Sinners To Saints - The Greatest Of These

Posted by Unknown On Monday, March 25, 2013

Track list:
1. Altar Ego
2. Angels & Demons
3.  The World's Collapse
4. Fractures
5. Vanquisher
6. Life, Like Statues
7. Testify
8. Vessels
9. Peace/Keeper
10. The Greatest Of These
11. Charisma
12. In Spite Of You

Genre: Metalcore
For Fans Of: My Ransomed Soul, For Today, As I Lay Dying.

First album from Sinners To Saints, I was somewhat impressed with their debut ep. They kind of grown up and matured since then, the production on this album is lot better than the ep’s production. They've also grown to see their talents, which is really nice, you can hear how the vocalist got better with his style and made something fit a little bit more than it did with their sound, you can also hear how the vocals kind of influence the overall sound of the songs. I mean this album isn't like, something that’s the best thing ever to come out, but for a first release it’s definitely something to listen to I was somewhat impressed with this album because the ep kind of made me excited for another release from the band. A few songs that kind of stick out on this album would probably be, Angels & Demons, Fractures, Life, Like Statues, Peace//keeper, and In Spite Of You. I’d have to Fractures kind of stood out the most on this album because of Garret Rapp from The Color Morale featuring on this song, his vocals and screamer of the band together really made something brilliant and something worth listening to over and over again, there isn't any problem with that song, I was actually surprised that Garret would do guest vocals, now I can say I hope he does some more guest vocals in his career of being a vocalist, and I hope to see the screamer of this band do some guest vocals in his future. Life, Like Statues was another song that caught me off guard not only do I like the name of the song, but the song came out really well and I’d have to say the song is one of my favorites from this band. In Spite Of You, this band did so much better on this album than they did on their debut ep, they've really grown up and matured with their talents, you can hear how they've gotten better in every song, which is really good. They also did something they did on the debut ep they had a really good intro and an even better outro to the album. If anything I hope this band ends up making it big in their careers, I really do, I can see the potential in these guys and I can tell you they do have what it takes, if they keep releasing music that sounds good like this album did.
Cleans: There are not a lot but some clean vocals on this album but they’re kind of expectedly placed so you won’t know what songs have clean vocals, what song don’t have clean vocals, and when you hear them it’ll sort of catch you off guard
Screams: Well, you’ll hear the screams a lot on this album, you can hear how the screamer has gotten better from the debut ep, it’s really clear how he’s kind of changed his style and improved his vocals to fit a bit better with the band’s sound, and to be honest the screams are one reason I like this band, even though the style is kind of generic they manage to make the best out of it and spice it up and just make it into something really worth hearing and listening to. I can only hope this band looks more into their talents and only makes their music better and better. If they do I’ll surely stay a fan of this band for a long time to come.
Instruments: The instruments and the overall sound has improved a lot, the drummer has gotten better and in a way a bit heavier than he was on the debut ep, he definitely took some time to learn some new stuff, they all did, the guitar riffs stick out on a lot of the songs on this album, it’s not really a bad thing to search your talents and get better, it just means nothing from you will sound the same. I can only hope this band gets better and better with each release they have, one thing from this album I've kind of noticed, is that the vocals influence the instrument play a little bit. Which is something really neat to hear, I don’t think I've heard this much but I’m glad I did on this release.

Rating: 9/10
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