Kingdom Of Giants - Abominable

Posted by Unknown On Monday, April 1, 2013

Track list:
1. Who I Once Was
2. A Test Of My Survival
3. Watch Me
4. Onslaught
5. The Overlord
6. Guns And Girls

Genre: Post Hardcore
For fans of: With Oceans Below, Darkest Before Dawn, Adestria

Debut ep from Kingdom Of Giants! I’d have to say overall this ep was glorious. This band has a lot to offer to the post hardcore music scene, which is really good to be honest, I feel as if they can offer a bit more than a lot of bands, I’d love to see these guy far in their careers, they rightfully deserve it and they do have a lot of talent. Also they do know to impress.

“Who I Once Was”
When it comes to an intro song, this song really cut the cake, it’s a very powerful song, instrumentally and vocally, two great factory that might come in handy later on, if they keep their song structure something like this. One thing I really do like about this song is the power of the vocals, the screams have a lot of power behind them, you can hear the power so clearly also, I’m not going to try to say oh this band is the best ever, this band is the most original, but when it comes to originality they do come close to it, I might even put this band in my top ten bands, and top 50 bands you have to know. This band is just something else and something great.
Cleans: The clean vocals give ep a nice start. The clean vocalists range is somewhat high, which in a way kind of makes his vocals a sound nicer and give him more of an original sound. But other than that his vocals are a great fit with the band’s sound.
Screams: The screams sound like they have a lot of power to them, which makes them interesting to listen to, and the style really fits with the sound of the band.
Instruments: The instruments start off all calm and relaxed than it gets a bit heavy and heats up, which ends up leading to the screamer to come and take the song away from the clean vocalist a bit.

“A Test Of My Survival”
One of my personal favorites on this ep, it starts off heavy and the intro has a really nice flow to it, which makes the song a bit more interesting than the first song a little. The lyrics to this song make it one of my favorites to be honest. The one thing that really sticks out on this song would be the power of the vocals, there’s so much power behind them and you can clearly hear it.
Cleans: The clean vocals are on this song, the style of the clean vocals is what makes the clean vocals stick out in the band, the style is high and has a really nice flow to it, and the clean vocals definitely go along nicely with the band’s sound.
Screams: The screams sound like they have the most power to them on this song, the screams kind of have an aggressive vibe to them, which I guess is why this song is my favorite, the whole song has that aggressive feeling to it, which I would have to say is really nice.
Instrument: The instrument play really helps out the vocals with that aggressive feeling, near the middle of the song is where the instrument play gets faster and near the end a bit is where the song reaches its high point.

“Watch Me”
This song is another favorite of mine on this album, the intro, what can I really say about the intro? The screamer waste no time getting you into the song which is something I found highly enjoyable to this song. I think this song has the most plays in my iTunes, it’s definitely one of the songs I would recommend to someone who was just now getting intro Kingdom Of Giants, it shows off the bands talents really well, which is one reason I like the song so much, plus the cleans and screams have almost even parts in the song which is another thing I really like about this song.
Cleans: The clean vocals appear again on this song, they kind of have an even part with the screams though, there’s a few parts that the clean vocalist has more time than the screamer, which isn’t really a bad thing, I find the clean vocalists voice and style really enjoyable to listen to, pretty high in this song but there’s nothing wrong with that.
Screams: The screams lead the song once more, the screamer has a nice style along with the  clean vocalist, both cleans and screams make the songs come alive which is highly enjoyable and they both sound great together on songs.
Instruments: The instrument play isn't aggressive as it was on the last song, it still has that vibe a little bit but not fully, the drumming kind of sticks out near the middle of the song though, but in a good way.

I think this is the heaviest song on the whole ep, well the intro is brutally heavy and honestly it was unexpected when I first listened to the ep. The only issue I can say with this song is the clean vocals, if they weren't on the song it could have been a little bit better, not totally bashing the song, I’m actually in a way glade the clean vocals are on this song, but if they weren't the song would sound so much different and who knows, maybe it would sound better?
Cleans: The clean vocals don’t really have a huge part in the song but if they weren't on this song, I think the song could have been a little better, but in a way I’m glad they have a small part in the song, the clean vocals are highly enjoyable not going to lie, but the aggression on this song gets ruined with the clean vocalists style.
Screams: The screamer definitely went full out aggressive on this song, I wasn't really expecting it in fully honesty, but I’m glad they have song where they’re full aggression, minus the clean vocals this song is highly enjoyable.
Instruments: Once more does the instrument play help out the screamer with his aggressive style. The when the screamer has his aggressive vibe the instruments do as well, which is something I found highly enjoyable. This song has the best instrument play on the whole ep in my opinion.

“The Overlord”
If anything this song has the best guitar play, the intro’s little solo was really neat to hear, and right after that the clean vocalist takes over the song and then the screamer does, and it kind of sounds like they’re battling for who takes the song in some places in the song, which was something I thought was pretty cool to hear, this song happens to be the longest on the whole ep, I don’t know why, I mean it’s not really a bad thing but I would have picked “Test Of My Survival” for the longest song, but in a way I’m kind of glad this is the longest song, it has the best flow to it.
Cleans: The clean vocals on this song are pretty good, not going to lie, the end is where the clean vocals happen to sound the best in my opinion, I’m not going to really say why because it’ll ruin the surprise, but if anything the end is very good for the clean vocalist, very unexpected in a post hardcore band as well.
Screams: When you do hear the screams, they do once more sound a little aggressive which isn’t really a bad thing, I sort of like whenever the screamer has the aggressive type of vibe with his vocals, it makes the song come a live a little bit more.
Instruments: The instrument play on this song is truly phenomenal, the guitar at the intro caught me off guard and near the end with piano, that was pretty touché for them, this would be another song I tell people to check out, it’s full of surprises at first.

“Guns And Girls”
Sadly, this ep has to come to an end, but for a debut ep Kingdom Of Giants made a great impression with this release, I can honestly say I’m excited for whatever the band has coming up next. Maybe an album in the future, who knows, I hope so though, these guys definitely deserve whatever they can get.
Cleans: The clean vocalist kind of ends off a rather high note, which is somewhat expected. His style is pretty enjoyable on this song though, I hope he improves it a little bit in the future though, he has some room for improvements.
Screams: The screamer ends off the ep in an aggressive and angry way, which is somewhat expected but you can tell he put a lot of power into his screams on this song.
Instruments: Once more the band has another great song with some awesome instrument play, the guitar riffs on this song are by the best on the whole ep, not the best guitar playing, but the riffs are great.

Rating: 9/10
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