The Color Morale - Know Hope

Posted by Unknown On Friday, March 29, 2013

Track list:
1. Burn Victims
2. Smoke And Mirrors
3. Learned Behavior
4. Living Breathing Something
5. Strange Comfort
6. In Light In Me
7. Silver Lining
8. Steadfast
9. Hole Hearted
10. Saviorself
11. Have.Will
12. Never Enders

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Mayday! Cried The Captain, Enjoy The Fall

Third and most recent album from The Color Morale, Garret changed his vocal style a little bit to make it sound better and I guess fit more with the band’s sound. I’d have to say the album has a really good message towards it, and it’s nice to know bands still write albums that have meanings, not just a few songs with good meanings, but a whole album with them, that’s even better right? I can definitely dig their new style in all honesty, it has an original taste to it, but it also has a generic type of a vibe, but most music does now a days. They've grown up a lot from the first release though, I’d have to say I’m pretty proud of them, I can only hope they keep growing up and only explore more of their talents and grow as a band. A few songs that that kind of stick out on the album would have to be, Burn Victims, Learned Behavior, In Light In Me, Hole Hearted, Never Enders. All releases from this band has always had a great intro song and a great outro song, which is one reason I like The Color Morale, they always have this great track listing and they pick the right songs to start and end the album off with. Hole Hearted would probably be my favorite song on this album though, the name makes it stand out a little bit, plus the instrument play at the intro is pretty good and that’s what really caught my attention when I was first listening to the song, the guitar and drumming were just amazing on this song in my opinion. The influence the vocals have on the instrument play is shown a lot on this song, which happens to be another reason I really enjoy The Color Morale.  But to be completely honest, I hope the next release is like this album but better in many ways, I hope Garret  changes his vocal style a little bit to make it one of the best styles in post hardcore.
Cleans: The clean vocals changed a bit as well, they kind of have the same range as the first albums clean vocals, which good, the first album had the best clean vocals I've heard from the band, I’m glad Garret is bring it back a little bit.
Screams: The screams are definitely different from the other two releases, for the better of course though. The screams have the tone of disgust though, which is something I found to be really nice and it fits with the sound really well. I can only hope Garret changes his screams up a little bit to make them even better than they are now.
Instruments: If anything the drummer, the guitarist, the bassist, have gotten a lot better on this album, I think it kind of sounds a bit heavier than a lot of their stuff, there is a nice flow in their instrument play though, which is what really matters. I hope they expand their talents and get better on the next release. I do have to admit I like the direction they’re going in a lot, I hope they stay this way a little bit, but I also hope they change a bit as well.

Rating: 9/10
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Track list:
01. Nerve Endings
02. Human(s) Being
03. The Dying Hymn
04. Be Longing Always
05. Walkers
06. Demon Teeth
07. Falling Awake
08. Quote on Quote
09. This Lost Song Is Yours
10. Fill; Avoid

Genre: Post Hardcore
 For fans of: Mayday! Cried The Captain, Enjoy The Fall

Second album from The Color Morale, their lead vocalist is doing the cleans and the screams on this album, I’d have to say from the first album to this they've improved a lot, vocal wise, instrument wise, everything is a huge improvement. The songs are a lot catchier than they were on the first album as well, which is good for them because their fans can sing a long and remember some of the lyrics better. After listening to this album a few times it kind of makes me wonder if the next album will be like this just better or not, either way I’ll probably give it a chance. Garret definitely knows how to scream and make some great guttural vocals.  A few songs that kind of stick out on this album would have to be, Nerve Endings, Human(s) Being, Demon Teeth, Falling Awake, Quote On Quote. Nerve Endings was a great intro to the album, and it shows you the power of The Color Morale really nicely and it gets your attention as a soon as you start listening to it. Human(s) Being features Chad Ruhlig, Chad fits really well this band’s sound, I think that’s one reason this is one of best song on the album, I think Garret And Chad should do another song in the future of The Color Morale/Legend, they definitely make a great vocal team together. Demon Teeth features Joey Sturgis, I've never really heard joey sing ever but he isn't that bad to be honest, he does a great job at recording and producing albums and he has a nice vocal style I’d have to say. I kind of hope I see Joey doing guest vocals a little bit more now that I've heard his vocals a little bit. Now my personal favorite song on the album and probably my favorite song by The Color Morale, Quote On Quote another good thing about this song it features one of my favorite vocalists Chris Roetter, from what I can Chris’s part is pretty small in the song, which sucks because Chris And Garret sound really good together, I’m glad they actually did a song together, just sucks the art is pretty small. I hope I see The Color Morale, in their future writing with a lot more guest vocals, because adding another vocalist that’ll have another style kind of spices up the album a little bit more.
Cleans: The cleans style aren't as good as they were on the first release, but they’re definitely good, I hope Garret reflects on his style and touches it up a bit and improves it. That being said Garret has a great voice to go with his cleans. I do like how he tries to add as much emotion to his cleans as he can, it usually works to, and I hope he keeps doing this in future releases.
Screams: Garret didn’t do screams on the last album due to be sick, but hearing his screams for the first time kind of caught me off guard.  I’m impressed he can do cleans/screams without having much issues with it, he’s definitely talented, the only problem is that he should improve his vocals a little bit more and add some more power to them, if he does this he’ll probably be in my top 10 vocalists.
Instruments: The vocals have an influence on the instrument play a little bit, same way it did on the last album, but if anything the instrument play has gotten a lot heavier than it was on the first album, which is good because they’re exploring their talents and improving their skills.

Rating: 10/10
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Track list:
1. The Sage Of Washington Oaks
2. Close Your Eyes And Look Away
3. When One Was Desolate
4. Humannequin
5. Resource:Recourse
6. A Sponge In The Ocean
7. Hopes Anchor
8. Manumission
9. The Man Behind The Hands
10. I, The Jury

Genre: Post-Hardcore

For fans of: Mayday! Cried The Captain, Enjoy The Fall

Sinners To Saints - The Greatest Of These

Posted by Unknown On Monday, March 25, 2013

Track list:
1. Altar Ego
2. Angels & Demons
3.  The World's Collapse
4. Fractures
5. Vanquisher
6. Life, Like Statues
7. Testify
8. Vessels
9. Peace/Keeper
10. The Greatest Of These
11. Charisma
12. In Spite Of You

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: My Ransomed Soul, For Today, As I Lay Dying.

First album from Sinners To Saints, I was somewhat impressed with their debut ep. They kind of grown up and matured since then, the production on this album is lot better than the ep’s production. They've also grown to see their talents, which is really nice, you can hear how the vocalist got better with his style and made something fit a little bit more than it did with their sound, you can also hear how the vocals kind of influence the overall sound of the songs. I mean this album isn't like, something that’s the best thing ever to come out, but for a first release it’s definitely something to listen to I was somewhat impressed with this album because the ep kind of made me excited for another release from the band. A few songs that kind of stick out on this album would probably be, Angels & Demons, Fractures, Life, Like Statues, Peace//keeper, and In Spite Of You. I’d have to Fractures kind of stood out the most on this album because of Garret Rapp from The Color Morale featuring on this song, his vocals and screamer of the band together really made something brilliant and something worth listening to over and over again, there isn't any problem with that song, I was actually surprised that Garret would do guest vocals, now I can say I hope he does some more guest vocals in his career of being a vocalist, and I hope to see the screamer of this band do some guest vocals in his future. Life, Like Statues was another song that caught me off guard not only do I like the name of the song, but the song came out really well and I’d have to say the song is one of my favorites from this band. In Spite Of You, this band did so much better on this album than they did on their debut ep, they've really grown up and matured with their talents, you can hear how they've gotten better in every song, which is really good. They also did something they did on the debut ep they had a really good intro and an even better outro to the album. If anything I hope this band ends up making it big in their careers, I really do, I can see the potential in these guys and I can tell you they do have what it takes, if they keep releasing music that sounds good like this album did.
Cleans: There are not a lot but some clean vocals on this album but they’re kind of expectedly placed so you won’t know what songs have clean vocals, what song don’t have clean vocals, and when you hear them it’ll sort of catch you off guard
Screams: Well, you’ll hear the screams a lot on this album, you can hear how the screamer has gotten better from the debut ep, it’s really clear how he’s kind of changed his style and improved his vocals to fit a bit better with the band’s sound, and to be honest the screams are one reason I like this band, even though the style is kind of generic they manage to make the best out of it and spice it up and just make it into something really worth hearing and listening to. I can only hope this band looks more into their talents and only makes their music better and better. If they do I’ll surely stay a fan of this band for a long time to come.
Instruments: The instruments and the overall sound has improved a lot, the drummer has gotten better and in a way a bit heavier than he was on the debut ep, he definitely took some time to learn some new stuff, they all did, the guitar riffs stick out on a lot of the songs on this album, it’s not really a bad thing to search your talents and get better, it just means nothing from you will sound the same. I can only hope this band gets better and better with each release they have, one thing from this album I've kind of noticed, is that the vocals influence the instrument play a little bit. Which is something really neat to hear, I don’t think I've heard this much but I’m glad I did on this release.

Rating: 9/10
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Track list:
1. Oceans
2. Vanquisher
3. Charisma
4. Ambitions

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: My Ransomed Soul, For Today, As I Lay Dying.

Debut ep from the Saints To Sinners, this band has some power behind them to make some great heavy music, this ep should have been a bit longer than it is I think that’s my only problem with it. The production and overall sound of the ep is great though nothing to really complain about there, everything sounds good. Their vocalist has a neat style with his screams it’s somewhat generic but his voice sort of changes it to make it into fit the band’s sound more.

First song on the ep, it shows their sound pretty well I’d have to say, it gives you a good feel of their talents also, which is a really good thing for a debut e to do, so you know what you’re going to be listening to. The band does have some really good talent though, their instrument play is nice and the overall sound is really good, everything has a flow that stays together to make something good and worth listening to.
Cleans: The clean vocal has a somewhat small part in the song. I could have gone for a longer part to be honest it just spices up the song and adds some flavor to the song.
Screams: As I said the screamer has the sort of the generic screaming style, but his voice makes it fit a little bit with the band’s sound, this isn't a really bad thing, a lot of bands have this now a day, but his lows are something I really enjoyed listening to.
Instruments: The song is kind of heavy in the sense of metalcore, the instrument play is really nice when it comes to drumming for this band, the guitar parts are good, don’t get me wrong they just don’t really stick out as much.

This song has a really good intro it, nice and heavy. Once the vocals come in, is where it really picks up and gets a lot better to listen to, if you’re a fan of heaviness in music, this would be the song I’d tell you to listen to first, but it sucks because this is one of the shortest songs on the ep, if it was longer I could probably say this is the best song on the ep, well it is but if it was longer the factor of the best would fit a lot more for this song.
Cleans: The clean vocals have another small part near the end of the song, even the clean vocals help the song with the heaviness factor, which is just something you wouldn't hear usually, the cleans are well in the high range also.
Screams: The screamers style changes a little bit, it fits more with the style of the song, which is good, he kind of helps the song get it’s heaviness, which is good to have heaviness in both main factors of the song.
Instruments: This song has the best drumming on the whole ep, it really helps the band out when it comes to heaviness and sticking out on the whole ep.

This is the shortest song on the whole ep, but one of the best on the this ep as well, it’s 2 minutes long, it could have been better if it was like 5 maybe, this song has a lot of heaviness and great instrument  play on this song. The guitar is the main thing that kind of stands out a little bit which is pretty good. The last song had drumming that kind of stood out this song has guitar riffs that stick out. If the band wrote more songs like this, they’d probably be a little bit better than they are now.
Cleans: The clean vocals have another very small part near the end of the song, I kind of wish his part was a little longer maybe it would have been if the song was longer, maybe not, but it does fit a little bit with the song structure.
Screams:  The screamer tries to get his vocals to sound heavy to match the sound, it does work for the most part, and he does have a nice flow with his vocals as well.
Instruments: The intro is kind of heavy with the drumming, it’ll draw drummer’s attention to the song, the song is overall kind of heavy mixed with some softness in it, and it’s not so bad though it sounds decent to say the least. There is some neat guitar play on this song though, I’d have to admit.

This song is anything, has the most clean vocals you’ll hear on the whole ep, which isn't a bad thing really, they kind of saved the best and the song that shows the most from them for last, which is a good concept but it could have worked better when the songs the first song you’d hear but this way works as well, at least I hope it worked for them.
Cleans: You’ll hear a little bit more from the clean vocals on this song than you’d hear on the other song which is a good thing because, they ended the ep on a really good note, not a horrible or bad note.
Screams: The screams are at the intro which is the best thing they kind of did for this song it takes it into a heavy factor of the song. The screamers style isn't that bad to be quite honest, but it does sound the same on every song, that could have been fixed a little bit, but you’ll hear at some parts it’s a completely different style, not very often on this ep but it’s there.
Instruments: The instrument play on this song is really good, and they end the ep on a somewhat heavy, somewhat soft note which really caught my eye. The guitar solo type thing at the end of the song really did the ep some good in the end.

Rating: 8/10
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Afflictions - Centers

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, March 24, 2013

Track list:
1. A Change Worth Fighting For
2. Endeavors
3. Centers
4. Aggressor
5. Anomaly
6. Lost Causes

GenreMelodic Hardcore
For Fans Of: Set Sail At Sunrise, My Iron Heart, The Might Have Fallen.

Debut ep from Afflictions, I’d have to honestly say it’s great they definitely leave an impression on the listener once this ep is done. There isn't really anything wrong with this ep, it sounds great, well maybe the downfall of it is the production isn't all that good, but you can hear everything pretty well and some of the songs came out better than expected for a debut from a small band. Some of the names on the ep are pretty nice. This band should go far in their careers, I’m hoping so, they rightfully deserve to. I can see it happening as well.

“A Change Worth Fighting For”
First song on the ep, I like the name of the song though. The intro to this song has like a mellow relaxed type of vibe until the screamer comes in, which is pretty neat because once he comes in the songs pick up and gets heavier. The screamer really put some emotion onto this song, which is pretty neat to hear because most bands totally ignore putting emotions to their songs, I’m glad Afflictions didn't forget about adding emotions in their songs, I’d have to say for a debut ep and band just starting out when they picked the first song, this was a great choice for them to pick.
Screams: The screamer kind of adds some emotion to this song, which is really neat to hear because a lot of vocalists forget to add the things that’s needed to have an a good song. I’d also have to say I really like his style with his vocals. He sort of spices it up in the middle of the song.
Instruments: The song starts off mellow, and relaxed, then once the screamer comes in it gets a bit heavier and near the end is where it sounds its heaviest, the songs flow is really great and makes this song kind of stick out on the ep, but being the first song it really does show off their sound pretty well.

This song is pretty straight forward, the intro just goes right into the song which is really nice, and because after you have a really good first song, why not have an even better second song? That’s just Afflictions was thinking when they were setting up the order of the songs I’d have to say.
Cleans: Yes there are some clean vocals on this song for very small part, but kind of added more emotion to the song, which is a pretty good thing because the lyrics have that emotional feel to them.
Screams: The screamer still has his emotion behind his screams, which is a good thing and adds more to the song and makes it feel alive.
Instrument: The instrument play is pretty nice, at the start of the song it’s where it has the speed factor and is pretty straight forward in the song, which is pretty nice being the second song on the ep and showing off more of their sound.

This song is straight forward as well the vocals lead the song, it has some nice guitar riffs to it, but to be honest it’s not the best track on the whole ep. But that’s just me. But I do like the little skit it has at the end of the song.
Screams: Once again the screamer has a little bit of emotion to his screams, his kind of does the puke style of screams near the end of the song.
Instruments: The guitar on this song is pretty nice, near the end of the song it kind of leads to a breakdown in the song which isn't a bad thing, it’s actually pretty nice.

I like the name of this song a lot, the sound of the song is pretty nice, the name kind of got my attention when I was first got this ep, the screamer tries to be a bit aggressive on this song, it kind of works. Also the clean vocalist has a little part on this song as well.
Cleans: The clean vocals have a very little part again, which is sad, the range of the clean vocals on this song is kind of high, which isn't bad.
Screams: The screamer tries to have an aggressive type of scream on this song, it kind of works but kind of doesn't  it’s there but not fully.
Instruments: The instruments kind of have that aggressive feeling to them as well as the screamer, which is pretty nice.

This song is the longest song on the whole ep, and has the nicest intro to it, a movie skit then right on to the song with a seriously heavy drumming and guitar riffs, With this song being the longest song you get a great heavy feeling, once the vocalist comes in the speed factor comes into play, which isn't really a bad thing, it’s actually something that keeps the song interesting in my opinion. I really like the instrument play on this song I’d have to say it’s one of my favorites when it comes with instrument play.
Screams: The screamers style isn't all that bad to be honest it’s one of my favorites I’d have to say in the unsigned music scene, it just has that power behind it that makes it all the better to listen to.
Instrument: The instrument play on this song is pretty heavy I’d have to say, it has a really nice flow to it as well, and the I guess you could say breakdowns really make the song much more intense to listen to. The guitar riffs really come out pretty clear on this song and do the song some well needed justice.

“Lost Causes”
Last song on this really good ep they if anything saved the best song for last, this song is heavy and has a great sound to it and the flow of everything is good.  For a last song they really went out with a huge ban g.
Screams: The screamer kind of put everything he has into this song it sounds like, he didn't do a bad job either, it sounds great and fits the overall sound of the song, I can’t wait for future releases from this band, their screamer has a great style I have to say.
Instruments: This song is kind of their best instrumentally too, it’s pretty heavy the intro has a really nice flow it also, the overall sound has that speeding up type of sound, it’s not too definitely a great way to end off an ep though, it sucks that this song is the shortest song on the ep though, I wish it was a bit longer.

Rating: 10/10
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My Ransomed Soul - Falsehoods

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, March 23, 2013

Track list:
1. Corruptions
2. Call To Arms
3. Self Distance
4. Deceptions
5. Vices
6. Amalgamete
7. Revelations
8. Dystopia
9. Regression
10. Transcendence

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: August Burns Red, Saints To Sinners, Atreyu

Fifth release and debut on Red Cord Records, they've changed a little bit once again, the vocals sound pretty good and the overall sound has improved a lot but in a good way. They’re a bit more heavier than they were before, which is a good thing, their sound has a way better flow to it than it did in the other releases I have to say, I’m kind of excited to see where this album will takes these guys, this album isn't really the best out of everything they've written, but it does come to the last album in greatness. Out of all the albums though, this would be my second favorite and the one I listen to the most, mainly because it has a way better sound to it and production is way better than before on this release. A few songs that stick out on this song would be, Selfish Distance, Deceptions, Revelations, and Regression. Deceptions is probably one of my favorites on this release because of the intro and the sound in it is really heavy and the guitars on this song sound the best and just the flow of the song sounds really good to listen to, there isn't much wrong with this song, the lyrics are good, the sound is great, you can really see how much they've improved from older releases on this album, which is a really good. Revelations is another good song on this album because the intro starts off really soft and it’s an instrumental song, I kind of wish they had some vocals on the song, it’d probably sound better with vocals added to it to be completely honest. This album definitely shows how they've improved over time, they've gotten better in every release and there are minor things that still need to be fixed but time will fix those hopefully, I’m hoping this band just keeps getting better and better, with that being said I’m ready for the next release from this band.
Screams: The screamer got better in this release than he was in any other in my opinion, no he’ll never have those screams that he had on the first release, or spine chilling from the fourth release, but they've gotten better and matured a lot from them, hoping they kind of stay like this, it sounds the best for their sound and really makes the songs come alive in a their own way.
Instrument: Well, from older releases I guess you could say they've really improved the first release was their deepest and heaviest. This album is heavy and has some great  instrument play, and has a great flow to them, which is something good about this album, it just has that great vibe to it, this album isn’t really bad, but it’s definitely nothing like the first few releases and not as heavy as them, but they've definitely matured and expanded their talents on each release, and they never make it boring for the listener.

Rating: 8/10
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Track list:
1. Conflict
2. A Modern Plague
3. Desensitize
4. Fragile Lives
5. The Sleepless Dreamer
6. The Chains That Bind Us
7. Resolution
8. Light The Sky
9. Clouded Minds
10. The Message

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: August Burns Red, Saints To Sinners, Atreyu

Fourth and first real album release from My Ransomed Soul, this is probably my favorite out of the four releases they have. This album is spine chilling, every song has bone cutting screams, even though they’re not deep like they were on the first release they’ve gotten way better, it seems the other releases were just building up to this release. This album is really good for an unsigned band, it definitely has some spine chilling breakdowns as well as vocals, and this album is full of surprises from the band. The screams are the main thing I like about this album, I wasn’t too fond of screams on the other releases, but this time it’s something I can enjoy, The clean vocals pop up a little bit more on this album than they did on the other releases. A few songs that stick out on this album would have to be, A Modern Plague, The Sleepless Dreamer, The Chains That Bind Us, Clouded Minds. A Modern Plague was the song that really made this album come alive, and shows the true power from this band, the vocals on the song are seriously spine chilling the sound of the song is bone cutting. One of the best songs My Ransomed Song has wrote I’m kind of hoping for more songs that sound like this and have the flow to them like this one did, it’s great song could be a bit more heavier in my opinion, but other than that it’s still a great song to listen to and something that really made this album come alive. The Chains That Bind Us is another song that kind of helps the album come alive, it has the same sound as A Modern Plague, kind of heavier though, the lyrics on this song are a bit more enjoy able to listen to I have to say, the clean vocals really bring this song alive, the clean vocals changed again from the first release sadly, but they do a lot better and should stay with this style, it is one of the best, and it fits really well with the band’s sound.
Clean: The clean vocals are a little bit more on this album than they were on the other releases, which isn’t really a bad thing, they really add more to the band’s sound and make the songs on this album more enjoyable to listen to.
Screams: The screamer has changed a lot on every release, but on this album is where it sounds better than it did, besides the first release which just amazing, I do miss the deep growls the screamer had, it sucks he changed his style, but if they continue to sound like they do on this release, it won’t be all that bad, the screamers style now is kind of spine chilling in all the good ways, stoked on listening to more from this band if anything.
Instruments: Their instrument play has gotten so much better from older releases, much heavier and has more of a flow to it, which only makes their songs better to listen to and more of an alive feeling, I hope they only get better in their future of being a band.

Rating: 8/10
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My Ransomed Soul - Perceptions

Posted by Unknown On

Track list:
1. Fragile Lives
2. Perceptions
3. Light The Sky
4. Project Alive

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: As I Lay Dying, Norma Jean, Oh, Sleeper

Third release from My Ransomed Soul, I’d have to say from the first release to this they’ve changed a lot. I can’t really consider them a death metal band anymore if anything they’ve grown into a metal band. I’d have to say the vocalist kind of changed his vocal style for the worst it’s still pretty good though, just not as deep as it used to be in the first release, same as the high scream, sadly. But the whole ep has some really good instrument play to it and they did make something great to listen too, the only downfall of the ep is that they've changed a lot from the first release, not in a completely bad way though, just a different sound and vocal style.

“Fragile Lives”
First song, great song too, for once the clean vocals has a big part in the song, but it’s near the end of the song, sadly. The clean vocals changed a lot too, they've gotten higher, and the first release had them sound really deep kind of like a preacher at a church, but on this song they've gotten a lot higher, which isn’t a really bad thing and it’s kind of different for the metal genre to have a clean vocalist that has a high range.
Cleans: The clean vocals aren't deep anymore, sadly, but they've improved and the vocalist range has gotten higher this isn't a really bad thing but for most people in genre they won’t be expecting it.
Screams: The deep growls are no longer instead the screamers range kind of improved and changed a lot in style, for older fans they might have to get used to it, it doesn't sound really that bad but it’s just different from the first release.
Instruments: They've really expanded their instrumentally play, which is really good to see them growing and trying some different things. Their guitar player has learned some different type of riffs, which is really good the intro had a really great sound to it as well, kind of keeps the vibe of the older release and gets your attention right away.

This song had a really nice guitar into and the screams came in at the right time, the drumming gets heavy on this song, which you can hear perfectly fine. If anything this song has a really good flow to it and definitely kind of give off the “mosh to this song” vibe. I wish this song would have been a bit longer to be honest, the lyrics are great and the sound is great and don’t forget the vocals fit so nicely to everything on this song. Only downfall is that the clean vocals don’t show up on this song.
Screams: The screamer kind of has the metal core type of vocals on this song, not really a bad thing it honestly sounds pretty good and fits with the overall sound of the album. Vocally this song is great and definitely one of those songs that stood out.
Instruments: The guitar playing on this song is amazing and something that makes this ep come alive and honestly makes this song worth the listening too, the only issues with the song is that it’s not as long as it could be and it should be longer.

“Light The Sky”
This song happens to be the longest on this whole ep, lasting a good 4 minutes, not a bad thing kind of shows you more of the band’s sound and the cleans vocals are back, I really wish they’d give their clean vocalist more parts in their songs, his vocals make the songs a bit more better to listen to, and the offset with vocals are just brilliant if anything.
Cleans: The clean vocals show up once in the song, which is better than not showing up at all, right? They should give their clean vocalist more parts in their songs he rightfully deserves it he sort of makes their sound a bit more enjoyable to listen to.
Screams: The screamer is throughout the song, as usual. His vocals kind of have that metal core sound to them once again. His style really fits the metal core genre, but it also fits their sound fairly well as well. Kind of miss his really deep growls, wish he wouldn't have changed his vocal style at all.
Instruments: The good part of this long being longer than the rest is the instrument play, the instruments really do their best on this song and really make it worth listening to, the drumming couldn't have been more perfect to hear.  The guitar riffs are slightly better than the rest that you’ll hear on the ep, the guitar should have had a solo to make this song even better.

“Project Alive”
Last song on this ep, sadly it has to come to an end again, even though this wasn't their best ep, it sounded nothing like the first release, but they've grown up and matured a little bit within the time period, that’s the good thing about this ep, I’m hoping the next release has a mixture of both this and the first release in it, it’ll be sick thing to hear the screamers deep growls again mixed with his metal core style vocals. This song’s intro had really good guitar sounds to it, kind of makes the song better and draws your attention in quickly.
Screams: The screams really end of the ep in one of the best ways, he really gave it his all to do this whole ep, which is highly impressive minus the changes to his vocals, which I don’t think old fans will be very fond of it took me awhile to get used too. But to say the least overall he did an amazing job, stoked to see what comes out of this.
Instruments: The instruments on the song are a bit heavy and a bit soft, the guitar intros once again impress me a lot, I’m hoping this band only grows in their talents to make something even better on the next release.

Rating: 7/10
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My Ransomed Soul - Hour Glass

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Track list:
1. My Sadistic Beast
2. Hour Glass

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: As I Lay Dying, Norma Jean, Oh, Sleeper

Second release from My Ransomed Soul two songs that kind of show you what direction they’re going in, it’s not really that bad, just kind of different from their first release vocally and it’s not as heavy as it. If anything they went from a Death Metal band to a Metal band with deathcore style vocals. Their instrument play has gotten better from the first release though, which is always good for bands, they’re growing up and maturing in their careers, I can’t say this is a terrible release, but if you’re a fan of their first stuff, I don’t know how you’ll feel about this release it’s a bit different.

“Sadistic Beast”
First song on this two song ep, I’d have to say this was straight forward with their new sound, nothing is held back, you can hear how they've changed very quickly which is a plus and a downfall, their screams aren't as deep as they once were. The song isn't that bad in all honesty, kind of wish it was a little longer if anything.
Screams: The screams aren't as deep as they were on the first release, but it’s still better than  nothing, if anything the vocals improved to a metal fit.
Instruments: The instrument play isn't bad either they've gotten more of a flow to them than they had on the first release.

Last and second on this very small ep, the ep isn't that bad, it kind of gives you more of a feel to the next release. I really wish didn't change as much as they did, it’ll take a while to kind of get used to the changes for fans that really liked the first release a lot.
Screams: The screams sound low,  but not as low as they did on the first release at all, the screamer in my opinion, shouldn't have changed his style at all, it wasn't expected to hear the change at all on this small ep, but you’ll have to get used to it if you’re an old fan of the band.
Instruments: The instruments kind of got heavy on this song, not really a bad thing kind of going back to their roots from the first release, but if anything it doesn't sound like a death metal band anymore just a straight forward metal band, hoping the next release is a bit different.

Rating: 6/10
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Track list:
1. Inner Demons
2. HeartBeats
3. Dying Words
4. My Disease.

Genre: Metal
For Fans Of: Nile, Suffocation, At The Gates.

First release from My Ransomed Soul, I’d have to say it’s pretty heavy and has some nice vocal play in it, each song is a joy to listen too because of the different styles the vocalist uses and the you kind of never know what is next, and when it hits it’s unexpected which is a great to have when writing music, it kind of makes the listener curious what’s going to happen next in the song usually and have them listen to more of the song and probably the whole album if they really enjoy the song. I’d have to say for a first release the guys in My Ransomed Soul did brilliant.

“Inner Demon”
First song on the ep and it leads straight in with the vocalist doing his very high screams and continuing with his deep growls that only make his vocal range a bit different from bands in Death Metal. This song also has a very nice flow to it that kind of makes it so much better to listen to and it was something great and kind of showed you their sound on the first song, so you somewhat know what to expect on the other few songs on this ep.
Screams: His range is very diverse to listen to, his highs are in way spine chilling, his growls are pretty deep which is somewhat all death metals bands, but I’d have to say his vocals are a bit more deeper than usual bands in the genre, it’s not really a bad thing it’s always good to see the different type of vocals in a genre.
Instruments: The instrument play is pretty heavy, as they are in most of the genre, but this song has some nice drum play to it.

This happens to be one of the better songs on the ep, the vocals are a bit deeper than the last, and it’s a little bit heavier than the last and has a better flow to it. And it gives you more of a band’s sound since it’s longer.
Screams: The deep growls kind of got a little bit deeper than on the first song, the high vocals for the part they’re on this song are definitely a little bit higher than the last song.
Instruments: Right after the high screams part is where the instrument play gets really intense and kind of packs more of a punch to the song, the heaviness really comes from everything after it to keepm you more interested in the song.

“Dying Words”
This song kind of has cleans in it for a brief minute, but it was unexpected and pretty good, it the clean vocals really sound like a preachers voice a little bit. They show up twice in the whole song kind of wish they’d be more they are definitely a good addition to the songs for the little part they’re on the song, just kind of sucks they aren’t throughout the song.
Cleans: The clean vocals show up in this song, the voice of the clean vocals kind of offsets the vocals a little bit, not too bad just the voice sounds like a preachers or something of that sort, kind of wish the clean vocalist had his own part in the song
Screams: The screams are more in the song than cleans, as usual and the screams lead the song with his “go” at the beginning which was pretty nice to hear and it was different a little bit, the growls on this song sound deep, but not as deep as the song before this.
Instrument: This song has some nice riffs to it that kind of makes it more worth listening to the riffs are fairly good on this song as well.

“My Disease”
Sadly, all things must come to an end at some point, and this is the last song on this fairly good ep. There are more of the clean vocals on this song, he has a fairly good bit of parts on this song, the flow of the song is really good as well.
Cleans: The clean vocalist has a longer part than he did in the other song, which is good adds some diversity to the vocals, and gives the listener best of both worlds.
Screams: The screamer kind of has his mid-lows on this song which isn’t too bad, not as deep as they were in the other song, still really good for a vocalist in the genre.
Instrument: The guitar play is a bit better and so is the drums play, the flow of the song is great as well, really has a moshing type of vibe with it.

Rating: 6/10
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Before You Fall - Conceiver

Posted by Unknown On Friday, March 22, 2013

Track list:
1. Rotting in the Grave
2. Corruption
3. Through Our Eyes
4. J.C.J
5. Conceiver (Feat. Telle Smith)
6. The Gemini
7. Words I Wrote
8. City Of Shadow
9. Nowhere Else To Turn
10. Drowning In Your Addiction
11. Part-Time Alcoholic
12. You're Haskin For Trouble

Genre: Post-hardcore
For Fans Of: Attack Attack, The Word Alive, Pierce The Veil.

For what seems like forever, Before You Fall finally finished up their album, and I have to seriously say this is probably one of the best albums to come out in an un-signed bands in the history of hardcore. If it isn't the spine chilling breakdowns, the aggressive screams, the fairly high clean vocals, all of that tied into one album to make it sound something that won’t ever get boring or tiring to listen to after a while. Before You Fall took their time recording this album and hopefully it all pays off in the end for them, if this doesn't impress a label or their fan base I don’t know what will honestly, there isn't a single issue with this album, besides maybe the production a little bit but other than that there’s really nothing bad on the album. A Few songs that stand out on the album would have to be, Corruption, J.C.J, Conceiver, City Of Shadow, Part-Time Alcoholic. J.C.J is my favorite song on this album, for the reason of the lyrics and the heaviness it brings, you really see a side of Before You Fall, that you may have not thought possible the song is basically a hate song, who doesn't love that though? Vulgar lyrics to make it one of the best songs on the album, the song is pretty catchy too, especially if you have an ex-best friend who you hate. Conceiver is another great song on the album, for the reason of Telle Smith being one it, Before You Falls vocalist and Telle make a great team when it comes to a vocal that’s for sure, their screams together make a sound you can’t really explain but amazing. I don’t want to forget the clean vocalist, the clean vocalist is another great part of the songs on this album for his range, his range is pretty high and is seriously unexpected to hear in post-hardcore, but definitely worth hearing, I’d have to say with the three on a song there can be no wrong to it. This album has been in the works for at least a year and now it’s finally coming out March 23rd. Maybe, hopefully this is Before You Falls big break and to really boost up their careers in music and possibly land them a nice spot on a record label rooster and get them on a few tours.
Cleans: Their clean vocalist hasn't really changed from older releases, he still has his insanely high range and he kind of improved it up a little bit to make it a bit higher than it usually is which isn't a bad thing, if anything it makes the music more interesting and gives it a touch of intensity. Their clean vocalist is one of a kind and I don’t really think anyone could ever come close to copying his style and if so it wouldn't come any bit close to what you’d hear in Before You Fall, plus his flow in every song is right on with the sound, which makes his vocals even better.
Screams: Oh the screamer, remember his aggressive vocals in the EP and other two singles? Well it’s still there and even more aggressive, J.C.J is the one song you see this aggression the most, it’s not really a bad thing either, it just adds to the songs meaning and the lyrics plus the vocalist’s aggressive screams? Bingo great hate song. But back onto his screams, the screamer has one of those styles that don’t really fit in post-hardcore, it’s a bit more metalcore or even deathcore but it’s another thing that sticks in Before You Fall and something only they could pull off, I mean sure there may be other bands that can pull it off, but if they’re going to try to take Before You Falls style, I don’t think it’d really work out for them in the long run. Another song you kind of hear the vocalists heavy aggressive screams is Conceiver, it’s not there as much as it is in J.C.J. Also Telle Smith’s vocals fit perfectly with the sound that Before You Fall has,  and with that being said the screamer in Before You Fall’s and Telle’s screams end up making one of the bests scream teams to hit the post-hardcore’s unsigned scene.
Instruments: The instruments improved a bit as well as the clean vocals and screams, they've gotten a bit heavier and the breakdowns are in fact spine chilling in some of the songs. Sometimes you’ll hear something you may not have expected from Before You Fall. Instrumentally this album is pretty good, especially from them, I’d have to say from the amount of time it took them to record this album to its releasing they've explored their talents fairly well to make something vocally, instrumentally, lyrically great.

Rating: 10/10
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Howl - Bloodlines

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, March 21, 2013

Track list:
1. Attrition
2. Midnight Eyes
3. Demonic
4. One Last Nail
5. Down So Low
6. Your Hell Begins
7. With A Blade
8. Of War
9. The Mouth Of Madness
10. Embrace Your Nerve

Genre: Doom Metal
For Fans Of: Mastodon, Kylesa, High On Fire

Third release from Howl, coming out April 30th, this might as well be their best album to date, I’d have to say. Howl has some of their best vocals and guitar play on this album. They’re dropping 100LB of riffs on you, literally. Sadly, there are no 10 minute songs on this album they’re all around good length, 3 to 5 minutes long, with tons of guitar riffs, heavy drumming, great and loud vocals. The biggest improvement for this band would be the vocals are more in the songs then they were before, where you’d rarely ever hear the vocals, on this album you hear vocals longer in the songs and they didn't change up the solos in the songs, which is what really kept people listening to their songs, there are always great guitar solos and great riffs in every song they write for sure and if anything they only got a lot better from the older two releases they've put out. The vocals got a little less deep than you’d hear, but there are a few songs that have parts where the vocals are really deep and high, the offset with the vocals is something new for the band that’ll have fans wanting more. A few songs that kind of stick out on this album would have to be, Midnight Eyes, Your Hell Begins, With A Blade, The Mouth Of Madness. Midnight eyes really caught my attention with the vocals and the guitar riffs, the intro to the song is pretty heavy and right to the point, and the vocals are throughout the song. There are a lot of parts in the song where the guitar gets better and has a catchier riff. With A Blade happens to be the longest song on the album, coming in at 5 minutes of Doom Metal greatness. Out of all the songs on this album, I’d have to pick this as my favorite for the reason of the vocals, the lyrics, and the guitar solo is something else and the riffs are probably the thing that really caught my attention when first listening to the song, the song has a seriously great flow to it, the vocals only make the flow a lot better.
Screams: The vocals are more on this album then they were on the other two releases, they’re not as deep as they were on the two releases, but they've gotten higher in range as well as deep. The vocalist definitely makes it interesting and makes his vocals fit with the sound of the instruments and go along with the flow of the song which is always a plus for their sound.
Instruments: The instrument play got a lot better on this album, the riffs improved and the drumming got a little bit better, heavier also. This band really explores their talents and builds onto it, and show how they've matured on every album and I hope they only really continue to do so on future releases, to make them better and sound different from the last release. 

Rating: 9/10

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Howl - Full Of Hell

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Track list:
1. Horns Of Steel
2. You Jackals Beware
3. Gods In Broken Men
4. Asherah
5. Jezebel
6. Heavenless
7. The Scorpion's Last Sting
8. Parish Of The Obscene
9. The Day Of Rest
10. Oma
11. And The Gnawing
12. Kings That Steal

Genre: Doom Metal
For Fans Of: Mastodon, Kylesa, High On Fire

Second release from Howl which also happens to be their first album, I’d have to say this album has more from the vocalist then the ep did.  They've improved a lot from the ep also, instrument and vocal wise. The guitar play got a lot better I’d have to say, there’s never a dull moment on this album everything really keeps your attention on them lyrically, instrumentally and vocally, But when it comes to guitar riffs, Howl is one of those bands that has probably the best sounding riffs you’ll hear, and even the solos are powerful and very common on this album which will have people that play guitar more into it. A few of the songs that stick out on this album would have to be, Gods In Broken Men, Jezbel, Heavenless, The Day Of Rest. I really don’t know if people have complained about the songs titles yet, but the song names seem very controversial. Gods In Broken Men happens to be the second shortest song on the album and the song that I think really packs a punch in the intro and really gets your attention drawn right there, the guitar solo on this song has with really heavy drumming which is really nice, then right after that the vocals come in sort of high in range. The Day Of Rest, longest song on the whole album, a whole 10 minutes of Doom Metal goodness for your ears, if anything this songs intro is pretty catchy with its guitars, it’s not very bad length either, I mean 10 minutes isn't too long, when it has some great solos and some amazing riffs in the song along with deep vocals and seriously good drumming to go with it, with such a great over all sound to it I think this song should have been a little bit longer than it should it is already. I kind of wish the album didn't stop at 9 songs, I really want to hear more from howl in the future.
Screams: The vocals improved a bit from the ep, they’re more on the album, also they are more vocals in the songs then they were on the ep, which rarely had any vocals on the songs and when it did it wasn't for very long, they definitely changed up a bit from that which is really good and it does make them sound a bit better, the vocalist is really good at his growl type vocals and it’s something that people would really enjoy listening too, but the guitar riffs are what really bring in the listeners I’d have to say.
Instruments: Their instrument play improved, a lot, the guitars seem to have gotten a lot better than they were on the ep and they've definitely improved with their overall sound which has gotten only more heavier and brutal than it has soft, which is something that’s always a plus when bands mature, I kind of like the direction Howl is going and if they get even heavier on the next release it may as well be my favorite.

Rating: 8/10
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Howl - Howl

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Track list:
1. Oma
2. And The Gnawing
3. Kings That Steal

Genre: Doom Metal
For Fans Of: Mastodon, Kylesa, High On Fire

First ever release from Howl, this 3 song ep ended up getting them signed to Relapse records, which is kind of impressive for a band to do with only three songs. If you’re a guitar person, you’ll love Howl they have a lot of great guitar play and some really unique riffs. This band’s songs aren't really bad for length either, there’s usually a solo or two in their songs which kind of really keep the song going and keep the listener listening to the song, something very well done. One thing I think Howl could work on is using a bit more vocals than guitar and instrument play. Other than the factor of more instruments less vocals, they’re a fairly great band and for people that like guitar solos. This band is definitely for you.

First song on their three song ep, which oddly enough this is the shortest song on the whole ep, something I found weird considering the whole song was basically guitar solos and some vocals, not a whole lot with the vocals but when the vocals are on they’re pretty deep growls, who doesn't love that though? This band packs a punch when it comes to guitar solos and riffs.
Screams: The screams, for the most part are deep growls that come at you. The vocal effects at the end of the song were highly unexpected.
Instruments: There’s a lot more instrument play than vocals on this song, which I do enjoy, some really great guitar riffs and an overall sound that really matches the vocals really well, there’s not a part in this song that doesn't even up with the vocals.

“And The Gnawing”
Longest song on the ep, second one too, tons of great guitar play and drum play on this song I have to say, this song could only be a bit better if there were more vocals, not trying to say a lot of instrument play is a bad thing, but the vocals really make up the song and make it a bit more intense to listen to.
Screams: Once more, there are not really a lot of vocals on this song, but when there is, it’s the vocalists deep growls, or his highs that rarely show up in the song, when it does it’s somewhat near the end of the song.
Instruments: A lot of great instrument play on this song, which ends up making it longer than first one. The guitar play on this song is really what makes it stand out on the whole ep and makes it one of my favorite songs on the ep because of the guitar play.

“Kings That Steal”
The songs name is interesting I’ll have to give them that. The song happens to be the second longest song on the ep, this has a bit better intro to it than the other ones did. The flow is a bit better and the guitar riffs have a better flow to them than the other songs as well. Only thing I’d wish they would have done in this song was add more vocals to it.
Screams: Very little screams on this song, sadly. But when they randomly pop up it’s really unexpected to hear and makes the song even better to listen to.
Instruments: The guitar play on this song is somewhat the best, I’d have to say. There’s a bit more of a flow to them then there was on the other two songs.

Rating: 7/10
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Shout London - Shout London

Posted by Unknown On Monday, March 18, 2013

Track list:
1. Figure It Out
2. Don't You Dare
3. Give Me A Chance
4. A Little bit Longer
5. The Fight

Genre: Acoustic
For Fans Of: Artist Vs Poet, NeverShoutNever, D At Sea.

I’m not really huge into the whole acoustic scene of music, but there are some bands that are really worth listening to, and Shout London has to be one of those bands that support that pretty well. Shout London definitely has his talents down and knows how to sing pretty well, the overall sound is great with his vocals I’d have to say. The lyrics are definitely a huge factor that makes this ep a bit better to listen to and makes the songs have some meaning behind them which is probably the biggest thing bands need now a days, Shout Landon definitely knows how to write a good song as well. The main thing that sucks about the ep is that songs are short, and it’s a really short ep to listen to.

“Figure It Out”
First song on the ep and it definitely is one of the best ways for him to start off this ep, the lyrics, the overall sound is just something that all comes together and makes something worth listening to and something worth wild in the acoustic genre.
Cleans: His cleans have a really nice flow to them, and it sounds pretty good his range isn't too high or too low, just kind of right.
Instrument: the acoustic guitar play is pretty nice, the drums behind it plus the vocals really make the song come alive and do it some justice.

“Don’t You Dare”
The song’s lyrics are really nice and they’re kind of catchy, if they ever play a show live this would be the song I’d want to hear from them the most, out of everything else this might be the one song I’ll listen to over and over again because of the lyrics, you can somewhat relate on this song.
Cleans:  His vocals somewhat sound like they do on the last song, same range and sound, his range kind of gets lower in a few moments on the song, his voice is what really makes the vocals stick out to be honest.
Instruments: The song has a nice acoustic type of an intro to it, the it’s kind of soft until the drums come in and kind of make the song better, the song is kind speedy with the instruments, it kind of sucks because it’s a good song it’s just too short.

“Give Me A Chance”
I’m pretty sure most people will listen to this song first or second because of the song title, because they’ll think they can relate to the song or it’s going to have some great lyrics and a catchy tune behind it, which it does. Almost everything Shout London has written on this EP has a great tune and some really nice lyrics to the songs.
Cleans:  His vocals kind of change a bit in this song but he still does his thing and doesn’t make it boring or change it horribly he does the change perfectly to fit with sound and his range
Instruments: The guitar at the beginning kind of has that sound to draw you into the song, and the guitar play is great on the song, the sound behind his vocals make the song really come at you and come alive which is something he’s really good and it’s really impressive.

“A Little Bit Longer”
As soon as the song started I thought it was going to be an acoustic song without anything else, then came this techno bit and had me wondering how the song will sound like fully, so I listened to it more and this song’s lyrics are sort of deep, well not sort of they are deep, in a way it kind of reminded me a love song.
Cleans: I think this song may have the most emotion behind it honestly he shows it pretty well, and definitely makes the song come alive and shows that the lyrics are serious and if this is a love song it sounds like he’s singing it to whoever this is meant for.
Instruments: The vibe was kind of sad the instruments were giving off, but it only matched the vocals to be honest which was really good because the emotion in the vocals was definitely there.

“The Fight”
Last song and this also happens to be the longest song on the whole ep, it has a really good intro to it, I think he might have made this song longer and the last one to get you to listen to it again, which if so it wasn't really a bad idea and it definitely worked for me, I probably played the ep a few times after the first time listening to, it’s something that’s really good and I can only hope the best for these guys in their careers they definitely do deserve everything they’ll be given. I hope to see these guys end up getting bigger and get signed and do some shows and write a full-length in their future of being Shout London.
Cleans: This song kind of has some heavy emotions to it, it sounds like it does, but to be honest it kind of sounds like he’s rushing the song with his vocals, I’m glad it’s the longest song though, his vocal tone and the emotion it seems like he’s trying to give off kind of helps the song with its lyrics. The vocalist of Shout London is definitely one of a kind and has a lot of talent with his vocals, even when he’s trying to give an emotion off it’s there with his vocals which is really impressive to hear in such a small acoustic band, he might be one of the best I've heard in this genre.
Instruments: The instruments really help out the vocals with the vibe and the emotions part, there isn’t just a guitar on this song either and a drum set, there’s a bit more effects added to make the song even better to listen to.

Rating: 9/10
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Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Attack Attack, The Word Alive, Pierce The Veil.

Before You Fall covered a really crappy pop song and they actually made it worth listening too, now I’m not going to bash Maroon 5, be let’s be honest the song isn't the best but it is pretty catchy to listen to. But before you fall did the song some justice and improved it and made it sound a bit different. It’s still pretty catchy but the instruments definitely change it up a bit in a good way, the drumming on this song is definitely something else and something very talented, the drumming might be the one thing that’ll really catch the listener’s attention and the guitar play a bit.  The only problem on this song would probably be the production of it, but other than that nothing else is wrong, the screams have some aggressive to them, but honestly, who doesn't love that? Even with the fairly poor production the song came out greatly I’d have to say, I kind of want another cover song from these guys soon, they did a great job on this, who knows what they could do on another song? Or if they ever wanted a cover ep, oh the glory that would be!
Cleans: The clean vocals kind of try to get the range of the maroon 5’s singer, comes somewhat close but it’s not fully there, definitely has a great sound to it though and something that makes the cover come alive more.
Screams: The screams are somewhat aggressive to listen to on this, I didn't think it really fit with the song but they’re still pretty good and it doesn't leave out the other vocalist on the song.
Instruments: The drumming…. Oh Boy, the drummer does some work on this song and you can hear it very well it’s a bit insane how good and loud the drumming is on this song, it’s probably the main thing that kind of sticks out on this album, surely something worth listening to though.

Rating: 3/5
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Before You Fall - By Your Side

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, March 17, 2013

Genre: Post Hardcore
For Fans Of: Attack Attack, The Word Alive, Pierce The Veil.

Before You Fall wrote this after releasing their ep, the production got a little bit better and they've matured a little bit I’d have to say the song was actually pretty good with the little techno elements added to it and the guitar getting a little bit faster. This is definitely one of their better songs to listen to. There’s a part a little bit after the beginning where the vocals speed up and it’s probably one of the best things in this whole song to really listen to, it really stands out when you listen it the song. I’d also have to say another huge thing that sticks out would be the techno/dubstep effect in the song but it really does catch your attention when you listen to the song and it’s not expected at first. Something else that really caught my attention the was right after the clean vocals the screamer comes right in and makes the song heavy again, The main downfall of the song is the production could be a little bit better, but the song still came out heavy and great for the most part, definitely showed how they matured from the ep and somewhat shows you the direction they’re going in to make this next release if they have one better than the last one.
Cleans: The clean vocals kind of have one big part in the song the range is pretty high which is what you can really expect from before you fall it’s one of their main factors that help makes them stick out in their gene.
Screams: Their screamer definitely shows his aggression on this song, the beginning of the song where his vocals kind of speed up really catches the listeners attention and was something a bit different from the screamer.
Instruments: The instruments proved a lot, the speeding up with the guitars near the beginning of the song did some good for them to make the song seem more interesting to the listener.

Rating: 4/5
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