Legion - Woke

Posted by Unknown On Monday, July 29, 2013

Track list:
1. The Fear
2. And Then, The Devil Said
3. Righteous Dictation
4. He Became Death
5. Priest
6. Disclosure Of Sin
7. Kneel Before Order
8. Perverse Icon
9. B.R.F
10. The Roach

Genre: Deathcore
For Fans Of: King Conquer, Depths, Betrayal

Legion is one of those bands that I've never listened to until this album, and I’d have to be honest… Legion sounds like one of those heavy hardcore bands that make you want to punch things. Legion is packed with power in their instrument play, which is something most hardcore bands have. I think that’s the base of the genre, to have power behind their vocals, and instrument play. Legion will definitely be on my list to look more into, because I might want to get into their music a bit more. I’m sure that they’ll write something ten times better than this in the future, and I want to be a fan when that happens. I honestly really enjoyed this album. Hardcore is a genre that I've fallen in love with pretty fast, and I love seeing all the different hardcore band styles. Some of them are utterly impressive, and some of them are just straight up boring. I’m glad not all of them are like that, though. Hardcore is definitely a genre that has to have originality in it! A few songs that stand out on this album would have to be “The Fear”, “And Then The Devil Said”, “Priest”, “Kneel Before Order”, “B.R.F”, and “The Roach”. “The Fear”, is basically an intro track, which is alright I guess… because it sort of ties into “And Then, The Devil Said”, which leads to a great, and heavy start to the album! “And Then, The Devil Said”, is the first real song on the album. I mean intros are nice, but the first songs are even better. They show you more of the band’s sound, and that’s what matters in the end. “Priest”, for whatever reason I didn't get the name of the song… I get what a priest is, I just didn't get why this song was named “Priest”. It must have a heavier meaning, or something of that sort. I will say that the end of this song is really weird… but that might just be because it was new. It was like the guitar player was frozen, and only played that one note for a while. However, it was rather nice if you ask me. It was new, but pretty cool to listen to. “Kneel Before Order”, I liked the song name a lot. I hope that they play this song live sometime, because the guitar play, and intro, was just out of this world sick. I wish the song was a little bit longer because it’s definitely one of those songs that deserve to be way longer than it is. The vocals on this song are so deep, like really deep… and the vocalist growls (He does on every song, he just does it more on this song). So far, Legion is making me glad that I gave this album a chance even though it’s a bit heavier than I’m used to. I dislike it, and like it at the same time.  “B.R.F”, is probably the shortest song title I've seen for a deathcore type of a band. I wonder what it means. It has to mean something longer, and probably something weird, but hey, who knows. Only the band will really know. This song did happen to turn out to be an ender on the album, though. It definitely helped the band end off this album on a rather good note. Even though I think that this band could have changed a lot of things when writing, the album still turned out great. Either way, the album is still really enjoyable. However, to me, it’s kind of a bore. It might be because it sounds like every other Deathcore band, nowadays (sadly). I really hate to call a band generic, but I feel like Legion kind of is… because they don’t really come at me as a new band, as much as they come at me as a band that sounds like a lot of other bands do, nowadays. Yes, that does kind of bore me… but it’s enjoyable sometimes too. Some of the songs aren't generic, but some of them are just like songs that I could hear from another band, if I really wanted to. I know Legion is talented, and that they do come up with some good stuff here and there, but they also kind of come up with some generic stuff. I feel like the production on the album really ruined it for me, in all honesty. The production sounds like every other deathcore bands production on their songs. This might be enjoyable to some, but once you hear the production… you might think otherwise. “The Roach”, if this song was longer, it would have been a lot better. This song did help end off the album, if that counts. However, the production ruins the song a little bit. On the next album I hope that Legion uses another producer, and makes a better album.
Screams: The screams range is pretty deep, and low. The style is a bit more different than what you hear in deathcore, because of how low it goes. The production on the vocals make it sound generic, honestly. I mean… if the production was different, the band would have done something better, but the producer ended up messing up the album. The vocals are great otherwise, and if you did the production differently then they would have been something truly remarkable. I feel that the next album by Legion will be their best, and I’m going to be the person to watch the band grow, and mature into the band they were made to be.
Instruments: Yes, the production ruined the instruments as well… but the guitar player does some wonders on the songs here, and there. Some of the guitar parts aren't really found in deathcore bands, which is what got my attention with the guitar player. The drums were another thing that caught my eye. It sounds like the drummer took it soft with the drum set on some songs, and then on others, not so much.

Rating: 6/10 
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