Monsters Scare You - Die A Legend

Posted by Unknown On Monday, July 1, 2013

Track list:
1. Legends And Legions
2. Brohemian Rap City
3. Elephant Graveyard
4. Smiling's My Favorite
5. Wolfman's Got Nards
6. Give Me Some Sugar Baby
7. 1080p HD
8. I'm Gonna Sleep Real Good Tonight
9. Shut Up! Our Song Is On!
10. I Wish I Could Quit You
11. Shirts Vs. Skins
12. Suck It
13. The Light That Only Lasted So Long

Genre: Electronica
For Fans Of: The Captain Hates The Sea, Cinderella's Revenge, Atlanta Takes State

Monster Scare You! made a name for themselves with their ep's, and hyped this album up with the song “Shut Up Our Song Is On”. I've gave the ep's a few listens, and this song a few listens, and I’d honestly have to give them some major props in improving their sound, and for picking up in places they lacked with their ep's! Monsters Scare You! got some hate for signing to Century Media record. I've seen people say that it was a stupid move on Century Media’s part, and people were saying this band has no chance to make it big in their careers… Well, to those people, you are wrong. Monsters Scare You! has a straight chance to turn some heads, and make it big with this release. Sure their ep's lacked, but they put their hearts and souls into making this album. You can tell right off the start as soon as you listen to it. Monsters Scare You! manages to have a post hardcore type feeling to their music, and they also mix it up with some electronic elements to make their sound seem a bit unique in the genre. I’m not going to say they’re super original, but some places on the album are new to hear, and will sort of catch you off guard. This does their album a lot good in the long run, and may give them a boost in order to make it big in this scene. A few songs that stand out on this album would have to be, “Legends & Legions”, “Smiling’s My Favorite”, “Give Me Sugar Baby”, “I’m Going To Sleep REAL Good Tonight”, “Shut Up Our Song Is On,” and “The Light That Only Lasted So Long (Devils In Disguise). “Legends & Legions”, is the first song on the album and for you newer fans, this song will show you Monsters Scare You!’s sound fairly well. Some of the song really made me want to get up and mosh to it. They definitely have that type of sound that makes you want to get up and move. The electronic parts that are in the song really made it stand out! Next is “Smiling’s My Favorite”, and I’d have to say that if the title of the song doesn't make you want to listen to it, I don’t know what will. The name is actually pretty funny, if you ask me. It’s good to know the band likes to smile. They're probably smiling because of the crowds that they have, and the amount of people at shows that will be singing along to these songs! That being said, this song is a bit heavier than “Legends & Legions”, and it’s for sure one of my favorite songs on this album. The screamer really caught my attention. Throughout the album, you’ll notice his style has some minor changes, and it's the same with the clean vocals. Now, usually I’d hate that, but for some reason Monsters Scare You! made me enjoy it. Their vocal styles, changed, or not changed, fit the song pretty well. They never had a part that didn't fit. Another thing with “Smiling’s My Favorite”, is the electronic type of a breakdown at the end of the song is an intense movement where you’d want to get up, and start dancing to it! That part alone, did some serious good for this song, and possibly the album, depending on the listener. For me it did, and for some people, it just may not have changed anything for the album. “Give Me Some Sugar Baby” is another song title I found funny. I’m starting to think all the song titles on this album are insider jokes that the band has. I hope they tell us how they got the names in the first place. Anyways, “Give Me Some Sugar Baby” not only has a funny song name, but it happens to be another favorite song of mine on this album. The screams, and the drumming, are the two things that stand out a lot to me on this song. You can tell that the drummer puts in some serious work on this album, and does it in a manner that fits perfectly with the songs. But just on this song, it seems that he puts in a lot of work into it. Which, if you’re like me, you’ll enjoy it. “I’m Going To Sleep REAL Good Tonight”, is my favorite song on this album. It comes in heavy right after the interlude ends, and kind of picks up where “Give Me Some Sugar Baby” left off. “I’m Going To Sleep REAL Good Tonight” kind of seems like another intro to the album, like a part two of “Legends & Legions”. The interlude is kind of like a break in the album, so then you pick up right off where “Give Me Some Sugar Baby” left off with “I’m Going To Sleep Real Good Tonight”. “Shut Up Our Song Is On”, was actually the single for this album, and boy did it stir up some hate. It gained some hype for this release too! I have to give the band some props for picking this song as a single. It's not too bad, and it shows off how they changed a bit from their ep's, which may be why it has some hype to it. I can honestly say that I enjoyed it a lot. “The Light That Only Lasted So Long (Devils In Disguise)” is sadly the last song on the album, but on the bright side it manages to be the longest song on the album; coming in at a whopping 8 minutes and fifteen seconds. I’ll also say that the intro to the song isn't heavy, it’s pretty soft, which is something that caught me off guard when I first heard it. “The Light That Only Lasted So Long (Devils In Disguise)” ended off the album with a HUGE, and I do mean HUGE bang. Now here is a few reasons why I say this: It’s eight minutes, it’s an outro, and it's another song in one long song. I won’t spoil too much for you, but I will tell you that the song is an acoustic song, and features someone very talented, and someone that really fit great with the acoustic sound. Breakdown: Cleans: There’s two clean vocalists (at least I think so), which is something different. Both of the styles of the clean vocals are different, and definitely spice up the album a bit. There’s really something everyone can enjoy on this album whether it be the clean vocals, the screams, or even the instrument play. Everything is enjoyable, and a little bit different in some sort of way. I have high hopes for these guys, I really do. Screams: The screams don’t really change all that much on the album. The parts that do, you can clearly hear them change. This makes their sound a little bit more interesting. It also saves you the time to try and guess if it changes or not, or if it’s the same guy doing screams. The screamer's style is pretty unique for the post hardcore genre. This adds some good for them with originality points. Instruments: The instrument play is something that caught my attention, throughout the album. There’s some really great instrument play on this album. The drumming, the guitaring, and everything else, is done so well. The synth on some of the songs, are great as well. I honestly think Monsters Scare You! is a talented band, and will go high places in their careers.

Rating: 10/10
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