Voices - The Warden & The Whisper

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, January 13, 2013

Track list:
1. Anathema
2. Hostage
3. Three Can Keep a Secret If Two Are Dead
4. Anniversary
5. Discovering Diamonds

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: That's Outrageous, Make Me Famous, The Devil Wears Prada

To start this band has some sick vocals and the first song is brutal. 2 songs in and I have already fallen in love with the EP i bought it on iTunes expecting it to be something that sounds the same as almost every band and instead got something that's new and heavy. Your jaws will drop after listening to this EP. A full album hopefully in the future!

This is basically the intro track to the EP. The first thing you hear is a alarm and whispers and noises. Kind of makes you feel like you're in a prison that's haunted and then you hear the guitars along with the noises then the drums then the vocalist comes into play.
Screams: Basically near the end pretty good to start off the ep the screamer does a terrific job to give the prison vibe
Instruments: The guitar at the start gave me chills a little. Basically a heavy drumming and guitar to start off this ep!

This is where you hear the clean vocalist the intro is pretty sick and the screams to go along with the instruments. The screams remind me of a ghost/demon type thing. Kind of gave me some chills. This bands screams are an amazing fit for the title of the ep. The clean vocals on this song are pretty good.
Cleans: You get to hear some cleans in this song pretty good. The way they're placed is a good touch too.
Screams: Literally gives me chills. It's like a ghost/demo you'd hear in hell. The screamer is on my top scream vocalists for sure!
Instruments: Not really soft here, more heaviness.

"Three Can Keep a Secret If Two Are Dead "
I like the title of the song. This is probably one of my favorite songs off the EP as well. This song as some synth in it. The intro is pretty heavy and leads to a breakdown. This songs vocal are my favorite.
Cleans: The clean vocals are pretty good as always kinds of different then what’d you hear from a band but I'm not complaining.
Screams: I honestly can't get over how good the screams are on this. The screams remind me so much of a demon for some reason. It's like I've heard it on a movie before but I can't name it.
Instruments: Heavy! Brutal! You name it. They really make it heavy. they don't stop to go soft for a minute!

Near the end of this song is my favorite drumming. I thought it was a good ending to this song. This is my second favorite song off this EP. The intro is soft but they change that as soon as the screamer comes into play. The lyrics are catchy too
Cleans: The lyrics that the clean vocalist sings. Something I like. Cleans are mostly at the chorus on this
Screams: Still sounding like the demon. Sounds like the vocalist has some demons inside him he wants to get out.
Instruments: Some pretty amazing guitars at the start and the song starts off a little bit soft. Then kicks into gear and gear and gets heavy

"Discovering Diamonds"
Longest song on the EP and the heaviest! So much screaming in the song, they went hard in the paint on this song.
I like the drumming the most on this along with the some great guitar riffs! The lyrics are pretty good too this song has almost every element to make the perfect metal song in it. The clean vocals are actually pretty sick and fit so well with the song.
Cleans: The clean vocals are sick as they could be, but they’re mostly at the chorus though and the end of the song.
Screams: Mostly screams on this song. The lows are pretty good, still sounding demonic, but good.
Instruments: The heaviest the drums have been the guitar riffs are pretty good as well.
Basically you'll love this ep.

Rating: 8/10
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