Serianna - Define Me

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Track list:
1. Like Glass
2. Shadowcast
3. Analog
4. Full Circle
5. Drifter
6. Snake Oil Salesman
7. The Fallout
8. Pariah
9. Outlander
10. Burial Ground
11. Exist To Outlive
12. Define Yourself
13. Remove Rebuild

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: For All I Am, Given The Day, Camisado

I was a bit skeptical about giving Serianna a chance. I've heard mixed things about them like that they’re good, and they’re bad. Or that they’re generic, and they’re original. This actually made me wonder more about what the band did sound like, and by my surprise it wasn't that bad. Serianna definitely has some talented members in their band, and they have a rather nice song structure. It’s a bit different than most bands now a days. The offset of the clean vocals, and screams was nice as well, it’s like a mix of the two. At first I thought it was just randomized in place, but I learned that it was basically planned. Which was another thing that I really enjoyed about this album. Some places seems like it’s random, but sometimes it doesn't. The artwork to this album was another thing that I enjoyed, and it definitely made me want to give the album more of a try. I’m actually pretty glad that I did give this album a try, but the only downfall of this album would be the production. Some of the production is rather nasty, in my opinion. It seems like the bass, and drumming was mixed the same in some places. Other than that, the album is great to listen to. A few songs that stand out on this album would have to be, “Like Glass”, “Full Circle”, “Snake Oil Salesman”, “The Fallout”, “Define Yourself”, and “Remove Rebuild”. “Like Glass”, is the first song on the album. I’d have to say that it’s a song that I found myself starting to love, and replaying over and over again. The song shows off the bands full power, which is pretty cool if you ask me. It definitely makes you want get up, and mosh in your room a little bit (Ruin your mom’s house, she has insurance… I hope.) Serianna is one of those bands that has a lot of power, and you can really tell that in their music. They don’t hold back on anything, and I do mean that they do not hold back. You can really tell that the band builds up power in their life, and then when they hit the stage or the studio, it all comes out to make these songs better than anything. This album is definitely a step up from their older releases in my opinion. From their first album, compared to this album, you can definitely hear how the band has matured and grown into what they are now. I didn't really listen to the first album, only a few songs. I can tell you that with the four songs off the first album that I listened to, this album makes it look like something horrible. “Full Circle”, ‘cause no one likes a half circle (joke). “Full Circle”, is definitely one of the heavier songs on the album, and you can hear that pretty fast in the intro. This is good because it shows that the band doesn't waste any time to get heavy. Yes, with that being said the song does get soft in the middle… but that’s alright, right? Who doesn't like to hear some heaviness and then softness that leads right back into the heaviness of the song? Heavier than before, at that. “Snake Oil Salesman” is probably the best song title on this album, and I wonder how much money you could make off of snake oil. I picture a few hundred bucks, depending on what kind of snake it is. A cobra being the one that is the money maker most likely. This is another heavy song on the album, but it’s not the heaviest. I would have to say that it is maybe the second heaviest song. The thing about this song that’s really enjoyable besides its title, is the lyrics to the song. The lyrics aren't poorly written or anything of that sort, this song probably has the better lyrics on the album. Some of the lyrics on this album are rather great. You can definitely tell that the band has some serious lyrical talents, and that might pay off on their next release if they grow and mature from this in order to write the next one. I picture it happening, but now I can only really hope it does. “The Fallout” is basically an interlude on the album. That might explain why the song is the shortest on the album too! It’s only a minute, and all the others range from two minutes, to four minutes. Which is honestly pretty nice. I feel like some songs should be short, and some should be longer. However, the ones that are always short should usually be longer. Now for “Define Yourself”. I’d like to say that this is the title track in a way? Only because the album’s called Define Me, and the song is called “Define Yourself”. It sort of confused me because I didn't know if that’s what the band was aiming for, or not. But “Define Yourself” is a song with the better flow, honestly. It has more of a few rock vibes to it, which in my opinion bought me just like that. I definitely consider this song an ender on the album, because it does support the band ending off their album. “Remove Rebuild” is the end track on the album, sadly. This song has some of the better guitar playing on the album, as well. Which is honestly quite nice because it shows off the talents of the band a bit more, and it shows you (possibly shows you) what the next album will sound like.
Cleans: The clean vocalist’s range is rather high, he doesn't really go low with his vocals. They’re all rather high on this album, however, there are some places where his vocals are low. I’d take the highs, over the lows, to be completely honest.
Screams: The screams on this album were rather low in range, which isn't a bad thing because the screamer changed his style a few a times. On the last song, it sounds like the screamer put all of his anger into his vocals into writing that song, which is something that made me want to replay it over and over again. The screams were produced a bit differently on that song, as well.
Instruments: The guitar player had some serious talent, on this album. Some off the riffs that he shredded weren't that bad, and definitely added power to the album. This really impressed me. Even the drums added to the album in order to make it something better. I felt like everyone in the band had ideas for this before they actually recorded it, which most bands do… but I feel like once the band recorded their parts that they had before, that they added to it a lot.

Rating: 7/10
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