These Hearts - Yours To Take

Posted by Unknown On Monday, July 8, 2013

Track list:
1. This Is Love (Ft. Bet Poncet)
2. The Inconvenience
3. Psycho
4. Miserable
5. Been Through Hell
6. Last Man Alive
7. Birds Of A Feather
8. Undecided Story
9. War (Ft. Mattie Montgomery)
10. LOTR
11. Never Mind Me

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Burning Twilight, Dismiss The Serpent,  The Suit

These Hearts have always been looked at wrong. Their first album that they released back in 2011 made them a “laughingstock” of the post hardcore genre. People called them bad, untalented, or even a joke band. I actually enjoyed their older music, and I wasn't at all expecting their new stuff… That being said everyone who downed this band that will give this a listen, will feel pretty dumb for downing These Hearts in the past. These Hearts wrote an album that shows how they've gotten better, improved, matured, and that they’re completely in it to win it. I can’t lie, I do miss their older sound, but this sound definitely does them some serious good! These Hearts still remain one of my favorite bands from Victory Records. One thing that I really enjoyed about this is that they saw their errors and flaws, and they fixed them which led to them really making a dent in the post hardcore scene. A few songs that stand out on this album would have to be, “This Is Love (ft. Bert Poncet)”, ”Psycho”, ”Been Through Hell”, ”Birds Of A Feather”, ”War (Ft. Mattie Montgomery)”, and “Never Mind Me”. “This Is Love (ft. Bert Poncet)”, is basically a thank you to the fans, to let them know that there’s always hope, and about how happy they are that they stood by them no matter what (at least I think so, the lyrics made it out to see like it’s a thank you). I’d have to say that it was pretty weird seeing Bert, and These Hearts on a song together. I can honestly say they make a pretty good pair! I’d like to see Chunk! No, I’d like to see Captain Chunk, and These Hearts go on tour together once! I think that might be a dream tour to go too, I’ll be crossing my fingers hoping for it to happen! “Psycho”, is definitely a song that shows off their pop influences a bit too well. “Psycho”, is one of my favorite songs on this release, to be completely honest. It’s a mix of their old sound, and their new sound. I definitely recommend this song to new fans though, so that they can hear a bit of the softer side of These Hearts, and then get into the heavier side of them. Both sides are equally good, but the softer side might be a bit more enjoyable in my opinion. Now, someone might disagree with that, and love the heavier side way more. But hey, we all have our own opinions right? Now for “Been Through Hell”, oh man, this is another favorite of mine. This song is a bit different than “This Is Love (ft. Bert Poncet)”. This explains their struggles as a band; living in a van, spending their money on gas, food, and leaving their wife/girlfriend/family behind to do shows and make music for their fans. One thing that this song explains a bit and that I love, is the hatred that they got for their first album the line. “We’ll be living out our dreams, while your living at your mom’s typing hate into a screen”, oh baby, that was a huge burn to those who gave them hate for that album! If you compare the two, heaven forbid that you ever should. I’d pick this one over that, any day. I can understand that they were a new band, but they know a little bit more now, than they did then. “Birds Of A Feather”, is another song that shows off their pop influences a bit, and it does so bit nicer than “Psycho”, but they’re still even out in greatness. “War (ft. Mattie Montgomery)”, I wanted to say something about this song since I listened to this album, honestly. Mattie Montgomery? And These Hearts? You’d think that be a funny pair right? But oh my god, this song came out so good, and it manages to be anything BUT soft. Mattie expresses some hate inside him, which might be a reason as to why I like this song more than anything he’s featured on so far. Mattie is a great vocalist, and there is no doubt there. He’s one of my favorite vocalist to do collaboration. Every collaboration that he does he makes me proud, and gives that band their money’s worth. “Never Mind Me”, is one of the softer songs on this album. An acoustic song, oh joy right? I won’t lie, this is one of the more enjoyable acoustic songs. It’s not fully acoustic might I mind you, and the other instruments kick it off mid-way. The acoustic part is in all terms, cute, adorable, and the vocalist wrote it for his wife who works nine to five, (maybe? He says she does, if she does those aren't incredibly tough hours, but they’re pretty tough). Another thing that the vocalist says he would (if he could) is rather be home then touring sometimes, and that he’s really not living the life inside his head. I’d have to agree with him on that, I've never toured but a lot of my friends have, and they say that it’s tough whenever you have a girlfriend or a wife, because you tend to miss them a lot, and sometimes you’ll mess up on stage with just the thought of them. But in full honestly, if you hated These Hearts because of their first album, I honestly recommend you picking this up and giving them another try, they definitely deserve it.
Cleans:  These are the vocals that I see that get the hate, they’re either to “whiny” or “girly” for people to listen to, which I don’t understand. The clean vocals are perfect; they’re original and unique. That is something that isn't seen much in this music scene, but I’m glad they’re on These Hearts music.
Screams: The screamer has improved a lot in style, and has more of a range difference. Which is always pretty nice to hear. The vocalist has gotten more of a range behind his vocals, which impresses me. His older screams had a range, but not a range like this, not at all. These are like 2.0 if anything.
Instruments: The instrument play has improved a lot from the older releases, and I do have to say that I dig it a lot more than I did on their older stuff. These boys are definitely trying to better their name in this scene, and I’m hoping they do, I really am. They have a lot of talent, and potential to do so.

 Rating: 9/10
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