The Glory Game - On Top Of The World

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Genre: Pop
For Fans Of: All Time Low, Blink-182, Plug In Stereo, 

The Glory Game’s newest single and if I must say one of my favorite songs from these guys. This song has a lot of emotion to it and has a great overall sound to it. The lyrics only give it more of a plus in my books! These guys never honestly never fail to amaze me. Pop definitely isn't my home genre or a genre I’m into but for some odd reason I really like The Glory Game and the music they put out. Now my only dislike about this song Is the length of it, because 2 minutes is too short for a song this good in my opinion. I really wish this song was a little bit longer than it is now, because honestly who knows what these guys could have done with another few minutes? They could have did some great things to this song not trying to say they didn't but they could have added a lot more and probably make this song score number one on the pop bill boards, but one thing this song does is make you wonder what the next song will sound like and if it’ll have the same feeling as this song. One thing this band has that makes them stand out is probably their style in their music it’s somewhat unique, the vocal style, the drumming, the guitar play all new and give this band the edge they need to be one of the best pop bands to come out, well I do think this in my opinion The Glory Game is one of my favorite pop bands that I've heard because they have something pretty good going on for them and I honestly cannot wait for them to release a ep or a full length album whenever that may be. I’ll be sure to pick one up!
Cleans: The vocals are the best part in my opinion, the emotion in this band is really nice and you can hear the emotion in the clean vocalists voice even his style has some emotion to it to make this band sound a bit different than the other bands in the genre. If I have to pick one thing about this band I enjoy the most it would probably be the vocals, the vocal style is somewhat new to me and it’s really enjoyable if I do say so to myself. This band has a lot going for them and a lot of unique features, I can only hope this all pays off for them in the future.
Instruments: Their instrument play is fairly new to me, but I don’t listen to many pop bands so that might be why, but this band has some really nice instrument play in their music to be completely honest. Maybe to people familiar with the genre they might not think so but for someone like me who doesn't really know much about pop I think their instrument play is great now I’m not going to say it’s the best thing ever there are some parts that could use some work though.

Rating: 3/5
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Set On Famous - Living With Lifeless

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 25, 2013

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Asking Alexandria, Capture The Crown, Skarlett

Set On Famous debut single by themselves the first song they had was with Skarlett which was 2 bands one song the first of its kind and it came out pretty well. Now the songs low in volume in my opinion but you can hear everything pretty well which is the good part of this, because if you couldn't hear it well you probably wouldn't listen to it. Now Set On Famous did a great job on this song and they have me ready for the next song just by listening to this. This band might be the next capture the crown or asking Alexandria and they may make it big in this scene which is what pretty much every band wants to do in their careers but I strongly feel this band making it in their careers and getting a record deal. I’d like to see them go places and tour, I’d check them out and buy some of their stuff now with that being said. The only thing I could say bad about this band is that the volume sounds pretty low on the song other than that there’s really nothing wrong with the song just the production isn't the best but hey, for your debut single it shouldn't be perfect but I’m pretty glad it came out the way it did for them and I hope they get a lot of good responses from it, you can probably tell they got a good one from me and a great impression. I’d have to say I wasn't really expecting the clean vocals but when they came in the song I was pretty happy even though I’m kind of upset they didn't have a big part in the song. The vocal styles sound a bit unique to be completely honest I thought they would take another bands vocal style and try to sound like the copy of that band but they didn't they did their own style and did something great with it.
Cleans: The clean vocals don’t really have a big part in the song only the choruses which upsets me, because I would really like to see more of the clean vocals in the future they’re not that bad in full honesty which makes me wonder why they didn't give them a bigger part in the song maybe they’re saving them for the next song? Only time will tell!
Screams: Now to be completely honest I thought this band was going to take another vocalists screaming style and try to be the carbon copy of them, well they didn't  which made me oh so happy to hear. Now not saying they didn't take a style that’s used by a few bands and make it sound like something to fit their sound even with that in the song it still came out pretty good and it’s a great vocal style with a great vocal sound to it.
Instrument: The instrument play is pretty good as well. For a debut single these guys didn't do much wrong and they made it sound really good. I’d love to see where this band goes in their career, anyway back to their instrument play. The intro to the song had my favorite instrument play in the song because it was synth and guitar then if you keep listening it has the vocals leading the rest of the instruments in the song which sounded fairly good. The instruments do have a great flow in this song which is another big thing to make this song better, everything sort of goes together and stays together. 

Rating: 4/5
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Awake And Create - Retribution // Forgiveness

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: Fit For A King, My Ticket Home, Silent Screams

Second single from the guys in Awake And Create! This song is definitely better than the first in many ways and more hateful. This band is definitely one of my favorite un-signed bands. This song goes faster which I don’t like at all, I wish it was longer and slower so it lasted longer. This band has a sound that’s different and kind of generic at the same time which is something I've rarely heard. The vocal style is original and the song structure is a bit original but it does seem like it’s used in a lot of other songs but this band uses it and makes something great out of it which is you can hear easily in the song. The screams in this song sound pretty angry if you really listen closely to them it kind of matches the lyrics greatly as well. Awake And Create could cover a boring song and make it in to something interesting and fun to listen to or make it into a song you have to replay over and over again. The band literally adds elements to make their songs more interesting and to get their listeners attention, it’s like they want your full attention in the whole song and never want to lose it and even at the end they try to leave you with the impression of you have to replay this song or get another song rather quick. This band in all honesty doesn't fail to impress their audience in any way they always live up to their expectation which only makes them more the listen and the greater band. I’m really hoping this band gets their break and makes it somewhere in their careers before they leave the music scene, if they ever leave the music scene which I would hate to see.
Screams: The screams are pretty angry it sounds like. The first single sounded pretty hateful as well and this song is even more hateful, it kind of makes me wonder if all the songs this band’s going to release will be angry or hateful, I do kind of hope they have many more angry songs in their future because they do a great job at writing and structuring the songs they write. The vocals fit well with their lyrics and add that emotion behind them which is something that really makes this band stand out in their genre. The vocal style this band does is probably my favorite it packs a real punch and fits their music style pretty well, I don’t really think this band has anything bad about them, well maybe the fact their songs end differently and some of the stuff sounds pretty repeated over and over again.
Instrument: Their instrument play is impressive, but not something that’s like oh my god this is the best thing ever but there are some parts in this song that kind of left me saying that. I’d have to honestly say with their instrument play on this song it kind of seems like it could be a hands down fighting song and a song that would be played during a wrestling or boxing show, maybe even an intro to a boxer or a wrestler. 

Rating: 5/5
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Kill Kingsley - Welcome

Posted by Unknown On Monday, April 22, 2013

Track list:
1. GameChangers
2. House Call From Dr. Shakalu 
3. Pretending I Speak In Tongues

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: Attila, Blind Witness, Volumes

Kill Kingsley is a rather small band to be honest but such a good one, it’s saddening that they’re not bigger than they are now. This is their first actual release and it sounds pretty good to be honest, they easily show their influences from other bands in every song on this rather small ep, you can also hear some other genres in their music besides just metal, I don’t know if you can really call djent a genre but it does have that vibe in these songs it’s a rather strong vibe as well. I’m going to really want to hear more from this guys in their future of being a band. This ep could have been a little better, maybe different recording style, not bashing it, it sounds raw no production on it which I do like a lot, because you can hear their actual talents, my issue with it though is that you can only really hear the vocals and the drumming the best you can somewhat hear the guitars though, but not all the time which is what I don’t like. But other than that they did an amazing job with this release and I hope them the best in their careers!

First song and the shortest song on the ep, this song might be the one song that really shows off the djent genre through the whole song, you can sort of hear that influence in the song pretty well and you know it’s there. The intro to the song is pretty nifty as well, it kind of makes it have a deathcore feel to it, that’s one thing that got my attention at first I mean, a siren then a gun shot, this has a good song? And if you listen to this song with this mindset you’re correct! This song is wonderful for a first song on their debut ep.
Screams: The screams are pretty self- explanatory, they’re basically deep growls with a nice flow to them, and it does end up working with this band’s sound pretty well. The vocalist seems like he can get pretty deep with his vocals which kind of got me hooked on listening to the song, really impressive to hear for first song on the debut ep as well.
Instruments: the instrument play is great to be honest, the only thing that I can honestly say I don’t like it the fact you can hear the vocals and drumming and somewhat the guitar the best, I kind of wish it was recorded a bit differently but that’s just me. I’m not bashing it either way I still love this song and it was great to hear their full talents in 3 minutes of the song being played, even though it could have been a bit different, maybe in the future they’ll expand their talents and do something even better than this ep? High hopes for this band, not going to lie.

“House Call From Dr. Shakalu”
The name kind of me laughing a little bit, not going lie about that, sort of an original song name. This song easily shows the djent influence as soon as the song kicks in, which is pretty neat, on the first and this song you can hear most of the other genres in the songs and how they influence this band. You can also hear the other bands sound that influence this band which is really new and awesome to hear as well. It doesn't really sound like this band could do any wrong for their genre which really impresses me in every way you can impress someone that’s a critic for music. If this band doesn't release an album next year or sometime later in this year I don’t know what I’d do, or maybe more singles because to be honest three songs isn't enough for a band’s debut ep, that’s another thing I dislike about this release but hey, they definitely did something good with the small amount of songs they have on this release, I wish it was more but have to look on the bright side it’s not one or two or one song and two instrumentals.
Screams: The screams are sort of like the first songs scrams, but this time mixed with some high notes and high style screams which is something that made this song great! The higher screams give this song the Attila vibe in my opinion, like Attila’s older stuff from back in 2007? I think that’s when their first release came out, it gives me that feeling for some reason, which is great to hear, I love how you can easily hear all the other influences instrumentally, vocally you name it, and you can easily hear it.
Instruments: I think five seconds into the song you can hear the djent influence pretty well. This band could easily become a great djent band or a band that uses many genres hands down, I think the amount of influences this band has sets them apart in the metal genre. Everything about this band does impress me so far I wonder what the last song could hold for me. Maybe the best song on the ep? Maybe the song that easily becomes my favorite from this band? We’ll have to see now won’t we!

“Pretending I Speak In Tongues”
Last song on this very small release sadly, I kind of wish it was a bit longer to be completely honest, I don’t know how many times I've said that in this review but it’s true. If band releases more music this year I could die happy, literally this three song ep won’t really last me long, I really want some more stuff from this band soon, that’s just the impression they left on me as well, wanting more, maybe with the next release they’ll improve in a few areas and get some better recording stuff? It’d be nice to hear everything in this band not just a few things.
Screams: On this song the screams sound deep and heated which is good it adds some emotion to the song  which only makes me more impressed with this band, I’d seriously love to see more from these dudes in the future of their careers. The vocalist is really talented and everything but I’d like to see him improve his vocals a little bit to get the best sound he can get and maybe get a bit deeper on the next release to even impress me a bit more. I hope their fan base enjoys this release as much as I did in all honesty.
Instruments: The first few minutes it sounds like guitar feed a bit, which isn't really a bad thing it shows that the ep was recorded raw no edits which is good, I wish all bands did some raw stuff because it brightly shows off their talents and makes something new to listen too, but I don’t know if you can produce it with it being raw un-edited but if you could that’d be really cool. But anyway, this song is my favorite instrumentally because of the guitar riffs and the mini solo you’ll hear in the song.

Rating: 9/10
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Lazarus - Silence Before The Storm

Posted by Unknown On Friday, April 19, 2013

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: The World Alive, Falling In Reverse, Tunnels Aberdeen

One thing about this song, the song itself fits the name sort of. It’s relaxed the first few seconds kind of like the calm before the storm. This song is the band’s debut and first song off their upcoming ep. I’d be lying if I said Lazarus didn't impress me with their first song and only song. After giving this a few good listening it kind of got me wondering what will this ep hold and sound like. If anything I hope the band takes this sound they used on this song and improve it and mess around with it to come up with a sound for the ep. The only thing I wish was that the vocals were produced a bit differently, they’re good don’t get me wrong it’s just that I kind of want them to sound more clean then they are on this song, the band did a great job nonetheless and I’m pretty excited to see what they do next in all honesty and what they do for this ep they’re releasing if it ends up sounding like this jut improved a little bit better you can definitely bet that I’m going to be buying it in a heartbeat! I’m hoping this band goes a good way in their careers they definitely and rightfully deserve to be heard more and get more exposure. Also, the lyrics for this song are greatly written and honestly some good lyrics and I kind of like the vibe I was getting from them, the vocals sort of show the emotion behind the lyrics a little bit which is something that might have gotten me more into the song, but without a doubt the band did end up impressing me with this song and it’s kind of funny because this is the first and only song they have and it’s somewhat hard to get me to become a fan with only one song. Lazarus did it though and I’m not complaining much.
Cleans: The clean vocals are well done. I know for a fact the clean vocals are one thing that got me into this song more both vocals cleans and screams did a great job on the song and I can only imagine hearing more from this band vocal wise, oh the wonders it could hold! The clean vocals do show the emotion a bit and goes along with the lyrics greatly.
Screams: The screams are definitely another thing that caught my attention, the only thing I can honestly hate about the screams is the fact they’re not produced to clear to understand them fully, but it’s alright you can still sort of hear the words perfectly if you listen closely.
Instruments: The guitars on this song are the main thing you can hear clearly, which isn't a bad thing the whole flow of the song is highly impressive itself. The fact everything works together so greatly is another big thing this song. If this band wants to do something to improve their music it would be in their best intentions to add a guitar or a drum solo, I mean let’s be honest, who doesn't like a good solo in a song?

Rating: 5/5
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Skyscrapers Walk Among Us -Divergence Of Our Lives

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 18, 2013

1. Sunrise
2. The Raddest Chicks Never Say Die
3. My Best Friend Is Now My Worst Enemy
4.  The Desert and the Destiny
5. Staging a Hollywood Getaway
6. Rooms Filled With Ghost of My Past
7. Nah Dude I'm On Varsity Now
8. Sunset

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Missing In Maryland, My Sky Your City, This Romantic Tragedy

Every so often an outstanding post hardcore band that could possibly change the genre comes along and then breaks up for who knows what reason, this seems to have happen to Skyscrapers Walk Among Us they had everything a good post hardcore ban needed good clean vocals, a great screamer that has an original screaming style, and an amazing overall sound. There really was nothing wrong with this band what so ever, why they had to leave the post hardcore music scene after releasing an amazing ep that left an impression on post hardcore fans everywhere is beyond me. I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing this band comeback and record a full length then leaving, more music from this band would definitely brighten up my year without a doubt. A few songs that stood out on this album would be, The Raddest Chicks Never Say Die, My Best Friend Is Now My Worst Enemy, Rooms Filled With Ghost of My Past, these songs also caught my attention fully. My Best Friend Is Now My Worst Enemy was the first song from to Skyscrapers Walk Among Us that I heard and after listening to that song I honestly became a fan of the band and gave the song another listen. The songs easily the best on the album, it shows the vocal talents of the vocalists really well, the screamer seriously makes the song come alive and gives it a feeling of originality, his style is so high and loud it’s somewhat crazy hearing it. There definitely isn’t a vocalist out today that could really copy this style, well they can copy it but it wouldn't sound the same as this guy for sure. Rooms Filled With Ghost of My Past was the second song I fell in love with on this album, I honestly gave this song a blind listen to, I just really enjoyed the name of the song so I listened to it first and fell in love with it in a way. It has this great flow with the vocals which basically draws you into the song so perfectly. I don’t think this song really has any downfalls, it could be longer though, I would have made this song about five minutes long instead of three, but that’s just me.
Cleans: The clean vocalist definitely does his job on this release, he helps the screamer make this release come alive and have an original feeling behind it, which it easily does. The clean vocalists vocal style is high but there’s nothing to really hate about it because it fits with this band’s sound so well and has a great flow behind it.
Screams: Oh boy, the screamer is definitely something to be heard, his vocal style is high like really high but the thing that I like about it is that the no matter how high he goes with his screams it fits and has a flow to it, like it doesn't mess up the song or anything I can definitely tell this band would have done some great things in their careers, sad to say they broke up though.
Instruments: Their overall sound and instrument play was absolutely phenomenal in my opinion, everything went together nicely and fit very well with the vocals, this band honestly did no wrong on their first and last release. I honestly really wish this band was still around making music and touring. This was one band that should have never let the post hardcore scene, we can only hope they make a comeback to the music scene soon very soon.

Rating: 10/10
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The Novelist - Under The Light

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 11, 2013

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: I, The Breather, Texas In July, August Burns Red

The Novelist’s debut single was something that honestly impressed me the first time I heard it. A Debut single that basically shows off the bands full sound and talent, not to mention it started off heavy and gets you right into the mosh mode. There isn't anything really wrong with this song to be completely honest and up front. This song is very well one of the most impressive songs I've heard coming from a upcoming metal band, it definitely makes you want to keep listening to it over and over again, the vocals are just about right with genre and fit so well with the song. The song is 4 minutes long which really made me happy it’s definitely a song that could probably be a bit longer though. There’s also parts in the song like near the end where it just get heavier and the guitar play gets so much better than it was at the start of the song. The only thing I could possibly hate about this song is that vocalist doesn't really change up his style much in the song it’s just one style through the whole song with minor changes, which isn't that bad it actually kind of made the song more interesting to hear, but I still wish there were more diversity with the vocals in this song, maybe in the next song? This song though, in full blown honesty is going to leave an impression on the listener and roll some heads of the listeners. I can only hope the ep they’re releasing soon is much more impressive and shows more of their talents off, because I honestly want to hear more from this band. They’re releasing an ep very soon and which in my opinion won’t be enough, hopefully after this ep they go straight for an album.
Screams: Basically, screams through the whole song the only thing I can only say I dislike about the screamer is that he doesn't really change his style much in this song, if they changed it a little bit he could have made this song into something different from the rest of the bands in the metal genre. But on the bright side the screamer is pretty good at his vocals and he definitely knows his vocals. Hopefully on the next song or on the ep he adds some diversity to his vocals to spice up the ep and spice up the sound of his vocals.
Instruments: This song start off heavy and keeps its heaviness, little changes in the sound but none to make it sound bad or anything, but to improve the flow of the sound and make it more interesting to listen to. The one thing that got my full attention is the drumming, the drumming is pretty impressive and if anything it’s pretty heavy and definitely helps the song get it’s heaviness, the guitars do their part as well, there’s some really great riffs in this song and one thing I seriously enjoyed about their instrument play was there was a guitar solo type of a thing in a few places of this song.

Rating: 5/5
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Anarchy And Harmony - Evil

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Genre: Rock
For Fans Of: Metallica, Bullet For My Valentine, Anarchy

Debut song from Anarchy & Harmony, and I would have to say they’re definitely bringing out the big guns out on this song, there isn't a real moment you’ll regret on this song, it’s rock at its finest that’s for sure. If you take your time to listen to this song you can feel a little Metallica vibe in the song, something bands try to do so much and usually don’t come close to it. But Anarchy and Harmony did, they came super close to it to be honest, the little guitar solo near the end of the song was something that I would have to say was my favorite part of the song. The intro and the outro to the song have the humor parts to them, the intro right after the little movie skit was heaviness to its fullest. The thing I think the song could have had more of would be guitar solos maybe even a drum solo that would be pretty exciting to hear. I would have to honestly say for a debut single release this band didn't do any wrong, they showed their talents off pretty well in this song. The main thing I could say I dislike about this song would be its production, I don’t expect a debut release to have the best production and I’m not trying to say this song doesn't have great production to it, it has great production to it honestly, it could be a little bit better though, but for self-production song it’s really good, but it still has room to improve a little bit. On that note, I’m hoping the next song is a bit longer, produced a little bit better and overall still has a great sound to the song.
Cleans: There’s a few parts that have lower voices that I guess could count as clean vocals for the song, the next song could have a little bit more parts like that though. I think it would be a pretty good addition the sound of this band and could make them more worth listening to.
Screams: The overall vocal style could be called screams, at least that’s how I hear them, his vocal style sounds kind of angry though, which I guess fits in the song and the songs meaning. In the next song he could try to spice up his vocals a little bit to make them fit in more with the song and the overall sound of the band. Not trying to bash the vocal style at all, it was actually a joy listening to, but just throwing some ideas out there for the next song.
Instruments: The instruments, oh boy, the drumming isn't as loud as I’d wish them to be but everything else sounds perfect and produced amazingly. The guitar solo at the end of the song was something I wasn’t really expecting, most local rock bands kind of forget the guitar solos in rock, maybe on the next song the band could do a drum solo and guitar solo? That would be exciting.

Rating: 4/5
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Apparitions - Kiss Me Sleeping

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 4, 2013

Track list:
1. Intro
2. Mascara Queen
3. She Dies At The End
4. Burn Alive
5. Like In The Movies
6. Modern Whorefare
7. No Sweet Home
8. Capture The Moment
9. Leaving
10. Miss Fortunate
11. Where Are We Now
12. Sleeping With The Enemy
13. Fall To Arms

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Designs, Famous Last Words, This Twilight City

I've always had a soft spot for this band a little bit, I mean they combine pop and metal and make something different and mind blowing. This bands overall sound is completely amazing, I really like how you can hear both pop and metal elements so nicely and clearly, this is one of those bands that do something completely different and never gets noticed, un-noticed talent that deserve to get noticed. This band if anything gets your full attention on the first song, they do seriously well with the pop element though, every song you can hear it and it fits so well. A few songs that kind of stick out on this album would have to be, Mascara Queen, Burn Alive, Modern Whorefare, Leaving, And Sleeping With The Enemy. Mascara Queen is the first song on this album and it captures everything in this band’s sound, which makes it one of the songs that stick out, the chorus have the poppy feeling to them, which is where the pop element comes in, the screams have the metal feeling to them, and put those two together you have a pop metal song. Modern Whorefare is my favorite song on this album, the name has some humor to it and it intro of the song has this pop vibe with it and kind of has a rap type of a feeling to it, three genre elements to it makes it one of the best songs on this album and the one songs that are highly enjoyable on this album, plus the lyrics are well written to kind of go with the songs title. And the vocals on this song are the best in my opinion, the vocals have the best to sound to them in every song but in this song, I think they’re probably the best.
Cleans: The clean vocals, have this high range and the style has the pop type vocals with them, which is kind of where you hear the pop element a lot from, the clean vocals are highly enjoyable though. I don’t think there’s a song that doesn't have the clean vocals in it, which is one thing I do enjoy about this band the vocals are in almost every song there isn't a song where the clean vocals gets the full thing or where the screamer gets the whole thing, they share the songs together.
Screams: The screams help out with the metal element a lot, the screamer has this type of low screams to his vocals, there are some parts where he goes high though, so you kind of get the best of both worlds from him, high screams and low screams not just one.
Instruments: The instruments help in both areas, there are some pop sounding riffs and drumming and some metal sounding riffs and drumming, you basically get the best of both genres, which is something this band offers, and one reason they’re as good as they are. I definitely hope this band gets picked up soon.

Rating: 9/10
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Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Designs, Famous Last Words, This Twilight City

So the guys in apparitions made a Taylor Swift cover, and it’s really good. The clean vocalist had this high vocal range that just sounds incredible and the screamer has this aggressively mid-high type of a range. Put these to vocal styles in one song and you have something seriously great. This band definitely is something I’d tell people to listen to, this cover is brilliant. I’d hope this band has a bright future, the vocalists really do impress me, and the overall sound of the band, they have this pop and post hardcore feel to them, something that isn't in many post hardcore bands and it’s surely knew to feel with post hardcore band. I definitely give this band some props to making something original and keeping it that way. My first listening to this song I was completely blown away, I just wasn't expecting anything this band has in this song, plus the two bands that feature in this song, Famous Last Words and She Screams Of Royalty, you can one of those bands as backup vocals, having two bands that somewhat fit and somewhat don’t was definitely a great thing for them to, because in the end those bands plus this band is just crazy to hear and highly impressive, I’m seriously wondering why this guys haven’t got picked up by a label, big or small it doesn’t matter just why they haven’t got signed by anyone is beyond me.
Cleans: The clean vocalist has this seriously high type of a range which isn't really expected to hear from this band, because if you know the other Apparitions (No clue why they have the same name) but they’re more metal and strictly metal, so you kind of have that mindset listening to this band, then when you actually listening to this band you’re completely blown away because it sounds like pop and metal mixed together. Which is new, some bands try but don’t come as close as these guys that’s for sure.
Screams: The screamer has his mid-high type of a scream, it fits with the band’s sound really well, and the cleans plus the screams make the songs come alive and give it the original type of feeling to them, which is one reason I can say I like both of these vocalists. Both vocalists have something to offer to the band’s sound, which I guess goes with any band out there today, but this band kind of does it a bit better.
Instruments: The instruments are heavy and have a really good flow to them through this song, and if anything the instruments being heavy still kind of give off that pop vibe which isn't something you’d really hear from most heavy band or post hardcore bands, so that was completely new to hear but when you hear it you know it sounds really good and it has your full blown attention, another thing I kind of like about this band, the vocals have somewhat of an influence on the instruments, the cleans kind of get the song softer and slower, the screams gets the song faster and heavier, something that works really well to this bands advantage. 

Rating: 5/5
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For Today - Immortal

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Track list:
1. The King
2. Fearless
3. Stand Defiant
4. Immortal
5. The Call
6. Foundation
7. Open Eyes
8. Under God (ft. Tommy Green of Sleeping Giant)
9. Set Apart (ft. Jake Luhrs of August Burns Red)
10. The Only Name (ft. Sonny Sandoval of POD)
11. My Confession

Genre: Christian Metalcore
For Fans Of: Sleeping Giant, MyChildren MyBride, In The Midst Of Lions.

Fourth album from For Today possibly the best, everything improved and got better than the last 3 releases and their lyrics got better and more into what they’re about and their meanings got  a bit deeper. A few songs have really great and heavy intros too them which is my favorite thing in a band if a song has a great intro it’ll draw me into listening the whole song if it doesn't I’ll be sketchy into listening the song. Mattie doesn't have his deep growls anymore, he does but it sounds way different then he had it on the last albums. A few songs that stand out on this album have to be, Fearless, Immortal, Open Eyes and My Confession.  One thing this band has in common with their albums after the intro track the very first song shows their power and how they sound like and they always pick a song that sounds really good and one of their bests on their albums. Fearless is probably my favorite on this album because of the lyrics and the Mattie’s vocals sound on the song. This album is one of their better albums to listen too, mainly because they have matured in many ways from the first album release.
Cleans: The clean vocalist who rarely shows up but is on the a few songs, his vocals kind of stand out with the mix of Mattie’s screams, but he fits the sound really well.
Screams: Mattie doesn't have his deep growls, well he does but it kind of sounds different he  also changed up his vocal still up a bit more. He only matured vocal wise and the sound only got better kind of sounds like he’s exploring the sound his vocal cords can make.
Instruments: Better breakdowns and a heavier sound on almost every song on this album,  everyone really matured and got better on this album.

Rating: 10/10
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For Today - Breaker

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Track list:
1. The Breaker's Origin
2. Devastator
3. The Advocate
4. The Breaker's Valley
5. Seraphim
6. Arm the Masses (ft. Drew York of Stray From The Path)
7. White Flag
8. The Breaker's Encounter
9. Phoenix (ft. Shane Raymond of Close Your Eyes)
10. Psalm of the Son
11. King (ft. Jay Pepito of Reign Supreme)
12. The Breaker's Commission

Genre: Christian Metalcore
For Fans Of: Sleeping Giant, MyChildren My Bride, In The Midst Of Lions

Third album from For Today and probably my favorite album from these guys, this album has heavier breakdowns then the other two do. Overall this album is an improvement.  A few of the songs on this album are heavier than what you’d usually hear from For Today, they kind of changed on this album not a huge change but a good enough change. A few of their interludes sound kind of like speeches/preaching to their fans. I don’t know how many people will feel listening to those little songs, I kind of enjoyed it but in my opinion those could have been avoided.  A few songs that stick out on this album have to be, Devastator, The Advocate, Arm The Masses, and Phoenix.  Devastator was a good song to start the album off with shows their metalcore roots and how their lyrics are going to be. I’d have to say the bass drops got a little bit better from the last album they definitely got better and matured in a few different places where they kind of lacked. Their music only gets greater with each release they have, not yet have they released anything that hasn't been impressive or good. This band should make their albums a little longer than 10 songs.
Cleans: The clean vocals show up on then interludes more often than the music, the preacher/speechs voice is just really emotional and you can hear that really well.
Screams: The screamers deep growls and overall style got a lot better from the last album, just a big improvement and he stays with the flow a little bit better. His vocal style is worth listening too though.
Instruments: The bass drops and the breakdowns got a lot better and heavier, the drumming on some of the songs is just truly something else and the guitar riffs got a whole lot better as well.

Rating: 9/10
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For Today - Portaits

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Track list:
1. Immanuel (The Challenger)
2. Saul of Tarsus (The Messenger)
3. Nicodemus (The Seeker)
4. Joel (The Watchman)
5. Immanuel (The Redeemer) (ft. Joe Musten of Advent)
6. Elijah (The Forerunner)
7. Benedictus (Song of Zechariah)
8. Ezekiel (The Visionary)
9. Isaiah (The Willing)
10. Talmidim (The Servants) (ft. My Epic)

Genre: Christian Metalcore
For Fans Of: Sleeping Giant, MyChildren MyBride,
In The Midst Of Lions.

Second album to be released by For Today, the song names seem to in another language, one thing I must say I like about this album is the bass drops and the screamers really deep growls kind of makes this band more unique and different in their genre. They are a metalcore band but with Christians lyrics which is new but worth listening too.  The structures of the songs are pretty good they definitely know how to write a song and make it sound really good even with Christian lyrics. This band kind of tries to set them apart from their genre in a few different ways, vocally and overall sound of the band. A few songs that really stick out on this album are, Nicodemus (The Seeker), Elijah (The Forerunner), and Isaiah (The Willing). The names of the songs are in the bible (I think) Elijah has to be one of my personal favorites on the album because of the deep vocals and the bass drops along with the breakdown that’s really heavy. Theirs a style of vocals that is on this song that makes it stand out and sound a bit better than the rest of the songs this band has a lot of talent and shows it.
Cleans: There’s one song that has the clean vocalist kind of preaching to the listener I wasn’t much of a fan of that but the clean vocalist is decent when he does show up on the album, the clean vocalist has a voice to listen to though.
Screams: The screamer has a deep growl type of vocals in most of the songs which is neat to listen to and shows the metal roots very nicely...
Instruments: This band has some really good bass drops and breakdowns, even though it’s not really the energetic type of metalcore on every song on the album, but it does have some really good songs to mosh too. The instrumental on the album is another great song with great guitar riffs and a flow  to go along with it.

Rating: 8/10
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For Today - Ekklesia

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Track list:
1. Intro
2. Infantry
3. Redemption
4. Agape
5. Never Lose Sight Of The Goals
6. Instrumental
7. Word Of Hope
8. Ready For The Fight
9. Higher Standards
10. With A Passion Burning

Genre: Christian metalcore
For Fans Of: Sleeping Giant, MyChildren MyBride, In The Midst Of Lions.

Frist album released by for today, personally one of my favorite albums they’ve released. This came out in 2008 they were hardly known back then it’s crazy how much they’ve changed. The vocals on this album aren’t really that clear, the guitar riffs and instruments really make the album worth listening too and more of the metal push.  The album artwork is kind of different in a sense of being a Christian band, so it has to have something to do with Christianity in some way. For a first release album this was really good to listen to and a joy to hear. The intro to the album is pretty heavy and straight forward which is always nice to listen too. A few songs that stick out on the album have to be, Infantry, Agape, Higher Standards and With A Passion Burning. Infantry was a good first song to start off the album kind of shows off their metal roots very well and nicely. The screamers style in almost every song is the same but kind of gives off the death metal vibe in a few songs. The instrumental song on this album is calm and relaxed it was kind of a random thing to hear on the album, new to say the least and after that the song Words Of Hope gives back the heaviness and the metal feeling back to the album. To say the least the album was really good for a debut album, it was well written too.
Screams: The screams in some songs give off a death-metal vibe, others it does not. But Mattie’s style is pretty decent to listen to it doesn’t really get old just better as the album goes on.
Cleans: The vocals show up in some songs but not all of them, the style of the clean vocals is somewhat new and different, but no fully. Most of the time with the clean vocals are coming in with the screams are right in front of the clean vocals flow, they kind of stick together on a flow.
Instruments: Besides the intro and instrumental the album is heavy and stays with its metals roots, the instrumental just happens to be soft and the intro happen to be even heavier than most of  the songs on the album which is a great way to start off an album. The last song kind of ends soft though but has heavy drumming to go with it.

Rating: 7/10
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Track list:
1. Last Showing
2. Ticket With No Destiantion
3. Take The Answers From Me
4. Your Army Falls Tonight
5. The Seven Words I Run From

Genre: Christian Metalcore
For Fans Of: Sleeping Giant, MyChildren MyBride, In The Midst Of Lions.

First EP and first release ever from for today, I think this is back when they were teens and the drummer at the time was their vocalist, he’s one hell of a vocalist I must say. The recordings of the songs are somewhat bad somewhat good, they’re not the best but I kind of expected that for a first release and they’re teens, but this is a great EP either way.

“The Last Showing”
Besides the recording and production, this song is really good kind of hard to believe they were teenagers when writing this song.
Cleans: The clean vocals come up in a few places, I kind of like the style of the clean vocal definitely something really good for a teenager
Screams: The screamer is pretty neat even though the recording kind of ruins it and makes them sound a little bit bad.
Instruments:  Pretty heavy, the guitar riffs are decent and pretty nice.

“Ticket With No Destination”
The name of the song kind of gets me. Must be an inside joke or something with the band. The lyrics are pretty good.
Cleans: The clean vocalist starts off the song, the recordings make it sound like he wasn’t ready for the instruments to come in.
Screams: The screamers style is pretty neat to listen too, but the recordings just make it sound sort of bad.
Instruments: Kind of soft and heavy in places, really good song with drumming though. The song starts off soft though which is pretty neat to listen too.

“Take The Answers From Me”
The clean vocals start then straight away the screamer comes in and the song gets a little heavier and keeps a great flow within the song.
Cleans: For a teenager trying to sing, he does have a lot of vocal talent along with the screamer, his vocals don’t get old either just better.
Screams: Comes in right after the clean vocals end, right away too no break.  I think for being teens they have a lot of vocal talent which will pay off in the long run.
Instruments: Starts off slow becomes very when the screamer comes in and the drumming gets really heavy and really neat to listen too.

“Your Army Falls Tonight”
Mini guitar solo at the beginning of the song, followed by the scream vocals and it gets heavy and stays that way. This is my favorite song lyrically on this ep.
Cleans: I really like the clean vocalist speed up with the guitars around the middle of the song makes it stick out and sounds pretty cool.
Screams: The screams in this song are kind of better recording wise on this song than other songs.
Instruments:  The guitars and vocals do something really neat at one part of the song, the clean vocals speed up and so do the guitars, gives it a really neat sound to listen too.

“The Seven Words I Run From”
This song is about the seven deadly sins, I’m guessing from the title of the song, this song is the last song too sadly, this was such a great EP to listen to and get them started on their career as a band.
Cleans: The clean vocalist and screamer kind of stick together at some points doing their vocals at the same time on the same pitch to end of the EP off too was a great way of going out with a bang.
Screams: Sticks with the clean vocalist for the most part, the style kind of changes a few times though. If they had a better recording done for the vocals I’m sure it’d sound a bit different.
Instruments: Mixture between soft and hard, sticks well with their metal sound very nicely though.

Rating: 5/10
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Kingdom of Giants - Griever

Posted by Unknown On Monday, April 1, 2013

Genre: Post Hardcore
For fans of: With Oceans Below, Darkest Before Dawn, Adestria

First single off their new album coming soon. I can kind of say I’m interested in this album, and hearing what it will sound like, the single is pretty nice, it has a different feel to it though, nothing like the first ep and few songs, this is a whole different direction for them, it’s more mature in a way and a bit better. Even though I enjoyed the first songs a lot and I’ll in a way miss the older sound, it really made them stick out a little bit in a good way, this sound kind of sounds generic in a way, but they do try to make something out of it which is good, I’m pretty excited to hear the album, hopefully they kept some of their old elements on some of the songs, it doesn't all sound new and generic, maybe there will be some surprises on the album as well, we can only hope so. This song is pretty long as well, which is pretty nice for it being the single off the new album, it showed their new sound fairly well.
Cleans: Yep, the old cleans are gone for good, they’re not high anymore, but on the upside of this the clean vocals have more a fit with the band’s sound and have a better flow to them than they did when they were high. The downfall is that it doesn't really sound like Kingdom Of Giants anymore, but none the less it’s pretty good.
Screams: The screamer changed his style up for good, not as aggressive as it was before, but still pretty good and has a decent fit with the band’s sound, I can say I’m pretty excited for the album. I just hope there are some old elements in other songs.
Instruments: The instrument play has gotten deeper and heavier, which really impresses me there is a really good sound to everything on this song, it could have been better, yes, but honestly, if anything this song clearly show off the new direction the band is going in.

Rating: 4/5
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Kingdom Of Giants - In Focus

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Genre: Post Hardcore
For fans of: With Oceans Below, Darkest Before Dawn, Adestria

Another song they released, I’m hoping this means they’re releasing an album or something in the near future. This song has a really nice start to it, but it does sound a lot different than the other stuff they've released a bit, the vocals are different in style, they still have the aggressive vibe though which is a good thing for them. I would also have to say the clean vocals changed up a little bit for the best, if you were a fan of the older clean vocalist, you may not like this style, but then again you might like this a little bit. To be completely fair this isn't my favorite thing they've released, but it’s something isn't it? I’m hoping they don’t take this direction to be completely honest, but if they end up doing so I hope they make the best out of it. Kingdom Of Giants has a bright future ahead of them for sure, not going to lie there, I just hope they get the best out of it. To say the least, I’m excited for the next thing they end up releasing, ep or album or even another single, I’m pretty excited for it.
Cleans: The clean vocals changed up a bit, they’re not as high as they once were, to someone that liked the ep and Mj Returns this is a huge change. Hopefully this isn't the full direction they’re going or it was made quickly, I do like the song, but it’s just not the same thing from Kingdom Of Giants.
Screams: The screamer still somewhat has his aggressive vibe to his vocals. Which is something they kept that made me really happy to hear, his style has changed a little bit, not for the worst but the best, I’m hoping he makes some small changes and gets even better.
Instruments: The instrument play has improved as well,  for the better, I mean it’s not as heavy and the flow isn’t the way it used to be, but it’s still really nice once you listen to it, the vocals and the instrument play end up going together fairly well which is really nice. But to be completely honest it’s not the Kingdom Of Giants vibe as it once was, but oh well, every band has to improve and mature, they’re definitely doing that and you can hear it pretty well which makes it better.

Rating: 3/5
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Kingdom Of Giants - Mj Returns

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Genre: Post Hardcore
For fans of: With Oceans Below, Darkest Before Dawn, Adestria

After they released their ep, Kingdom Of Giants wrote this beauty, I’m pretty sure if I read this correctly it’s a demo, but it’s a pretty nice demo, it kind of shows how they've grown up and matured a bit, their sound still sounds as good as it did on their ep, if anything they improved in parts that needed it, there’s also more a flow of things in this song. The song if I was reading it correctly, is about a dedicated fan? Don’t know what that is all about, if they wrote a song about a fan, I hope that fan is happy, because they wrote a great song about them! Kingdom of giants is definitely one of my top favorite unsigned bands, they’re in their own way original and unique, and I honestly do not think anyone could copy this band’s music, style, sound at all. I hope this going for them, I really do.
Cleans: The clean vocals kind of lead the song for a little bit. His style kind of improved a little bit from the ep, which isn't really a bad thing, he sort of matured, which is always good for a vocalist to do, I’m hoping he does some more changes though, so he can get the best out of his vocals.
Screams: The screamer kind of got more aggressive, or at least it sounds like he did a bit, I’m still sort of impressed with his vocals, I’m hoping on the next ep or album they release we get to hear his vocals with a lot of power behind them. I can honestly say if they write an album it could be the best thing they do, the more songs the better.
Instruments: The instrument play has gotten a little better as well, the flow of the instruments sound better, sort of heavy, sort of soft in the song, both ways the songs has a really good flow to it, I just hope they keep improving in their future.

Rating: 4/5
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Kingdom Of Giants - Abominable

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Track list:
1. Who I Once Was
2. A Test Of My Survival
3. Watch Me
4. Onslaught
5. The Overlord
6. Guns And Girls

Genre: Post Hardcore
For fans of: With Oceans Below, Darkest Before Dawn, Adestria

Debut ep from Kingdom Of Giants! I’d have to say overall this ep was glorious. This band has a lot to offer to the post hardcore music scene, which is really good to be honest, I feel as if they can offer a bit more than a lot of bands, I’d love to see these guy far in their careers, they rightfully deserve it and they do have a lot of talent. Also they do know to impress.

“Who I Once Was”
When it comes to an intro song, this song really cut the cake, it’s a very powerful song, instrumentally and vocally, two great factory that might come in handy later on, if they keep their song structure something like this. One thing I really do like about this song is the power of the vocals, the screams have a lot of power behind them, you can hear the power so clearly also, I’m not going to try to say oh this band is the best ever, this band is the most original, but when it comes to originality they do come close to it, I might even put this band in my top ten bands, and top 50 bands you have to know. This band is just something else and something great.
Cleans: The clean vocals give ep a nice start. The clean vocalists range is somewhat high, which in a way kind of makes his vocals a sound nicer and give him more of an original sound. But other than that his vocals are a great fit with the band’s sound.
Screams: The screams sound like they have a lot of power to them, which makes them interesting to listen to, and the style really fits with the sound of the band.
Instruments: The instruments start off all calm and relaxed than it gets a bit heavy and heats up, which ends up leading to the screamer to come and take the song away from the clean vocalist a bit.

“A Test Of My Survival”
One of my personal favorites on this ep, it starts off heavy and the intro has a really nice flow to it, which makes the song a bit more interesting than the first song a little. The lyrics to this song make it one of my favorites to be honest. The one thing that really sticks out on this song would be the power of the vocals, there’s so much power behind them and you can clearly hear it.
Cleans: The clean vocals are on this song, the style of the clean vocals is what makes the clean vocals stick out in the band, the style is high and has a really nice flow to it, and the clean vocals definitely go along nicely with the band’s sound.
Screams: The screams sound like they have the most power to them on this song, the screams kind of have an aggressive vibe to them, which I guess is why this song is my favorite, the whole song has that aggressive feeling to it, which I would have to say is really nice.
Instrument: The instrument play really helps out the vocals with that aggressive feeling, near the middle of the song is where the instrument play gets faster and near the end a bit is where the song reaches its high point.

“Watch Me”
This song is another favorite of mine on this album, the intro, what can I really say about the intro? The screamer waste no time getting you into the song which is something I found highly enjoyable to this song. I think this song has the most plays in my iTunes, it’s definitely one of the songs I would recommend to someone who was just now getting intro Kingdom Of Giants, it shows off the bands talents really well, which is one reason I like the song so much, plus the cleans and screams have almost even parts in the song which is another thing I really like about this song.
Cleans: The clean vocals appear again on this song, they kind of have an even part with the screams though, there’s a few parts that the clean vocalist has more time than the screamer, which isn’t really a bad thing, I find the clean vocalists voice and style really enjoyable to listen to, pretty high in this song but there’s nothing wrong with that.
Screams: The screams lead the song once more, the screamer has a nice style along with the  clean vocalist, both cleans and screams make the songs come alive which is highly enjoyable and they both sound great together on songs.
Instruments: The instrument play isn't aggressive as it was on the last song, it still has that vibe a little bit but not fully, the drumming kind of sticks out near the middle of the song though, but in a good way.

I think this is the heaviest song on the whole ep, well the intro is brutally heavy and honestly it was unexpected when I first listened to the ep. The only issue I can say with this song is the clean vocals, if they weren't on the song it could have been a little bit better, not totally bashing the song, I’m actually in a way glade the clean vocals are on this song, but if they weren't the song would sound so much different and who knows, maybe it would sound better?
Cleans: The clean vocals don’t really have a huge part in the song but if they weren't on this song, I think the song could have been a little better, but in a way I’m glad they have a small part in the song, the clean vocals are highly enjoyable not going to lie, but the aggression on this song gets ruined with the clean vocalists style.
Screams: The screamer definitely went full out aggressive on this song, I wasn't really expecting it in fully honesty, but I’m glad they have song where they’re full aggression, minus the clean vocals this song is highly enjoyable.
Instruments: Once more does the instrument play help out the screamer with his aggressive style. The when the screamer has his aggressive vibe the instruments do as well, which is something I found highly enjoyable. This song has the best instrument play on the whole ep in my opinion.

“The Overlord”
If anything this song has the best guitar play, the intro’s little solo was really neat to hear, and right after that the clean vocalist takes over the song and then the screamer does, and it kind of sounds like they’re battling for who takes the song in some places in the song, which was something I thought was pretty cool to hear, this song happens to be the longest on the whole ep, I don’t know why, I mean it’s not really a bad thing but I would have picked “Test Of My Survival” for the longest song, but in a way I’m kind of glad this is the longest song, it has the best flow to it.
Cleans: The clean vocals on this song are pretty good, not going to lie, the end is where the clean vocals happen to sound the best in my opinion, I’m not going to really say why because it’ll ruin the surprise, but if anything the end is very good for the clean vocalist, very unexpected in a post hardcore band as well.
Screams: When you do hear the screams, they do once more sound a little aggressive which isn’t really a bad thing, I sort of like whenever the screamer has the aggressive type of vibe with his vocals, it makes the song come a live a little bit more.
Instruments: The instrument play on this song is truly phenomenal, the guitar at the intro caught me off guard and near the end with piano, that was pretty touché for them, this would be another song I tell people to check out, it’s full of surprises at first.

“Guns And Girls”
Sadly, this ep has to come to an end, but for a debut ep Kingdom Of Giants made a great impression with this release, I can honestly say I’m excited for whatever the band has coming up next. Maybe an album in the future, who knows, I hope so though, these guys definitely deserve whatever they can get.
Cleans: The clean vocalist kind of ends off a rather high note, which is somewhat expected. His style is pretty enjoyable on this song though, I hope he improves it a little bit in the future though, he has some room for improvements.
Screams: The screamer ends off the ep in an aggressive and angry way, which is somewhat expected but you can tell he put a lot of power into his screams on this song.
Instruments: Once more the band has another great song with some awesome instrument play, the guitar riffs on this song are by the best on the whole ep, not the best guitar playing, but the riffs are great.

Rating: 9/10
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