Sleeping With Sirens - Feel

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, June 1, 2013

Track list:
1. Feel
2. Here We Go Again
3. Free Now
4. Alone (Ft. MGK)
5. I'll Take You There (Ft. Shayley Bourget)
6. The Best There Ever Was
7. Low
8. Congratulations (Ft. Matty Mullins)
9.  Déjà Vu
10. These Things I've Done
11. Sorry
12. Satellites.

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: We Came As Romans, Copeland, Pierce The Veil

"Feel" is the newest album from Sleeping With Sirens. I’ll have to give the guys in Sleeping With Sirens some credit for this release. I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the other ones though, but their vocalist said they’re writing an album for their fans, and that they’re going to be adding all the emotion they can to this album, and he did just that. My only complaint with this album is that it sounds like a pop punk album on some songs, and their vocalist did say it’d be a little heavier than the other two releases. Tut there’s one song that I could say is heavy. The other ones are more poppy then heavy, but it happens. If Sleeping With Sirens really did go heavier than the first album, I don’t know how their fan base would react to that kind of change. Overall though I’m really glad that the guys in Sleeping With Sirens made an album with emotion. The emotion factor is pretty clear, and you can easily hear it in every song. A few songs that kind of stood out on this album would be, "Feel", "Free Now", "Alone", "I’ll Take You There", "The Best There Ever Was", "Congratulations", and "Sorry". "Feel" was a good choice for Sleeping With Sirens to open this album up with. "Feel" kind of sounded like the song that plays open up with, but none the less it was a pretty good song.  "Feel" isn't only the title track of the album, but also the opener song and it also shows what this album will basically sound like. "Free Now", is probably one of the best songs on this album, when it comes to them adding emotion to a song. Their vocalist tells the listener that he wrote the song for his father, and in the song he kind of tells you about his life story. He then goes into telling the listener that he wrote this song for his mother as well. This song basically tells about the vocalist’s life a little bit, and how he’s free now. It’s songs like this, that Sleeping With Sirens is known for, and these are the type of songs that they should write more often. Time for the song "Alone", now at first when I saw the track listing, I was seriously skeptical about what the guest vocalist will sound like. I mean a post hardcore band, and a rapper in the same song? That’s something that hasn't been used before. Sleeping With Sirens broke that barrier with genres, and made a decently good song. I enjoy both Sleeping With Sirens, and Machine Gun Kelly, but to see them on a song together. I was just mind blown, and I had to hear this song as soon as possible. The outcome of the song was just mind blowing! It is probably one of the best songs on the album, in all honesty. "I’ll Take You There", features one of my favorite clean vocalists in the genre today, Shayley Bourget. Shayley has always had these powerful cleans, along with Kellin Quinn. But seriously, now those two on a song together, and you have a master piece in the making, and that’s exactly what they did on this song! It’s an overall masterpiece, and something truly great for both Kellin, and Shayley. I can only hope to see Kellin on the next song, with Shayleys band Dayhsell. "The Best There Ever Was" is the heaviest song on this whole album. The intruder vocalist on this song is just really unexpected, because if you know Sleeping With Sirens as good as I do, they’re a Christian band, and they’re not too fond of Attila’s music. Yet, they’re all really good friends. Hearing Chris Fronz’s vocals on this song really made me happy. Chris Fronz really did spice this album up quite a bit and I’d have to say that he was a great addition to getting this album up in ratings from critics, even though some of Sleeping With Sirens fan base wanted to complain about Chris being on the album. Who cares? He didn't ruin the band, if anything he gave this album a little bit more life than it already had. That being said, "The Best There Ever Was" is probably my favorite song on this album. I hope Kellin and Chris do more songs together in the future of Sleeping With Sirens, and Attila. "Congratulations" is the one song on the album that I can honestly say I didn't like very much. I did like the fact that Matty Mullins was featuring in it, though. I saw Matty do guest vocals with Sleeping With Sirens at Warped Tour 2012, and Matty really added some energy to Sleeping With Sirens set. It was overall the best set of the day, because of that. The songs meaning sounds like it’s about Matty, and Kellin’s band success. It kind of sounds they’re bragging about it a bit, or that they’re telling people that doubted them in their past to see where they’re at now. Either way, the song isn't the best on the album, but I do give the guys their pops for making it. I do kind of wish I knew the real meaning behind this song, though. "Sorry" is kind of like Sleeping With Sirens "Ballad Song" which isn't a bad thing, because the song turned out to be amazing, and just overall phenomenal. The sound of the song, and the lyrics, just make this song sound better. It really gives it some life, and if this was the last song on the album, it would have been one of the best ways to end off this album even though "Feel" wasn't that good in my opinion, and it could have been a little bit better in places. It really lacked in a few places also. I think this album was one of the better soft albums from Sleeping With Sirens. It definitely tops "Lets Cheer To This", but doesn't compare or amount to "With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear". I’d have to say that after listening to this album a few times, I’m ready for next thing from Sleeping With Sirens!
Cleans: The clean vocalist definitely got better compared to older releases, and older music. The vocalist found out how to add a lot more emotion to his vocals, and how to get a better sound with his range. The clean vocals on some of the songs are higher than others or lower than others, and I guess you could say that this adds a suspense factor to the songs for the better. I hope he keeps messing around with his range, to get an even better sound with the next release.
Screams: Not only did the clean vocals improve, but the screams did too! The vocalist got more of a higher screamer, out of his screaming range, which does make it sound a lot better. The only thing is, that you don’t really hear much of the screams on this album. The cleans out due the screams on this release, just like they did on "Lets Cheer To This". I hope on the next release, that the screams out due the clean vocals. I’m way fonder of the vocalists screams, over his cleans. But hey, that’s just me.
Instrument: The instrument play improved a lot as well. Something that I really enjoyed, was the guitar play, and the drum play on some of the songs. I hope this band becomes a legend in the post hardcore genre, because with their vocals and instrument play getting better on every album, it’s definitely going to lead them somewhere big in no time! Even though they've already had their big break on "Lets Cheer To This", I can only imagine when "Feel" lands them, or their release after "Feel" lands them. I can only see big things happening for this band.

Rating: 7/10
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