The Color Morale - Know Hope

Posted by Unknown On Friday, March 29, 2013

Track list:
1. Burn Victims
2. Smoke And Mirrors
3. Learned Behavior
4. Living Breathing Something
5. Strange Comfort
6. In Light In Me
7. Silver Lining
8. Steadfast
9. Hole Hearted
10. Saviorself
11. Have.Will
12. Never Enders

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Mayday! Cried The Captain, Enjoy The Fall

Third and most recent album from The Color Morale, Garret changed his vocal style a little bit to make it sound better and I guess fit more with the band’s sound. I’d have to say the album has a really good message towards it, and it’s nice to know bands still write albums that have meanings, not just a few songs with good meanings, but a whole album with them, that’s even better right? I can definitely dig their new style in all honesty, it has an original taste to it, but it also has a generic type of a vibe, but most music does now a days. They've grown up a lot from the first release though, I’d have to say I’m pretty proud of them, I can only hope they keep growing up and only explore more of their talents and grow as a band. A few songs that that kind of stick out on the album would have to be, Burn Victims, Learned Behavior, In Light In Me, Hole Hearted, Never Enders. All releases from this band has always had a great intro song and a great outro song, which is one reason I like The Color Morale, they always have this great track listing and they pick the right songs to start and end the album off with. Hole Hearted would probably be my favorite song on this album though, the name makes it stand out a little bit, plus the instrument play at the intro is pretty good and that’s what really caught my attention when I was first listening to the song, the guitar and drumming were just amazing on this song in my opinion. The influence the vocals have on the instrument play is shown a lot on this song, which happens to be another reason I really enjoy The Color Morale.  But to be completely honest, I hope the next release is like this album but better in many ways, I hope Garret  changes his vocal style a little bit to make it one of the best styles in post hardcore.
Cleans: The clean vocals changed a bit as well, they kind of have the same range as the first albums clean vocals, which good, the first album had the best clean vocals I've heard from the band, I’m glad Garret is bring it back a little bit.
Screams: The screams are definitely different from the other two releases, for the better of course though. The screams have the tone of disgust though, which is something I found to be really nice and it fits with the sound really well. I can only hope Garret changes his screams up a little bit to make them even better than they are now.
Instruments: If anything the drummer, the guitarist, the bassist, have gotten a lot better on this album, I think it kind of sounds a bit heavier than a lot of their stuff, there is a nice flow in their instrument play though, which is what really matters. I hope they expand their talents and get better on the next release. I do have to admit I like the direction they’re going in a lot, I hope they stay this way a little bit, but I also hope they change a bit as well.

Rating: 9/10
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