, I still managed to enjoy it a bit. The orchestra addition gave it more of a good rating (In my books, because who doesn’t love a good orchestra in metal? Psh, I love it). Totengeflüster is also a heavy band, and in the region of black metal, which is why I kind of prepared myself on the orchestra part. Black metal (true black metal) always seems to have that addition in the music, which isn’t really a bad thing to say the least. It gives it a more interesting factor, and makes it a bit more worth listening too. One of the main things that I found enjoyable, besides the orchestra parts, would be the vocals. Even though I cannot understand what the vocalist is saying most of the time, his vocals got me hooked. He has a demonic type of a voice, which is something I know that not many American black metal bands can pull off (Dang it ‘murica) but the Germans, and other bands overseas have no issue with these type of vocals at all, which is insane, and amazing at the same time to hear. Now I wish they would make two versions of their music, German, and English, to help us over here in America be able to understand the lyrics a little bit more, and hey, maybe make a few more bucks and get more fans. A few songs that managed to stand out on this album would have to be, “Die Prophezeiung”, “Ein Traumgespinst”, “gefrorene Tränen”, “Ein neuer Pfad”, and “Ein Monolog im Mondschein (orchestral Version)”. “Die Prophezeiung” is basically the intro track to the album and starts it off softly, which was a bit weird to listen to, because black metal bands never really have “soft” music on their album. But hey, it leads you into a surprise for the next song! “Ein Traumgespinst”, oh my god, literally. It’s the longest song on the album, and this song made me feel like I was in hell, or something. It’s a brutal song, but it’s very crazy too! The vocalist has some serious vocal talents to hold his screams that long, and some that are quite impressive. The vocalist also manages to do a demonic laughter type of sound near the middle of the song, which completely blew me off guard. As you could tell, this band is a black metal band at heart, and they mean it. They’re not the heaviest band I’ve heard in the genre, but they come close to one. I’ve heard some heavier, and crazier bands in this genre, and section of music. But the vocal cords this guy in this band is able to do are just insanely unbelievable. “gefrorene Tränen”, is the shortest song on the album, with some good instrument play (Yay! It’s an interlude. I thought only post hardcore bands used those? WRONG!). As I said in that little box, yes this song is basically an interlude, with some good instrument play attached to it. “Ein neuer Pfad”, the title of this song, means “A New Path” in English (Hey you learned something from this review that has literally nothing to do with this album).  This song is one the “enders” as I like to say. It’s one of the last three songs on this album that tries to end it off. The song does do its job in order to get this album ready to end off on a rather good note, I might add to that. I mean, even though Americans won’t understand this album much, it’s still rather enjoyable. “Im Tau der toten Morgensonne”, means (In the dew of the morning sun blind) I think… anyway…… moving on (Yes I was using google translator, sue me.) The song title has a rather nice name, in my opinion. This song isn’t super heavy, but it’s still a pretty good ender for this album, and it may just be one of the best songs on this album (random insert, we just passed 666 words… I thought this would humor it up because it’s a black metal band. They write about satan..666… the number of the beast… slayer reference).  “Ein Monolog im Mondschein (orchestral Version)”, remember how I said there an orchestra on this album? I wasn't kidding. This is the one main song that they play, which is so good in my opinion, and literally made me fall in love with this album. This album isn't terrible, or anything, it just needs a few minor fixes, and maybe an English version added to it, for us who don’t know much German (me). The album still was very enjoyable to listen to, and I hope that this band gets some more fans in America (Overseas support!).
Screams: There’s mainly screams on this album (from what I can hear), and I do have to give props to the vocalist because his screams are freaking insane. It literally made me feel like I was in hell on some of the songs, because of how crazy his vocals sounded. He could really freak out some people if he dressed up as a demon for Halloween. I’d sort of like to see these guys play live (To bad that might never happen.. because they live in Germany, and that would cost them a bunch of money to fly).
Instruments:  All the instruments were spot on in my opinion. The orchestra instruments were my favorite on this album because you don’t hear many bands use orchestras anymore, or at all even. It seems like they forget the instruments that made the instruments today possible to have and to play. The guitars on this album were pretty good as well, and even the drumming was insane. It all tied in pretty well with the vocalist’s sound, which is what really made me like the songs on the album even though I can’t really understand the lyrics in the songs. Maybe an English

Rating: 7/10 
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