Kingdom of Giants - Griever

Posted by Unknown On Monday, April 1, 2013

Genre: Post Hardcore
For fans of: With Oceans Below, Darkest Before Dawn, Adestria

First single off their new album coming soon. I can kind of say I’m interested in this album, and hearing what it will sound like, the single is pretty nice, it has a different feel to it though, nothing like the first ep and few songs, this is a whole different direction for them, it’s more mature in a way and a bit better. Even though I enjoyed the first songs a lot and I’ll in a way miss the older sound, it really made them stick out a little bit in a good way, this sound kind of sounds generic in a way, but they do try to make something out of it which is good, I’m pretty excited to hear the album, hopefully they kept some of their old elements on some of the songs, it doesn't all sound new and generic, maybe there will be some surprises on the album as well, we can only hope so. This song is pretty long as well, which is pretty nice for it being the single off the new album, it showed their new sound fairly well.
Cleans: Yep, the old cleans are gone for good, they’re not high anymore, but on the upside of this the clean vocals have more a fit with the band’s sound and have a better flow to them than they did when they were high. The downfall is that it doesn't really sound like Kingdom Of Giants anymore, but none the less it’s pretty good.
Screams: The screamer changed his style up for good, not as aggressive as it was before, but still pretty good and has a decent fit with the band’s sound, I can say I’m pretty excited for the album. I just hope there are some old elements in other songs.
Instruments: The instrument play has gotten deeper and heavier, which really impresses me there is a really good sound to everything on this song, it could have been better, yes, but honestly, if anything this song clearly show off the new direction the band is going in.

Rating: 4/5
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