For Today - Your Moment, Your Life, Your Time

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Track list:
1. Last Showing
2. Ticket With No Destiantion
3. Take The Answers From Me
4. Your Army Falls Tonight
5. The Seven Words I Run From

Genre: Christian Metalcore
For Fans Of: Sleeping Giant, MyChildren MyBride, In The Midst Of Lions.

First EP and first release ever from for today, I think this is back when they were teens and the drummer at the time was their vocalist, he’s one hell of a vocalist I must say. The recordings of the songs are somewhat bad somewhat good, they’re not the best but I kind of expected that for a first release and they’re teens, but this is a great EP either way.

“The Last Showing”
Besides the recording and production, this song is really good kind of hard to believe they were teenagers when writing this song.
Cleans: The clean vocals come up in a few places, I kind of like the style of the clean vocal definitely something really good for a teenager
Screams: The screamer is pretty neat even though the recording kind of ruins it and makes them sound a little bit bad.
Instruments:  Pretty heavy, the guitar riffs are decent and pretty nice.

“Ticket With No Destination”
The name of the song kind of gets me. Must be an inside joke or something with the band. The lyrics are pretty good.
Cleans: The clean vocalist starts off the song, the recordings make it sound like he wasn’t ready for the instruments to come in.
Screams: The screamers style is pretty neat to listen too, but the recordings just make it sound sort of bad.
Instruments: Kind of soft and heavy in places, really good song with drumming though. The song starts off soft though which is pretty neat to listen too.

“Take The Answers From Me”
The clean vocals start then straight away the screamer comes in and the song gets a little heavier and keeps a great flow within the song.
Cleans: For a teenager trying to sing, he does have a lot of vocal talent along with the screamer, his vocals don’t get old either just better.
Screams: Comes in right after the clean vocals end, right away too no break.  I think for being teens they have a lot of vocal talent which will pay off in the long run.
Instruments: Starts off slow becomes very when the screamer comes in and the drumming gets really heavy and really neat to listen too.

“Your Army Falls Tonight”
Mini guitar solo at the beginning of the song, followed by the scream vocals and it gets heavy and stays that way. This is my favorite song lyrically on this ep.
Cleans: I really like the clean vocalist speed up with the guitars around the middle of the song makes it stick out and sounds pretty cool.
Screams: The screams in this song are kind of better recording wise on this song than other songs.
Instruments:  The guitars and vocals do something really neat at one part of the song, the clean vocals speed up and so do the guitars, gives it a really neat sound to listen too.

“The Seven Words I Run From”
This song is about the seven deadly sins, I’m guessing from the title of the song, this song is the last song too sadly, this was such a great EP to listen to and get them started on their career as a band.
Cleans: The clean vocalist and screamer kind of stick together at some points doing their vocals at the same time on the same pitch to end of the EP off too was a great way of going out with a bang.
Screams: Sticks with the clean vocalist for the most part, the style kind of changes a few times though. If they had a better recording done for the vocals I’m sure it’d sound a bit different.
Instruments: Mixture between soft and hard, sticks well with their metal sound very nicely though.

Rating: 5/10
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