Recognize - Revenge

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, May 9, 2013

Track list:
1. Hail Satan
2. On To The Next One
3. Cow Eyes
4. Booger Cookies
5. Golden Eye
6. Decent Price
7. Epic Bailure
8. G.F.Y.S
9. Scumbag
10. New Friends Request From California's Girlfriend
11. Apocalypse
12. Sober Sweet
13. Forever Again...
14. Nightcrawler
15. Outro

Genre: Hardcore
For Fans Of: Liferuiner, Being As An Ocean, Attila

So I just found this band randomly by looking at hardcore bands on YouTube, and I’d have to say that I’m seriously glad that I found “On To The Next One” on YouTube. It easily became my favorite song to date. I know this band has been out for a while, and that I’m pretty late to write this, but hey, anytime is good a good time for some promotion on a bands release, right? The main factor I love about this band, is that they’ve mixed three genres into one; Hip Hop, Metal, and Hardcore. Now, bands that usually do this make something that isn’t too good. However, this band makes it sounds decently good, and I do give them a lot of props for it. I really like how you can hear all three influences really well, and that there’s no honest way that you can miss it. A few songs that stood out on this album would have to be, “On To The Next One”, “Booger Cookie”, “Decent Price”, “Scumbag”, “New Friends Request From California's Girlfriend” and “Forever Again...”. “On To The Next One” is the song that I randomly found on YouTube, and it made me a fan of this band really quickly. It shows their talents pretty well, and you can hear the all three influences pretty quickly within the song. “Scumbag” is another big song for me from this band. It just has a pretty nice instrument flow to it, and it is another song that shows off all three genre influences in this band. However, the metal influence is the strongest in this song it sounds like, but hey? Who’s going to complain about that? “Forever Again…” was a song that I liked because of the title at first, then when I actually listened to the song I felt like this band could do anything, and have no possible wrong side. I honestly hope that this band has another release coming out soon, because after this it really makes me want some more from this band! The power they have in their music is amazing, and I hope they inspire more bands to have this kind of power in their music.
Cleans: There’s a little bit of cleans, well if you can even call them cleans, because they’re basically him talking a bit and then him screaming. I’d have to say that his clean vocals stay on flow, even though it’s just him talking. When you hear his clean vocals a bit, you know that there’s going to be a heavy breakdown, or some loud noises about to start going on within the next few seconds. I’d have to say that’s the biggest thing that this band has, that many other bands do not.
Screams: I’m going to call the vocals screams, because they have that feeling to them. The vocalist does screams, and some types of cleans. His screams are pretty nice because his screaming style changes up in every song, which is one thing that I have to say impressed me about this release, and this band. Not many vocalist can change up their style in every song, and still have the listener hooked on his bands songs. I honestly hope that this band has something new in the works, because letting someone with this much talent do nothing, is going to end up killing someone.
Instrument: The instrument play is crazy, and in a lot of songs you can hear the hardcore influence in the instruments and the vocals. But, for the most part, in the instrument play. The instruments always have a phenomenal flow in them, which does the band real good for their music, and only gives them the edge that they need to be bigger than what they already are.

Rating: 7/10
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