Being As An Ocean -Dear G-d

Posted by Unknown On Friday, March 15, 2013

Track list:
1. Nothing, Save The Power They're Given
2. Dear G-d
3. The Hardest Part Is Forgetting Those You Sore You Would Never Forget
4. This Loneliness Won't Be The Death Of Me
5. The Sea Always Seems To Put Me At Ease
6. Salute E Vita
7. It's Really Not Complicated As You're Making It Out To Be.
8. Humble Servant, Am I
9. The Room Is Alive
10. We Will Never Be The Same
11. If They're Not Counted, Count Me Out

Genre: Melodic Hardcore
For Fans Of: Climates, Heart In Hand, Counterparts.

Debut album from Being As An Ocean, this band shakes hardcore to its own core, they have a really unique type of a sound which is pretty new to hardcore bands, the song’s lyrics are deep in their own sense. This album came out pretty good though I’d have to say, this was one of those releases I couldn’t tell if I wanted to buy it or not, but I did end up buying it and it was a great decision on my part. This band honestly kinds of stands out in their own way, their vocal styles are new and different and something that caught me off guard. I’d have to say their cleans and screams, honestly make them a lot better than most hardcore bands and the ranges on both are in a way different than other bands A few songs that kind of stood out on this album would have to be, Dear G-d, Salute e Vita, Humble Servant, I Am, We Will Never Be The Same. Dear G-d is the title track on this album and probably my personal favorite song on the album, the screamers vocal style is something that makes this song really enjoyable to listen to and it definitely has it’s originality behind it. The lyrics are kind of hard hitting as well as the vocalist emotions behind his vocals, something that’s highly enjoyable to listen in a song. Another song that’s kind of like this is Salute e Vita. This whole album definitely has a lot of great lyrics in it and some really good song structuring to make this album sound even greater.
Cleans: The clean vocalist shows up in a lot of the songs, his range and style is different to hear, but makes it more worth the listen to because at first you had no idea what it was going to sound like and once you hear them, your jaw dropped.
Screams: The screamer is in all of the song, his style kind of makes it sound like he’s yelling more than screaming in a sense, but still his style is kind of different to hear from a lot of bands, even though the yelling style is used a lot in hardcore than almost any genre, still one of the best voices behind it.
Instruments: The instruments for the most part are soft, but there’s some hard parts on the album just more soft.

Rating: 10/10
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